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2008-01-08 [д×ﻉ| PK]: i know who marluxia is
2008-01-08 [Ashura]: We all do dude.Is Zexion the one with the big sheild or the one with the book?
2008-01-08 [д×ﻉ| PK]: but i dont know who the othere ppl is
2008-01-09 [making love to a corpse.]: The book. Zexion is this guy here: http://i106.ph
2008-01-09 [Ashura]: A yes the guy without an actual weapon.I Still prefer MArluxia
2008-01-10 [making love to a corpse.]: Yeah, yeah. Weaponry is overrated. The power of the mind far outshines that of a blade.
2008-01-10 [Ashura]: Still what is a mind against a sharp scythe?
2008-01-11 [making love to a corpse.]: Everything, if you apply the right strategies and keep a proper mindset.
2008-01-11 [д×ﻉ| PK]: true if you focus enough you can dodge it enogugh times and wear you opponent down and trhen.........
2008-01-11 [Ashura]: True but a sharp schythe or any other weapon can take you down in a matter os seconds
2008-01-11 [д×ﻉ| PK]: um.....not unl;ess ur....um....SU
2008-01-11 [Ashura]: For him a wapon made of Kryptonite would get the job done
2008-01-11 [making love to a corpse.]: Not necessarily, [Ashura]. You can always disarm your opponent. <3 Quit being such a pessimist and go with it. *Grin*
2008-01-11 [Ashura]: True ture
Changing the subject to this wiki´s theme has anyone here ever played Sailormoon Rpg:Another Story for the snes?
2008-01-12 [making love to a corpse.]: NO! I've been searching for it for ages, but I can't find it anywhere! I still have a working SNES, but the game constantly eludes me. ><
2008-01-13 [Ashura]: http://www.coo
2008-01-13 [д×ﻉ| PK]: um.... well not unelss....um..
2008-01-14 [д×ﻉ| PK]: yea but i dont know about the marvel characters....
2008-02-25 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: Hey fellow Moonies :P
I just made a wiki dedicated for Ami/Sailor Mercury, becuase I love her!
So like, I need some people to check it out and maybe help me with it, because right now it's looking a little...Well crap =/
Ami-chan Lovers
So if you think it sounds cool, please check it out ^.^
2008-02-25 [д×ﻉ| PK]: i dont think it looks that bad
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