The Past
Princess Serenity of the Moon and the Silver Millennium, and Prince Endymion of the Terran Earth Kingdom's love is an eternal love that has lasted for Millenniums. It all began 1000 years ago in a time period known as the Silver Millennium. The Silver Millennium was a peaceful time for the Universe, and Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity's mother, was the ruler of the Silver Millennium. Contact between Lunarian's (Moon people) and Earthlings (Earth people) was forbidden in this time, due to that the Moon was the protector of the Earth. The Moon Kingdom protected the Earth because the Earth would not join in the Silver Millennium.
Princess Serenity was rebellious, adventurous, and curious, but these are just few of her many traits. These ones in particular are responsible for her to meeting Endymion. You see, Princess Serenity had a thing for the Earth. She found it to be the most beautiful planet and would stare at it for hours and hours and hours. There was a special draw to Earth (Endymion) that she could not withstand. Although she had the company of her four inner guardians, her cat advisors, and her Mother, she was very lonely. Sure, there were grand balls on the Moon every night, but those balls did not satisfy her curiosity of the Earth. Besides that, Serenity found the Princes that she met as the balls attempting to court her to be very dull, and stuck up. Despite all these things, Serenity knew that deep down, her soul mate was out there somewhere...
One day, Serenity transported down to Earth to see what it was like. She ended up in the Royal Garden, and spotted Endymion almost immediately. Although she tried to hide behind a pillar, Endymion spotted her right away, and decided to meet her. Almost immediately, they fell in love. From that day on, Serenity and Endymion, would meet almost every day. Serenity would sneak away from her Guardians, and transport to Earth to spend time with him. Both of them knew that it was forbidden for them to be in love, but it was already too late. Queen Serenity found out about the love of her daughter and the Prince of Earth, and being the true leader that she is, graciously accepted the fact, and gave her blessing for them to wed. Endymion was now able to visit Serenity on the parties on the Moon, and they no longer had to sneak behind the palace guards. However, they did have to hide it from the people of the Earth. At the time, the people of the Earth, believed that the Lunarians were bad people who were not there to help the Earth, but take it over.
The Earthlings learned of their Princes' engagement with the Princess of the Moon, and were outraged by it. Queen Beryl of the Negaverse, started a rebellion within the people of Earth, which destroyed Endymion's parents, and his guards. Endymion, in the meantime, was sent to the Moon, for his own protection. Unfortunately, once Beryl conquered the Earth, she then attacked the Moon, with vengeance.

Queen Beryl destroyed the Moon Kingdom, and the Guardians of Princess Serenity. She confronted Serenity and Endymion, and killed Endymion while he was trying to protect Serenity. Serenity, heartbroken, committed suicide, knowing that she would not be able to go on without Endymion by her side. This was the final battle of the Moon Kingdom, for it was destroyed. Queen Serenity, in sorrow of her fallen kingdom, and dead daughter, used all of her power in the Silver Imperium Crystal, to send Serenity, her court, and her love, Endymion to be reborn in the future on Earth.
Story of the Present
Story of the Future
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