# of watchers: 6
Fans: 0
| D20: 11 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2013-01-31 [sammie h!]: On the subject of this, wouldn't it be a good idea to speak to [Hedda] about taking down the wiki invites button to stop or at least prevent random wiki invites? :)
2013-01-31 [sammie h!]: And just for the heads up I did a wiki invite and sorry. :)
acquire their public profile information through a wiki <--
2013-01-31 [Schlachter]: [Hedda] probably isn't very interested in updating his site seeing as fewer people are using it (& probably his lack of time)... also, there are other more pressing issues (such as the site presentation in general) that need tweaking. Finally, the wiki invite buttons are useful:
Suppose there is a wiki about a topic X & has n members. The new wiki gets too large & the owner decides to split it into subtopics {x1, x2, x3, ...}. The owner can then notify all n users of that wiki of the new links immediately.
All that matters is to make sure to use the invites for what they are for.
2013-01-31 [sammie h!]: yeah, i agree with that, especially the tweaking part, I have had conversations with... I think [Stephen] about this, but [Hedda]'s best site is elftown.
Members should create a wiki where if people want to be invited to wikis, they start watching it, to me it's not a bad idea. :)
2013-02-01 [Schlachter]: Elftown was more strict to the artistic world... kind of like the precursor to Deviant Art (which I believe cherry picked the idea from it). Elfpack was more of the hippie genre of site that was stuck between Myspace & Livejournal while preserving the taste of Elftown. It was only shortly successful due to banned members from Elftown collecting here & horny teenagers who could escape the eye of public school bans & 18+ site requirements. The fact that the guards DID take their own personal motives prior to anyone elses' here has caused such a decay in service that the site barely is anymore...
But enough about the site history... though [Stephen] has been pushing [Hedda] to do something, it seems that nothing is happening.
That is pretty much how it should be. However, when people start inviting those people to other unrelated wiki's or otherwise abusing the notification box to their own ends for attention... it is no longer a good idea.
2013-03-03 [Stephen]: Returning to peoples' profile pages & continuously & explicitly adding yourself to the list of visitors -- this is also Undesired Stalking.
Issue with this is you can have the system automatically add you to everyones' last visitor list (whom you do visit, anyway); I do that for example.
2013-03-03 [Schlachter]: Right. Then make sure you're not trying to put yourself on the top of that list all the time & you're fine XD
There aren't enough active members here for this to pose a problem anyways.
2013-05-25 [Morgoth]: HEY.
Eat at Bob's Diner.
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