Page name: SB WAR [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-25 04:58:19
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Made by [shadows of life]



[This RPG has been restarted ^^]

The New Story So Far

Armond Turrner was turned to a vampire in 1431 by Remus Marksin, part of the royal black blood lines of the vampires. He had five children and a wife before that, and he resented what had happened to him.

Years many years later in 1996 his son, Maximus Turrner was born a full vampire. He’s the first born vampire in 20, 000 years. Right after his birth Remus put out a law that all born vampires must be killed since they are too troublesome for the vampire world in the past. Armond didn’t want to lose a sixth child so he went to James and Hope two humans who knew of Vampires and asked for their help.

[More to come when Michelle and I figure it out XD]


1. All sex must go here---->SB WAR-R&R ROOM (Be warned that there is a password to view this wiki, so please ask for the password).
2. If your characters are going to skip time just put down (~) for skip time. This was [WASHACKED] choice ^^
3. No being mean to each other.
4. Don't worry about spelling but please use proper English, no text talk.
5. If your character's are going to fight, please go on the SB WAR-BATTLE on this page.
6. All characters must go here----->SB WAR-Characters

Please look on SB WAR- LSB TALK., for more information about SB's(supernatural beings) , it's where you can find out more about them and what they can do. All you have to do is leave a question about an SB and I will answer it you. ^^

For more information on the Turrner family, just click here--->The Turrner family tree

For more information on the Lapen family, just click here--->SB Lapen Clan

Too see all the dead SB WAR characters then click here--->Dead SB WAR characters

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2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and smiled a bit

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"rest."

2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"I'll get you a glass of water." he walked out the room.

2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and nodded

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond walked down the hall,"Elizabeth."he nodded to her.

Liz,"Armond."she walked pasted him and into Max's room."Maxy."she smiles then she frowns,"You look like death. What happened?"

2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and told her

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz frowned and she cralwed on the bed and layed next to him

2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Max finshed with a frown

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz,"Oh my god!" she blinked back the tears and she cuddled him."Your not going to die, not fuckin way."she bit her lip.

2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and looked down

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz hugged him and layed her head on his shoudler.

Lestat teleported into Max's room.

Liz jumped when she saw Lestat,"You!"she growled and sat up."Maxy please tell me I can take my anger out on him." she pointed to Lestat.

Lestat blinked,"What have I done? I only came here to talk to Vlad."

2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked, "No you can't..." He frowned and blinked his eyes turning green

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz looked at Max,"Maxy stay with me, please."she begged and Liz never begs. She touched his face,"Please Maxy."

2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned at her and moved away he got up and looked at Lestat, "Yeah dad?"

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz growled as she got off the bed,"Your killing my brother you fuckin asshole!"she snapped.

Lestat looked at Liz,"Elizabeth, watch you mouth when you speak to Vlad."

Liz looked at Lestat,"Fuck you."she snarled at him then she looked at Vlad,"You are fucking killin my brother!"

2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned at her

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz,"Oh my god are you that thick that you can't feel him dieing every time you come out to play?"she shook a little."I am not losing my brother, no fuckin way!"


2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned, "The bodys not dieing his memorys are just side side of the soal."

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz flexed her jaw,"So you are killing him." she she took a shake breath."Can you stop him from dieing?"she was trying to calm herself but it wasn't working that well.

2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Vlad, "Maybe."

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz,"Then please do it."she was trying so hard to calm herself that her eye twiched.

2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned, "It takes time that Max doesnt have."

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz,"Look Vlad I'm trying really hard not to beat you to death here, okay? So just please help my brother for me. Maxy is the only person in this world I have left. My mother is dead, my father hates me. And the other family members put up with me. But Maxy he is m twin, my other half. I need him."she couldn't stop the tears that ran down her face.

2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Vlad sighed, "I've been trying ok but I have limited power in him."

2010-03-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz,"Then I'll get you more. Maxy he'll listen to me or to Armond. Just tell me what I need to do and I'll do it. I don't care if it hurts me or whatever. I would die for Maxy. So just tell me before I lost my temper even more."

2010-03-11 [WASHACKED]: Vlad sighed and looked at her, "No I just mean.." He sighed. "Good how to explain this to a human."

2010-03-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz flinched back from him like he had slapped her or something,"Just a human? It is not my fault that Maxy stole my power when we where still in our mother's womb! And I am not just a fuckin human, I'm sady a blood doll! Again that whole blood doll thing, not my fault, it was Maxy's. So you better tell me how to save Maxy before I lost it and end up showing you what this human can do!" she shouted at him.

2010-03-12 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned at her, "You might never even had power in the womb so stop blaming him no one can tell for sure."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz sighed,"Oh my fucking god! I'm not blaming him. I was just pointing it out to you, duh! Now just explain to me what I have to do to get Maxy back!"

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad sighed and thoght

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz sighed and sat on the bed.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned, "You can do nothing ok."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz looked at him,"What? But I have to do something."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned, "You can't your human of sorry blood doll but you still cant."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz,"But..but..he's my twin." she took a deep breath."DADDY!!" she scearmed.

Lestat,"Enough!"he covered his hand over Liz's mouth,"OW!" he jumped back from her when she bit him.

Armond jumped and dropped the glass of blood on the carpet, then he teleported to Liz.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad sighed and put his face in his hands

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Elizabeth."he snapped as he sat next to her.

Liz stopped scearming and she looked at her dad,"Oh daddy."she climb onto his lap and hugged him."Maxy's gone. It's only that asshole Vlad that has...taken Maxy away from me."she cryed.

Armond wrapped his arms around her and held her close,"Shhhhh...daughter."he rocked her. Vlad, Lestat so very nice to see you again. Now why is my daughter scared and crying? he asked them menatlly.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned and told Armond menatlly what happened

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed as he rock crying Liz. You do know you could have made something up for her to do,Vlad. SHe loves Maximus very much and she will drive everyone crazy if she dosen't get to help. And no I'm not putting her in a coma until Maximus is well again. Maximus would kill me if I let that happen to Elizabeth.

Lestatm,"She bit me."

Liz looked at Lestat,"Fuck you!"she cryed then she hid her face on Armond's neck as she cryed more.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad shugged

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond rolled his eyes at him as he rocks Liz.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad looked at Lestat

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"You if she wasn't family I would have eatten her already."

Liz looked at Lestat,"I would kick you ass if I wasn't so upset right now."she snarled.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad sighed shaking his head

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat chuckles.

Liz sniffed as she held onto Armond tightly.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad, "Where going to wate in the libary." He pulled Lestat out of the room

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Okay."

Lestat walked out the room with Vlad.

Liz,"I hate them."she sniffed.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad walked to the libaery

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat walked into the libaray,"Well she maybe be human but she dose act like a Turrner."he sighed as he sat on the sofa.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad nodded and sat by him

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"It's good to talk to you again."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad smiled and nodded, "You too dad."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat smiles.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad hugged him

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat hugged him tightly back.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad smiled and nuzzled his face in Lestats shirt

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat smiles as he held Vlad.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad smield more

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat smiles.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad streached

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"So what happened with Julius? I senced that he was back but not for long."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned and told Lestat

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: lestat listened.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad finshed as he cuddled to him

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"That Julius was always power hunger."he cuddled Vlad."He might go after the boy, Wyatt. So we need to be on the look out."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned and nodded, "Any one he might go after, Max when he comes out since he;s week or even just Armond or someone as long as that person has a small amout of power."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat nodded,"True"he blinked and thought of something,."The girl."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned, "What girl? Dad theres a ton of them all over."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"No, I meant Elizabeth, the loud ill tempered girl upstairs that bit me and who was yelling and scearming at you."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned, "She has no power at all."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"But she still has Turrner blood tho."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned and nodded, "Which in all is a powerful thing."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"Yes." he nodded."And with that much rage and anger in her, she is like the prefect host for Julius to enter."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned and nodded, "And no one will feel him cause she has turrner blood and he can take turrners powers one by one with out any one knowing."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat sighed,"Like I said the prefect host and weapon. But since Julius is all ready to bitter and mad no one will notice the diffence in Elizabeth since she is all ready like that."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned and nodded

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"We'll have to warn the family about this."

Armond layed sleeping Liz on Max's bed and he tucked her in,"So much rage in you, sweetie." he kissed her forehead and teleported to the library."Did you have to upset my daughter, Vlad?"

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad looked at Armond and shugged

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed as he sat down on the sofa across from them,"I don't want you near ELizabeth you take over my son'd body, understand?"

Lestat,"Armond we have to talk about something, important."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned and nodded getting up to streach, "Yeah very important."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"What is?"

Lestat,"It's about Julius Lapen."

Armond rolled hsi eyes,"Julius Lapen died year before Vlad did."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Vlad frowned and opened his mouth but he blinked and fainted XD

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"Vlad."he caught him before he fell tot he ground.


2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and opened his eyes, "Daddy?" He mubvbled

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Maximus?"

Lestat layed Max on the sofa.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Yeah... can I have more dadyys cuddles"

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Yes, you can."he picked Max up and sat down on the sofa. He sat Max on his lap and held him close.

Lestat,"I need to tell you both something important."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max cuddled to Armond, "Than say cause I'm tired."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"Julius Lapen could try and go into the body of Elizabeth Turrner, your daughter and your sister. So is the weakest of all the Turrners, so she is prefect. She could take all your powers slowly with out your even knowning it. And because Elizabeth and Julius kinda of have the same personaly you won't notice the differences."

Armond's jaw dropped in shock.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and looked at him

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Your joking right?"

Lestat,"I'm not one to joke about this kind of stuff, Armond."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Well theres a start for everything...."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"I'm not lieing nor joking."he sighed."Julius Lapen is a power hunger monster.Back when times where much simpler, he wanted the power of the all the firsts. The vampire, werewolf, charmer, witch, warlock, shifter, angel etc. But know that there are more new ones, he wants the power and what better way than to walk into Elizabeth's body and go to Wyatt or to Ella and take there powers maybe even kill them. Juilus will use Elizabeth's body to take what he needs, that is the Turrner power and the power of all over SB's."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"And he knows you'll even hurt Elizabeth because she's your twin, yoru daughter, your sister, cousin, grandchild and so on."

Armond,"And the time when she is most easy to get into his when she is alseep or upset. Bugger."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and moaned holding his stomach he barred his face in Armond;s shirt and lissened

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Well we would never hurt Elizabeth and by my guess Julius knows that."

Lestat,"That he dose."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max frowed as he lisened

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"Just be careful and watch out for any differences in any family memebers. Oh and Wyatt too his's powerful little thing, so you need to keep him safe."

Armond,"Wyatt? Why would Juilua want...wait a mintues Wyatt is the first three breed, of course Juilus would want him."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lestat,"Or Juilus could want everyones power. All I'm say is he might go for Eluizabeth first because she is the weak link to the Turrner family tree."

Armond growled a little,"Elizabeth is not weak."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max fell to sleep burning up with a temp as he cuddled to Armond

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed and teleported to MAx's room and layed him next to Liz, he went to the bathroom and got a cold wet cloth and put it on Max's forehead.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max shook a bit and whimpered in his sleep

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sat by the bed and frowned,"You'll be fine son."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max shook more as he sleept, he was 20 x worse than the night before.

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond pulled Max into his arms and held him close.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max whimpered

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond rocked him as he shhhed him.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max shook whimping more

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond kissed Max's head as he shhhed and rocked him

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max sleept for a while just getting worse as he did he woke up about four hours later

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him and rocked him and told him he was going to be okay.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max opened his eyes, "Daddy?" He moaned

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"yes I'm here."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled a bit

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Dadyys can I have something to eat?"

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded,"Yes I'll get the cookie on it right away." he mentally told the cook to make Max something to eat but keep it light.

Cookie the cook nodded and got to work.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and cuddled to Armond, "And a cold glass of O-."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded and told Cookie to get a cold glass of O-.He cuddled Max back.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max cuddled hom more

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond cuddled him more.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max,"Dad, I'm scared."|

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"I know you are son."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "I dont want to die."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Your not going to die."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "I could."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"But your not."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and nodded he coughed and cudled to Armond

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him close.

Cookie teleported into the room with a bowl of veggie soup and a cold glass of O-, Cookie put them on the bedside table and teleported away.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max sniffed, "Food."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Eat now."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and sat up leaning on Armond

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond got the glass of O- and handed it to Max.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and took it with shaking hands and sipped a bit

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max sipped it a bit more

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Soup?"

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond passed him the bowl of veggie soup.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max took it and put the spoon to his mouth but the soup fell off the spoon in to the bowl cause he was shaking so much

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond took the spoon and fed Max.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and sipped it as Armond fed him

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles as he fed him.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max ate more

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond fed him more

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max moved his head away, "No more ." There wasn;t even 25 percent of the soup gone. He nuzzled his face in Armond's shirt

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Son you need to eat."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I can;t eat any more."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"Well have some blood."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond put the bowl on he table and got the glass of blood.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max sniffed

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond put the glass to Max's lips,"Drink."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and drank a bit but he started coughting as he did

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond took the glass back.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max caoughed more

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond patted Max's back.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max stoped and whimpered shaking

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him close.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max shok and whimpered more

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond rocked him and shhed him as he held him close.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max shook more and cryed softly in Armond;s shirt

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him close.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max sniffed

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him close,"Your okay."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded a bit

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him close.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max sniffed

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond kissed his head.

Liz woke up with a yawn.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at Lizzy shaking he snessed

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz looked at Max,"Maxy?"she asked.

Armond,"It's him"

Liz,"Maxy!"she hugged him tightly,"Oh god I thought I lost you."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max hugged her back a bit

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz kissed both Max's cheeks,"So worried."she hugged him again.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz,"How are you feeling?"

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Bad."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz,"Sorry"

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz sat back,"So Vlad is gone?"

Armond,"Elizabeth do you feel okay?"

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at her,

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz,"yeah, why?"

Armond,"No reason."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max cuddled at Armond and closed his eyes

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him.


2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max yawned

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Liz,"I'm going for a shower, laters." she got off the bed and walked to her room.

Armond,"be careful."he called to her.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max cuddled to Armond more he was weasing but he didnt notice

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond cuddled him,"Son you okay?"

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max, "No."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"just rest."

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and closed his eyes

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him close.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max fell to sleep

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him then he fell to sleep a little later on.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max woke up with a yelp latter he pantted shaking he had a huge fever

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond woke up and he called Jonas and Casey.

Jonas and Casey teleported to the room,"yes?" they both said.

2010-03-13 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and looked at him confussed

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,"His faver has gotten worse."

Casey sighed,"great."she rolled her eyes.

Jonas,"Casey."he warned as he walked over to MAx and felt his forehead.


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