# of watchers: 6
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2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina sighed."Maximu
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Oh, you think mum will ever come back?"
Roasine walked along a road in bath
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina sighed and closed her eyes."I hope not because she broke his heart so badly that I don't think your dad can love someone in that away again."
Armond sighed as he walked down the same road as Roasine but he was looking down.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "What really happened with mum can you tell me?"
Roasine walked past Armond not paying attion to who he was.
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina sighed."Armond never told me. He said it was the one thing he was shamed to tell me. I could see the pain in his eyes along with the shame."
Armond looked up as she pasted, he froze and turned to her."Roasine?"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and looked down, "Than why does dad take care of me if I'm hers? ANd mum hurt him so bad?"
Roasine pasue and turned to him, "Armond, delightful to see you."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina held him close."Becasue he loves you so much and he still loves your mother." she kissed his head.
Armond frowned at her."I see your enjoying life. Miss your son?"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Is that why when he looks at my eyes sometimes for to long his eyes start tearing."
Roasine shugged, "Oh it was a boy, how nice."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina nodded."Yes."
Armond growled."Is that all you can say? When did you become so cold hearted about your son?"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and nodded looking down.
Roasine, "No tell him have fun when grandpa sees him."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina held him close.
Armond growled."Remus is not going to get anywhere near my son."
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Roasine chukled, "Yeah ok, Remus always get's his way he always has and it's just a matter of time."
Max cuddled to her
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond grabed her and shook her."When did you become a cold hearted person? What happened to my Roasine, huh?" he growled.
Mina cuddled him back.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Roasine, "When you said you cared about him more than me." She pulled away.
Max frowned, "Minas I don't dads ok."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."I never said that, Roasine. I love you about the same but in different ways."
Mina frowned."You two stay here and I'll go see if he's okay." she stood up and sat Max on her chair.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "No, I wanna check on dad too."
Roasine rose an eyebrow, "You don't even remeber saying it? Ha nice of you Armond, have fun with that thing."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina nodded."Okay." she picked him up and took Emilia's hand and teleported to Armond.
Armond was going to say something but he saw Mina."Mina waht are you doing here with Max and Emilia?"he frowned.
Emilia looked at Armond."Seeing if you where in troble. Max thought you where."
Mina looked at Roasine."You." she frowned as she held Max close to her.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned he held out his hands to Armond trying to wiggle out from Mina.
Roasine nodded to Mina, "Come on let him down." She said useing her power to make Mina obay.
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina glared at her."Stop useing your powers on me." But she let Max down.
Armond picked up Max."Roasine stop it, now."
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Roasine frowned at Armond, "Why does he not want to see his mother?"
Max blinked looking at her
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina."The same mother that left him when he was like only just born? The same mother that hasn't been seen for the past 12 1/2 years?!" she snapped.
Armond."Mina if Maximus wants to see his mother then let him." he wasn;t happy about the idea but it would be Maximus choice and he would respect it.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked frowing he looked at Armond and nuzzled his face in Armond's neck whispering, "It's not her look at her eyes."
Rosine glared at Mina than looked at Armond with red eyes the same as Remus
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him as he looked into Roasine's eyes."Remus." he growled.
Mina looked at Roasine's eyes."It is him." she growled and beared her teeth.
Emilia frowned.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Remus chukled and he shited to himself, "Yes; you of all people should know poor Roasine isn't that mean." He chukled and telaported behind Armond and took Max covering his mouth, "Now tata." He diapered with Max :O
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond growled loduly."No!"
Mina wrapped her arms around Emilia before she shifted."Calm down Emilia."
Emilia took some deep breaths."he's gone!"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Remus appered in one of his houses in the basement he opened a cage and tossed Max in with a growl and closed it, "You boy have casued me enough troble!"
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shook with Rage."Mina take Emilia back home, now. I'm going after Remus."
Mina looked at Armond."But Armond."
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Remus pulled MAx and injected him with something it took a few seconds but than Max was a wolf up he took Max and telaported outside a den he whiled for the wolf mother
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."No but's Mina."
Mina frowned."I'm going with you."
Emilia."Me too."
Armond sighed and teleported them to Remus's house.
Prue watched her pups
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Remus walked in holding the strugling Max, "Prue I have a pup you have room for one more Arond killed his family and he's after the pup now."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Prue nodded at Remus.
Emilia shifted into her wolf form and she ran with them.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Remus nodded and set down Max pushing him towrds Prue, "Thank you." He telaported home
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Prue walked over to Max and licked the top of his head.
Armond growled."Remus
Emilia sniffed the air trying to find Max's scent.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max whimpered and back up a bit
REmus walked in, "yes?"
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond ran to him and pinned him to the wall."Where is my son?!"
Mina stood behind Armond and glared at Remus.
Prue looked at Max
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Remus chukled, "Ah I do=idn't hurt him he's just rolling around with puppys."
Max looked at Prue wideyed
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond growled."Where is he?!"
Emilia sniffed picking up the scent of wolf and she ran to it.
Prue nuzzled her muzzle to his gently
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max wagged his tail a bit,
REmus chukled
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond shook him."Where is my son?!"
Mina read Emilia's mind."I think Emilia knows." she ran after her as Armond let go of Remus and followed Mina.
Emilia ran to the wolves.
Prue licked his muzzle
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max wagged his tail a bit more
REmus chukled, "Have fun with Prue the worst she wolf."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia ran to them and barked.
Prue's head snapped to Emilia and she growled.
Mina and Armond stood behind Emilia.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max folded his ears up hearing Armond he wagged his tail and walked under Prue starting for the cave entrance."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia growled back at Prue then she and Prue started to fight.
Armond frowned."I don't see him."
Mina."Look for his mind."
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max jumped back he frowned and fell in the other pups he whimpered and tryed to get past them but he was smallest.
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond. Maximus? Where are you?
Emilia and prue fight.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked he herd Armond and swested past Prue and Emilia only getting a small cut on his arm he saw Armond and barcked
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond looked at Max."Maximus?"
Emilia and Prue snarled and growled as they fought each other.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max ran over to Armond and jumped on Armond's legs he looked at Armond with his green eyes.
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond picked him up."Son." he held him close.
Mina looked at Armond and Max."Oh my god."
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max whimpered and nuzzled to Armond
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond kissed his head.
Mina."Let's get out of here. Emilia lets go!"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max wagged his tail a bit
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond teleported to the house.
Mina teleported to Amrond's house with Emilia
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max whimpered a bit
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia layed on the floor covered in blood panting then she shifted back into her human form."Ow."
Mina ran to her and covered her with a blanket."You'l
Armond held Max.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at Armond
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond kissed Max's head.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: MAx wagged his tail
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina healed Emilia.
Armond held Max.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max nuzzled to Armond he whimpered and held up a bleeding paw
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond healed his paw and kissed it."All better now."
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max wagged his tail and licked Armond's face
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond chuckles.
Emilia stood up and held the blanket around her.
Mina."You'll stay here, so you can rest."
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max licked Armond face more
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles."Yes Emili you'll stay here until your ready to go home, okay?"
Emilia nodded."Thank you."
Mina."I'll take you to one of the extra rooms." she took her to Emilia's room.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max watched them go
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina walked Emilia into her room and layed her down."Sleep now." she smiles and walked out the room to Armond and Max.
Emilia sleeps.
Armond held Max
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at ARmond than to Mina
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina smiled at them."She's asleep now."
Armond."Good. She's a good little fighter."
Mina chuckles."yes she is"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max nuzzled to Armond
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nuzzed him back.
Mina."I'm going to go, so call if you need help." she kissed Max;s head and Armond's cheek.
Armond kissed Mina's cheek."See you later, Mina"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max licked Mina's other cheek
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina smiles at Max."I'll be back tommorrw sweetie." she teleported away
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sat down as he held Max
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max looked up at Armond
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond looked at Max."I'll get you back to your proper form."
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond kissed his head
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max wagged his tail
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: armond petted him
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max nuzzled to him
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nuzzled him back
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max yawned
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."You go to bed, son." he stood up and walked up the stairs
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and let Armond carry him
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond walked to Max's room and layed him on the bed.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at Armond with wide eyes
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed and picked him up and walked to his room.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max cuddled to Armond
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond walked into his room and layed onto the bed and held Max
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max cuddled to him and closed his eyesz
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond cuddled him as he fell to sleep
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max fell to sleep
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: armond sleeps
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: [Time skip morning]
Max sleept
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond woke up and looked at Max.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max was normal but he still had a tail and ears, and seemed a bit smaller. He wagged his tail in his sleep
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max blinked and opened his eyes
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."Mornin
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled, "Morning daddy."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles."Feel better in your proper form?"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled nodding
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond smiles.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max cuddled to him
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond cuddled him."You have ears and a tail"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "Dang."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond kissed his head."I know"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max, "It's cause your cakes."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond blinked."You eate the cakes?" his mouth twiched
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I didn't know."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond laughes
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him, "Hey no one told me I'm a kid they looked really good."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: armond chuckles
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond,."Sorry
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled and craled on Armonds checst smiling
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him as he chuckles
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max cuddled him smiling
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond cuddled him
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max looked up at Armond, "I was right daddy was in troble yesterday."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nods."Yes you where right"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled cuddling him
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: armond cuddled him
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max, "SO mom does look like that?"
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed."Yes she dose"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max, "She;s really pretty."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: armond smiles."She's beautiful"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Dad."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: armond looked at him."Yes?"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max, "In Remus house when he had taken me out there was a room that was open and someone was laying there they had mations hockd up to them and where sleeping like in a coma it looked kinda lik mum but I only got a wuick look."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond frowned."What? You saw your mother?"
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "I don;t know it looked like her but I only saw a few seconds."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."I see."
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max, "But it looked like she was in a coma maybe Remus did it to her dad."
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond nodded."hey why don't you go get dressed and I'll call Mina to come over."
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded he hugged ARmond than got off the bed and went to his room
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond.MINA!
Mina teleported to Armond's room in her nighty."What? I just got up?" she yawned
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max got dressed he started walking back to Armond;s room
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond looked at her."Reums may or may not have Roasine. In a coma."
Mina sighed."Armond
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max bliked stoping at the door and hearing
2010-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond got out of bed."Mina please, okay? I just need to cheak."
Mina." She left you Armond. You and Maximus. And you want to go and save her? Are you mad? She broke your heart, Armond. I have never seen you like before..."
Armond."Mina enough!" he snapped.
2010-04-09 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned lising
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina frowned."Armon
Armond frowned."Mina your my friend and I respect you choice but I'm going after her."
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned her walked in and hugged Armond's legs tightly with a frown not waiting him hurt.
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond looked down at Max and picked him up and held him."Son did you hear what myself and Mina have been talking about?"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded he held on to Armond tightly and baered his face in Armond;s neck
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond sighed as he held him."I see." he glared at Mina.
Mina sighed and frowned
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and held on to Armond tightly
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mina."Do what you want Armond." she snapped and teleported to her home.
Armond sighed
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and held on to armond
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him close
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at Armond with wide scared eyes, really just trhinking about what if Armond go hurt
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond kissed his head."I'll be fine"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at him
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him."I'll be perfectly fine"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max held on to Armond tightly
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond held him
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max hid his face in Armond;s neck
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."I'll be fine"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max still held on to him
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Amond."Maximus your friend, Emilia is in the guess bedroom. Go and see if she is awake"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max shook his head
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Armond."Son I'll still be here."
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and jumped down from ARmond;s arms and went to Emilia's room and knocked
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia sleeps.
Armond went for a shower
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max knocked on her door again
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia woke up."Ow that hurt" she said when she streched
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max looked in the room, "Hello."
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia looked at him."Hi"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: MAx, "How you doing?"
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia."I hurt all over"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and nodded, "Anything I can get you to help?"
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia."No I just need to rest"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "OK I'll leave you alone than," He turned to the door
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia."You okay?"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Yeah."
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia."You look sad about something"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Just worryed abot my dad."
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia sat up, she was where one of Armond's t-shirts."Want to talk about it?"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia."Okay, if you don't want to talk about it, I'll respect your wishes."
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max shugged, "My mother left casue I was born, and my dad loved her alot I herd. Now she might be in a coma in Remus's house. And I'm worried he's just I don't know get his hopes up for her. Who knows she may stay for a while but if he does find her I'm scared she's gonna leave casue I'm here and dads gonna get hurt."
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia got out of bed and walked to Max and hugged him.
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max frose for a second than hugged her back
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia."Well I'm just glad that your not a pup anymore cause that she-wolf is a mean fighter"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled, "You where good."
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia shrugged."Not that good" she smiles a little.
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled, 'Well you kicked her but."
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia chuckles."And I have the marks to prove it too"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia smiled
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Come on lay back down."
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia nodded."Sounds like a plan." she walked back to the bed and layed down.
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max, "See you." He waved and walked out
2010-04-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Emilia waved."bye"
2010-04-10 [WASHACKED]: Max closed the dooor
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