Page name: SB WAR [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-25 04:58:19
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Made by [shadows of life]



[This RPG has been restarted ^^]

The New Story So Far

Armond Turrner was turned to a vampire in 1431 by Remus Marksin, part of the royal black blood lines of the vampires. He had five children and a wife before that, and he resented what had happened to him.

Years many years later in 1996 his son, Maximus Turrner was born a full vampire. He’s the first born vampire in 20, 000 years. Right after his birth Remus put out a law that all born vampires must be killed since they are too troublesome for the vampire world in the past. Armond didn’t want to lose a sixth child so he went to James and Hope two humans who knew of Vampires and asked for their help.

[More to come when Michelle and I figure it out XD]


1. All sex must go here---->SB WAR-R&R ROOM (Be warned that there is a password to view this wiki, so please ask for the password).
2. If your characters are going to skip time just put down (~) for skip time. This was [WASHACKED] choice ^^
3. No being mean to each other.
4. Don't worry about spelling but please use proper English, no text talk.
5. If your character's are going to fight, please go on the SB WAR-BATTLE on this page.
6. All characters must go here----->SB WAR-Characters

Please look on SB WAR- LSB TALK., for more information about SB's(supernatural beings) , it's where you can find out more about them and what they can do. All you have to do is leave a question about an SB and I will answer it you. ^^

For more information on the Turrner family, just click here--->The Turrner family tree

For more information on the Lapen family, just click here--->SB Lapen Clan

Too see all the dead SB WAR characters then click here--->Dead SB WAR characters

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2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rubin looked at Armond more."I thought you died."

Armond sighed."I thought you where dead."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned more and looked at Armond, "Uncle Armond I thoght you said you didn't ever have kids?"

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Not in this lifetime."

Rubin chuckles."He dosen't know about you, dose he father?"

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at them, "Know what?" He looked at Armond than to rubin

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond growled a little."Rubin."he snapped.

Rubin smirked."Oh this is rich."He chuckles."He looked at Max your uncle is a vampire."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and looked at Armond with wide eyes his jaw droping hiw own fangs where fully out

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rubin chuckles."And so are you."he pointed to his fangs.

Armond growled at his oldest son."Rubin enough!"he snapped.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him, "He;s not a vampire and nether am bloody I there not real." He snapped like Armond just did

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rubin laughed."Oh this is just too good. You know it was worth being a slayer."

Armond frowned."You are slayer?"

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rubin nodded."Course I am. I've been hunting Lilly for past god I don't how many years."

Armond frowned."Lilly? What happened to your sister?"

Rubin made a face."She isn't my sister not since she became a vampire."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned more and looked at Armond, "Uncle armond can we please go....." He begged

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond frowned."Just a second Maximus." he grabed Rubin and shook him."Where is Lilly?" snapped.

Rubin laughed."If I knew where she was she would just be ash in the wind."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at Armond and looked at Rubin

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond growls."Rubin Turrner I am giving you a warning here and you better listen; Go and never come back."

Rubin chuckles."Now father why on earth would I do that?"

A girl that looks 18 years old stood 5 yards from them. Her hair was like pale blue moonlight but really it was silver, she was like a very beauitful little doll. She watched them, she looked at Max. Do not fear, little one I shall keep Rubin from you. she sent to his mind as her hair blew lightly in th wind.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and turned to her he frowned looking at her

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilly smiles softly at him.

Armond shook Rubin."Because I am your father that's why!"

Rubin chuckles."You have not been a father to me not since you left us."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowened and looked at Armond and Rubin he frowned at Armond never seeing him like this, "Armond, please...." He begged a bit scared

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilly moved her hand a little and the bell on her bracelet jiggled a little.

Armond was about to snap at Rubin but he heard the bell and turned his head to Lilly."Lilly..."he blinked and let go of Rubin.

Rubin looked at Lilly."Sister." he pointed his gun at her.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and seeing he was between Lilly, and Rubin's gun he backed up against a tree with a frown, he closed his eyes not waiting to see Armond mad any more.

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilly looked at Rubin and nodded."Brothers, father." her voice was calm and kinda like music.

Armond just looked at Lilly with shock."You...look like your mother." he grabed Rubin's gun and snapped it in half.

Rubin yelped."Hey!"

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max's eyes shot open when she said brothers he frowned at her

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilly nodded."You have not changed, my father." she looked at Max."You not be scared, Maximus. You'll know the truth soon."she smiles softly.

"Lilly...don't."Armond said with a frown.

Rubin growled."It's so on sis."he ran after her.

Lilly waved bye to them."Until we meet again, Father brothers." she smiles and runs away as Rubin follows her.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and frowned watching her go he closed his eyes tightly thinking he was dreaming and trying to wake up as he shook a bit

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond took a step forward."Lilly..."he whispered with a frown then he looked at Max."Come on lets get you back to your mum and dad." he took Max's arm.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max hugged Armond tightly shaking a bit he hid his face in Armond's shirt

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond hugged him back tightly.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max sniffed and held on to him, "Why did she call me brother?"

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond froze."No...reason."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and looked up at him, "What did she mean?"

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Come on lets get you home." he pulled from Max and took his arm and walked threw the woods.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and pulled away from Armond, "What did she mean? You three are always hidding things from me." He snapped

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Not now Maximus."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Why not now?"

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Because it's not the right time."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Than when is? Why are you guys hiding these things from me?"

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."True me you really do not want to know."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Why do you guys get to pick what I want to know and don't want to."

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles."Because the truth is dark and dangous."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him he opened his mouth and saw his back pack on the ground along with his cell he picked them up and started away from Armond

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed and ran after Max."Maximus wait."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max, "No." He called her hind him

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond caught up with him and pulled him into a hug."You really want to know why?"

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and looked up at him, "Yes."

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond knelt on the ground and looked up at Max."The reason I never seem to age to you is because I'm a vampire and I'm your father. And that girl and boy are your sister and brother."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and looked at him

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond look Max in the eyes."I am telling you the truth,Maximus. Your real name is Maximus Turrner." he sighed."I'm sorry but I had to give you up before the other vampires found out because you see born vampires are against the law but I just couldn;'t kill my son."he put his hands on Max's shoudlers.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and bit and hugged Armond barring his face in Armond;s neck

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond hugged him back tightly.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max sniffed and held on to him

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him close."We have to go before Rubin comes back."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "OK, and I found my birth cirficite (sp) like a two years ago I knew."

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond blinked."What?"

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "In a box in the addict where was a bunch of my baby stuff in it and piures of me that where replaced by ones when I grew older and it was in there your name under the fathers signuture and nothing under the mothers."

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."I'm sorry I never told you."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Why hadn't you I mean I get the protect part but why not like I could have lived with mum and ad and I could still have knowen. I mean I spent all my time with you manly."

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."I know but if you knew what you where the other vampires would kill you because you are the first born vampire in 1000 years."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and nodded a bit still unsure about the vampire thing

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."We have to back to Hope and James's house just incase Lilly couldn't keep Rubin away."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "OK."

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond stood up and held Max close as he teleported to Hope and james's living room."James! Hope!"

Hope ran down the stairs and into the living room."Armond...Max."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked

James ran in the room, "Armond, why the bloody hell did you take him from school!"

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."I saved him from Rubin, who is now a slayer."

Hope gasped."I thought...Rubin was dead?"

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: James frowned he pulled Max from Armond and hugged him

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope knelt on the ground and she kissed Max's head."Oh pup are you hurt?"she frowned.

Armond sighed."Hope he isn't hurt."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and pulled away, "I'm fine ok."

James, "What's on your shirt, pudding did the kids mess with you agin."

Max frowned and shugged.

James sighed, "Maximus get in the shower than we need to talk."

max frowned, "No tell me now."

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope frowned as she took Max's hands in hers."Pup we're moving."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Where are the four of us moving??"

James frowned and looked at hope.

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope squeezed Max's hands gently."Your uncle is staying here."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and looked at Armond than back to them, "What but..."

James, "Kiddo we allready talked out this your going your uncle is staying."

Max pulled away from Hope, "No no no you guys cant make me."

James frowned, "Where your parents yes we can." He snapped

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope frowned."I'm sorry pup."

Armond sighed."Hope, James he knows the truth."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: James looked at Armond with a frown

Max bit his lip and looked down

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope looked at Armond."What? You...told him?"she frowned then she looked at Max."I'm so sorry pup."

Armond sighed."He was getting hunted by Rubin and then Lilly showed up and called him her brother."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: Max bit his lip

James frowned, "I'm sorry Maximus."

Max shugged and headed up to his room, "I'm still not going." He called and closed his door

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope frowned and looked down.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: James frowned and looked at Hope than Armond knowing that he had to leave for this job or he whould be fired and that hope stayed at home all the time. He knew it was probley the time Armond whould take Max.

Max pulled off his shirt and dug thogh his dresser

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."I'll let you talk to him."he teleported to work.

Hope just sat on the floor heartbroken.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: James frowned and sat by her

Max took a shower

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope leaned on James."We're goint to lose him."

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: James nodded with a frown

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope cryed a little.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: James held her

Max got out of the shower a bit later he frowned and rubbed his jaw as he layed in bed

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope curled up to James as she cryed.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: James held her

Max fell to sleep

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope stopped crying but she held onto James tightly.

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: James, "Come on love, let's get some sleep and we;ll figure this out in the morning."

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope nodded."Okay." she stood up

2010-03-20 [WASHACKED]: James nodded and got up he walked her to there room and kissed her head, "I'm going to talk with Max."

2010-03-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope nodded."Okay love."she got changed for bed.

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded he went to Max's room and nocked.

Max moaned and sat up, "Yeah?"

James came in and closed the door, "Your going Maximus, that's final we all talked about this already."

Max frowned, "No I'm not I;m staying here in London I can stay with Armond."

James, "No you can't your coming with us he may have been your birth father but we raised you."

Max frowned, "Yeah thats why he drove me to me first day of school all my doctors apointments, he pulled out me first like ten teeth cause I wouldn't, taught me how to ride a bike cheacked over my homework, way more than you ever did. He just stopped after you guys had that fight like two mouths ago. Now he does less than you so he doesnt get you mad and you still do what you did before. Nothing." Max snapped. [XD enter Armond.... XD sorry he always shows up at those moments no right before tecnally. XD]

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope crawled into bed and sighed.

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: James frowned and grabed Max;s arm tightly and pulled him to him, "Your going and that's final, got that."

Max glared at him

James shook him a bit and being so mad back handed him, "Your going wether you like it or not." He pushed Max to his bed and walked out

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope frowned as she layed in bed.

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and bit his lip from to not say anything he grabbed a bag once he herd James walk in his room and shoved his things in it.

James walked in and smiled at her a bit than changed

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope smiles."hey how is he?"

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: James, "He's well he's being Max and put up a fight like Armond after rest he'll be worse tomarrow."

max frowend and finshed putting his things in his bag and clibed out on the window legue and bit his lip holding on to the house

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope nodded."Okay. Come bed love." she held her arms out to him.

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded and layed down by her,

Max bit his lip and jumped to the tree by his window he smiled and jumped down from the tree

[Back :D I think you did log out of Yahoo so Im writting it here XD]

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond was at work.

Hope smiles as she curls up against his side, she layed her head on his shoulder."What a week this has been. I just hope we don't lose our son."she whispers.

Rubin lost Lilly in the middle of the woods."I'll find you Lilly and I kill you."he chuckles.

Lilly was walking around town, humming softly.

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded and held her, "Me too."

Max started to Armond's house and he pulled out Armond's house key that he was giving a almost two years ago it he ever needed a a place to get away.

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond worked more.

Hope held onto him tightly."I'm scared James."

Rubin seached the woods.

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max went to Armond's house and unlocked the door shuting it behind him and locking it he set down his bag and went to Armond's room grabing the blanket on the bed he held it and went to Armond's favorit chair and layed down falling to sleep.

James, "Me too, now let's get some sleep love."

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Hope nodded."Okay."she closed her eyes as she held onto him tightly.

Armond teleported back home after a a while.

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max was asleept still in Armond's chair he was curled up and shivering cause the blant fell off him and on the floor.

James smiled and kissed her head than fell to sleep

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond saw Max."Maximus."he frowned.

Hope fell asleep.

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max mummbed a bit and rolled oved in the chair he had a bruse where James had hit him on his check shaped like James;s hand.

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond saw the mark."maximus wake up."he shook him lightly

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max opened his eyes, "Yeah?" He asked and yawned

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond frowned."What are you doing here?"

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max sat up, "I don't know James hit me cause he was mad so I got mad and came here." He said half asleep

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond frowned more."James...hit you?"

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and rubbed his eyes, "Well he grabed me arms and shook me than hit me and tossed me on my bed." He yawned

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond could feel slow rage building up inside of himself."I see. Are you okay now?"

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded rubbing his eyes, "He hits like a girl." He yawned

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckled.

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Sorry for coming over but you had given me that house key to here a while ago and it was sleep here or end up hitting him cause I was mad."

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."I understand, Maximus."

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and yawned he pulled Armond's blankt from the ground and wraped him self in it, "And I stole your blankt and favorit chair cuz they soft."

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles."Thats fine."

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and curled up on the chair, "You really going to let them take me to the states?"

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Yes."

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Why?"

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond frowned."Because I don't want you in my world of blood and death. You saw Rubin how mad he has gotten but Lilly..."he shook his head a little."I don't want you to get hurt because of my mistakes."

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "But I really don't want to go, yeah I mean if you came yeah but that's cause I may call James dad but only cuse thats what I was told when I was little, you you where still my dad, you taught me to ride a bike, took me to my first day of school and every day after that and alot of other stuff, I just lived with them really."

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Be that as it may, your going."

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: MAx frowned at him he opened his mouth than closed it and nodded looking down

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed and sat on the sofa."Look my life, as a vampire is not like what you see in hollywood. "

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max rose an eyebrow, "Dude you live in London, and work in an office when your off your usally here or with me. Yeah I kinda figured that out."

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles sadly."But that is during the day. The night is a whole different story."

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him he got up and went and sat by Armond, "Is that why you stopped letting come and sleep over or you sleep over at the house?"

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."Yes it is."

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Than what do you do at night?"

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shook his head. "You don't want to know."

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him, "Armond, if I am a vampire like you say woun't I be draged in it one day?"

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."No you won't be in danger because I have set up alot of protection for you. What happened with Rubin and Lilly was...well it was a nightmare."

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him, "But it could happen again, nightmares happen more than people like."

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."I know."

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned but cuddled up to him and closed his eyes

2010-03-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond put his arm around Max.

2010-03-21 [WASHACKED]: Max cuddled to him more and yawned pulling the blankt closer

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armnd held him close.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max fell to sleep in a few minutes cuddling to Armond

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him as he thinks.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max sleept more :D

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond didn't sleep, he was too busy thinking about Rubin, Lilly and Max.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: [Time skip morning.]

Max yelped and jumped awake from a nightmare

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond blinked from his thoughts as he looked at Max and he held him close to him."Shhhh...your okay."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max shook and cryed in to Armond;s shirt

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him and just let him cry.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max cryed in armond's shirt more, "Don't make me go, what if another slayer comes please don't." He said as he cryed

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."I just want a normal life for you, with Hope and James."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max siffed and shook holding on to Armond, "Than come please..."

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shook his head."Not until I find out why Lilly and Rubin are here. I need to know what happened to my son and daughter."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max sniffed and nodded feeling bad about asking now cause Armond's kids where here

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."It shouldn't take too long but I...nevermind."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "But you what?"

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."I'm not sure."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him he opened his mouth than closed it he glanced at his watch, "I'm gonna go walk home before mum and dad get up. He moved from Armond and got up going to the frount door and pulling on his shoes

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."I'll teleport you." he stood up and walked to Max.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max, "No I wanna walk." He said as he tied his shoes

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."Just be careful and watch out for Lilly and Rubin."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded a bit and got up he grabed his bag and walked out with a wave he shut the door

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed as he walked back to the den.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned as he walked looking down at his shoes and not paying much attion

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sat down and looked into the fire place.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max walked and bumped into someone. [XD twist time.] Max blinked, "Sorry."

Remus turned and looked at him he smiled seeing who he looked like and a hint of Max's fangs when he talked

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond waved his hand over the fireplace and black fire appeared.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Remus, "It's alright Maximus." He grabed him and covered his mouth pulling him in an alley. Armond, guess what ran into me. He said in his head and set a mental image of Max struggling in his arms.

Max frwoned and pulled more he tryed to reach the cell in his pocket but couldn't

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond blinked."Remus."he growled and ran out his house.

Lilly watched Remus from across the street, with a frown as the wind gently rang the bell on her bracelet.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and saw Lilly he frowned and kicked Remus leg.

Remus chukled, "Now boy don't hurt me I'm your father's maker tecnally your grandfather, and you where something not to be born."

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilly flicked her wrist and Max's appeared next to her. Then she looked at Remus and blinked as he got blasted into the alley wall."Are you okay, brother? or do you wish for me to call you Maximus?" she said softly.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked at her, "Fine." He mubbed. "And Max is fine." He really only let Armond call him Maximus.

Remus growled and hit the back wall he got up and glared looking at them he blasted a black fireball at them

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilly nodded."Very well then, Max." she looked at the black fireball and blinked at it as it flew back at Remus.

Armond ran up to Lilly and Max."Maximus..."he stopped running."Lilly."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max glanced at Armond he frowned a bit seeing him only looking at Lilly.

Remus moved out of the way and growled he tealported beside Max and pulled him to him coving Max's mouth and griping the other hand around Max's throght

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilly flicked her wrist and Max appeared in front of Armond."Go father and take Max with you. I shall deal with Remus."

Armond nodded and grabed max and teleported him back to his house.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max closed his eyes and held on to Armond.

Remus rose an eyebrow at her, "You know I hate all you Turrners; oh and that boy it's law for him to be dead..... and he shall." He smiled and telaported away

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilly sighed."And so it begains."she walks away.

Armond held him close.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and opened his eyes he glanced around as he held on to Armond he let out a breath seeing they where at Armond's house.

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him close."We have to go, now."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Where? Why? WHo was that?" He looked up at Armond his face blankt but his eyes showed she was scared

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."I have a place in the south of France we can live there."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked at him and just nodded a little

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."And because that man was Remus the bastord that made me."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and nodded, "You didn't want to be made?"

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."I was turned into a vampire. I was not born one."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him knowing what he ment but felt like an insult pinned to him he nodded with a frown

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."Now to the south of France."he teleported there.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max closed his eyes again

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond relaxed a little."Here we are."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max opened his eyes and looked around a bit

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond let go of Max and waved his hand over the fireplace and blackfire appeared in it.

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max glanced around a bit

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sat down on the sofa."Now you can ask me all the questions you have."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max sat down on a chair he blinked as alot of questions went in his head, "Why are born vampires like not aloud?"

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Because they are power beings and are feared by others for a good reason."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned a bit and nodded, "Oh, so what theres not much born vampires?"

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."All the born onces are dead"

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "You mean all but me? But I meant like you said I was the first in 20,000 years why?"

2010-03-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."Well they where all killed in the great vampire war. Born onces against made ones."

2010-03-22 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "I mean why have I been the only born one in so long? Hasn't any one else well had kids."

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