Page name: the day that never comes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-29 14:57:17
Last author: shadows of life
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 8
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The Day That Never Comes

The Plot

The year is 2009, mutant rights have fallen dramaticly, by law they are required to be registered wtih the govermnent but very few if any follow this law. Rivalries are growing ever stronger and normal people are getting more and more restless about the mutant "problem" many have resorted to violence in an effort to eliminate the mutants even when they have done nothing to deserve the violence. Mutant blood flows freely while the government turns a blind eye, some of the mutants which to eradicate the humans, to exterminate them, other mutants however our joining forces with the common people in an effort to prove that they are not all the same and that mutants deserve and need to be treated like the rest of the people.
Peace is something that many fear will never come...

The Rules

1. This is indeed an X-Men rpg so you MUST have a mutation [note: you can be any character from the comics, tv shows, movies, or just make up your own]
2. None of the characters know each other yet
3. Not a chat wiki gah
4. All sex must be under detalied or go to GAH what the hell?!

GAH what the hell?!?!? NEWNESS for new stories xD

5. INVITE PEOPLE...damnit that means you kitty >_< :D
6. -,- no killing off characters
7. no making it so characters can't fight back -,-
NEW RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! characters who are not active for 30 days will be deleted date starting 02/15/10

more rules may or may not be coming


Wolvie's the day that never comes peoples

[same as kitty :D]

Wolvie's Characters
Logan ~ Mutant, male, unknown, ya know his powers
James Hetfield ~ Mutant, Male, 45, he can change to a wolf at will
Bruce Dickinson ~ Mutant, Male, 50, can turn to a wolf at will, he can heal others however doing this takes a huge strain on himself and he needs to rest for several days after doing it, also he age's very slowly so even though he's 50 he only apears to be in his 20's
Nina Christianson Dickinson ~ Mutant, Female, 16, she can turn into a cute kitty at will and is a neko naturally but Bruce bought her a special collar that hides her true form
Maxwell Carrigan ~ Mutant, Male, 17, He can make anybody do whatever he wants >:D

kitty's the day that never comes characters

[just cause i figured they were takin up a lot of space :D]

Kitty's Characters
Gackt Camui - mutant, male, twenty-one
Tiki - husky puppy
Rogue - mutant, female, sixteen
Damien & Derek - demon, male, millions of years old but looks twenty, twins
Shinya - mutant, male, twenty
Rikku - sorceress, female, 30

Name:Heatra Kasshu
History:very strait forward and speaks his mind.
Mutation:can turn oxygen into fire.

Name: Isaac [Can’t remember his last name, need to find profile at home]
Age: 17
Personality: Silent, very quiet sometimes, cheerful, happy, bloodthirsty[When hungry]
Past Story: Unkown, he will not speak of it….to anyone he does not trust
Mutation: Vampiric powers, sucking of blood, on occasion he’ll eat raw meat, enhanced senses and strength, and regenerative powers(duh), crawling on walls, hates the sunlight, can't die in it...but fucking HATES it.

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2009-04-06 [wolvie]: *chuckles* oh so your a ladies man? well for your information bub I don't even know the girl

2009-04-06 [Beetle Geuse]: "then why are we frighting each other?" throws card right by logans left ear blowing back the people comeing from behind then helps up rogue i should get u outta here

2009-04-06 [wolvie]: *rolls my eyes and grabs gambit again* cuz your a thief and as I said earlier, i don't trust thieves

2009-04-06 [Beetle Geuse]: shakes him off "then leave i dont need or care if you trust trying to get h out of hre so she dont get hurt so we can eiter fight and have to deal with each other and the angry mobb or you can lt us go and be on ur way " stares at logan ready for him to attack

2009-04-06 [wolvie]: and im going to trust you alone with her why?

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -is already walking off alone XD-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *rolls my eyes and retracts my claws then starts walking*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -continues walking and cuts through a cemetary-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *rubs my knuckles lightly as I walk*

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: chases after her "hey wait it not safe they kn im a mutnt now tht why they stopped chaseing me...but now the riot squads ganna be out looking for us we need to stick together"

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -raises my brow- and you are? -shrugs- ive been alone long enough ive survived so far

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *keeps walking and growls slightly nervously*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i think i can keep on alone

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *slowly pushes out my claws not bothered if people see or not*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *quickly puts my gloves back on*

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *stops walking and sniffs carefully*

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: Smiles " names gambit miss and im sure you can take care of yourself very wel that man that was outcold back theres evidance enough of that but mymind would be much more at ease if you alowed me to accompany you..its my fault ur in danger any way should be my responsiblity to make it right"

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: its not your fault im in danger its my fault im in danger being a mutant does that to a person it wouldnt matter if i was human then only you would be in trouble not me

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *growls and turns around nervously*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: but if you insist and probably wont just leave me be i guess you can accompany me

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: "Well may i accompany you anyway just for saftys sake?"

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nods- yea sure

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: "alright where ya headed"

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -shrugs- wherever i want

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *shrugs and starts walking again*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -accidently bumps into logan-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *jumps slightly and almost slashes at rogue but stops at the last minute, retracting my claws quickly and hoping she didn't see* sorry

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -freezes for a moment then relaxes- its ok so you're a freak too?

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: i don't know what your talking about *says cooly and starts walking again*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: please i saw the claws -follows after-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *frowns as I walk* fine then yes I'm a freak so what? *lights a cigar*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -shrugs- nothin what im a freak too

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: is already far away running into the woods

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *starts smoking* where'd your boyfriend go

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: he's not my boyfriend i dont even know him

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *smiles a little* really?

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -chuckles- really

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: well good luck then kid

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: walking though the woods and runs into 3 roit police -Police: Halt Identfie your self

Gambit: "oh ur worst night mare"

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: good luck with what?

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: with whatever it is your doing *gets back to my truck and gets inside*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -rolls my eyes and keeps walking-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *starts the truck*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -softly sings 'no leaf clover' by metallica as i walk-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *turns the heater on high and just sits there thinking*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -zips up my hoodie feeling a bit colder cause of the wind and sits waiting for a bus-

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: throws a card and hits the ground infront of them then uses his staff as a poll vault andleaps over them and keeps going while there completelt confused

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -jumps slightly at the commotion i hear-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *falls into a light sleep on accident*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -gets up and looks around- what the hell?

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *is deep asleep as I curl up on the seat of my truck*

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: keeps walking though the woods assuming and gets stoped again by 6 roit police and turns and runs...runs right intothe first 3 "shit should have killed them" pulls out his staff and and gets rady to fight for his life...

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -shakes my head and sits back down- tell yourself its nothing...

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: BOOM BOOM!! boom distant screams

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *stays deep asleep and not aware of anything*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -jumps again and then stretches not noticing the wooden bat thats being swung at me- huh what in th.... -gets cut off as the bat connects with my mid-section and i double over in pain- ah fuck!

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: Runs out of the wods being chased be 2 more police "Rogue!!" throws 3 cards catching the assailents in he chests knocking them away from her turns to deal with th other 2

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -manages to get on my knees and hand my other hand clutching my stomach coughing up some blood-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *is unnaturally deep asleep*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -gets up slowly and makes my way over to logan's truck hopping in and gently shaking him- hey....

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: knocks out the riot police and comes over to rogue "are you ok?"

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -opens the door to the truck and nods- yea...but this guy....he wont wake up...

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: puts logan in the back seat "get in" hops in and starts the starts the truck and peels out of there

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *growls slightly when Gambit moves me but stays asleep*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -frowns- why in the hell did he growl?

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: "fuck if i know maybe hes haveing a dream that he finaly caught his tail" chuckles and keeps driving

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: [gah! what the hell's up with these lines i don't like em damnit >_<]

*stays asleep*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [what lines? the ones in between what we've put down?]

-frowns- i dont think thats it

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: [yesh they scare me XD]

*pushes out my claws as I sleep*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [nice XD]

-scoots away a little-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *slashes out a little, hitting the back of Gambit's seat*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -jumps and hops into the back as well gently shaking you again- hey mr.?

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *growls and slashes dangerously close to Rogue*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -jumps but regains my composure- he cant hurt you anyway...unfortunately -shakes you again-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *slashes again and slashes rogue deeply, waking up slightly* wha?

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -gently takes my gloves off looking at you in shock as my hands gently touch your face and i use my power to heal myself then quickly backs away against the side of the truck shaking- oh god....

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *instantly retracts my claws and wakes up fully, shaking and moaning a little, trying to figure out what happend*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -shakes more- oh so sorry...

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *looks confused as I slowly gain full concious* what happend?

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: "what he fuck man...Are u ok rogue?" takes my eyes off the road to check on whats going on

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: look at the damn road! -shakes- n...n..nothing happened...oh god im so fuckin sorry i....i...i didnt mean to use my powers...shit!

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *shakes a little, still mostly out of it* oh...sorry kid

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: Turns back around "FUCK" swerves hard to miss the tree in the road

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -hits the side of the truck as gambit swerves- fuck! that hurts!

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: spins out "hold on"

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *winces and hits the other side of the truck* who the fuck gave you a driver's licence? i swear if you damage this truck i'll kill you

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: what the hell am i suppose to hold on to?!

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: throws it in reverse as we do a 180 "drvers licenes? what would i want one of them for?"

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: so you can fuckin drive you idiot! -finds something heavy and throws it at gambit's crotch XD- [she's a violent girl XD]

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *manages to roll the window down and sticks my head out, throwing up violently*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -frowns- sorry again...i really am...

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: Thud "UUUUUGH" crumples to the side loseing control completely as we slide towords the woods

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -quickly takes control of the wheel and stops the truck-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *shakes a little and leans against the seat heavilly* ugh

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: Opens the door and gets out of the truck and leans heavily against it

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *growls weakilly* im gonna kill you gambit

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: moans a little "yea ok thats fine just give me a second here...feels like i might die any way"

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *can't help but chuckle* you deserved that

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: chuuckles "I didnt think it was so bad for a first try"

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: a first try at what?

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: gets back in the truck "driving what did ya think i ment" starts the truck

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: i don't know now get your ass out of the drivers seat kid

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: slides into the back with rogue "you should get up front and buckle up ill be fine back here"

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *winces when gambit elbows me seeing as how i'm in the back two* watch what your doing dumbass i swear your paying for all the repairs to this *manages to open my door and falls out of the truck*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: you logan in the passenger side now i'll drive unlike gambit i have a permit at least ^^

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: fine but damnit no more damaging it please *gets in the passenger seat*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i can actually drive so there wont be any damage i promise -manages to get it back on the road and starts driving-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: *nods a little and relaxes in my seat*

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [just cause kitty can so do this XD]

-reaches into my pocket and pulls out metallica's st. anger album and puts it in the cd player turning it down-

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: [XD well watch what wolvie can do]

*wonders when i got a cd player in the truck* XD

2009-04-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [clearly logan just doesnt pay attention XD]

-looks over- all vehicles have them you just dont pay attention to close detail do you?

2009-04-07 [wolvie]: [clearly he doesn't XD]

*shrugs a little* guess not

2009-04-07 [Beetle Geuse]: "WATCH OUT!!!" BOOm as she hits someone

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -quickly stops the truck before hitting whomever it is- what the hell?

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *rubs my temples, feeling a strong headache coming* what now?

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -looks around- i dont know...gambit yelled watch out so i stopped...but i dont see anything

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *sits up and looks around* me either

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -shrugs and continues driving-

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *yawns and stretches a little* so what's your name anyway kid?

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: mine? Rogue.

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: what kind of a name is rogue?

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Whats ur name?

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *lights a cigar, unrolling my window a little* logan

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nods- well my real name is anne marie but i prefer rogue

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: [so what youjust completely dissmiss my roll and comletely control the rp ur self?]

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [you cant control my characters action you can say watch out and point at something in the road then its up to me whether or not i hit it and you werent on so we had to continue some way]

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: [*nods* yeah what kitty said]

*nods a little while smoking my cigar* that's a pretty name

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: [......its fine]

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: sure it is -rolls my eyes- its an annoying name

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *shrugs a little and leans back in the seat*

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: the only time ive ever been called that is when im in trouble

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *keeps smoking my cigar* so how long do you plan on traveling with me?

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -shrugs- im not even sure why im here now

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *finishes my cigar and nods tiredly then lays down as best as I can in the seat*

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nods and drives for awhile pulling over to the side-

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *has felllen into a light sleep*

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -stretches and looks at gambit- you wanna drive?

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: <img:sl-gif.gif>

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -yawns-

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: *opens the door and gets out of the truck and starts walking*

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: <img:sl-gif.gif>

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -tilts my head and gets out following after gambit- where ya goin?

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: *turns back* there WAS someone in the road back there...and im going to look cause either im seeing ghost or were being followed" starts walking again "stay with logan"

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -jumps and steps back then quickly turns and goes back to logan-

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: <img:sl-gif.gif>

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -quietly gets back into the driver's seat and waits patiently-

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *stays deep asleep and snores softly*

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: *keeps walking cheacking the area* -softly-"come out come out whoever u rrrrr"

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -turns up the cd and frowns- well i thought i saw someone too....what if they were a mutant...?......shit! i hope its not the brotherhood..... -sighs-

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *hears the cd faintly and yawns, curling up in the seat as best as I can*

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -sighs again and watches out carefully-

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: hears something behind him and spins ready to fight but noone was there. Bang. gets hit from behind spins as he falls and throws a card - BOOM- blowing his assalint into a tree hits the ground and rolls and makes his way to his feet then feels a sharp pain onthe back of his head and his world goes black

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -shrugs- they're better off without me -quickly heads in the direction of where Gambit is being attacked and helps up his assailant- be more careful Pyro you idiot

Pyro shakes his head "he's powerful fuck" he smirks "Hey rogue"

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: *still laying unconcious face down in the snow*

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *shakes slightly in my sleep*

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: lets just go

Pyro shakes his head, "Nah he's comin with us. Sabre!"
Sabre picks up the unconcious Gambit and takes him back to the brotherhood locking him in a room by himself.

-sighs and sits in the living room of their place reading-

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: *still knocked out*

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sabre watches the door to the room where gambit is.

-frowns- fuck why do i even a brotherhood member always will be

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *wakes up some hours later and stretches then frowns* where'd the kids go?

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: wakes up slowly groaning a bit and trying to think of where he was

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -walks outside on the porch and looks around-

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *gets out of the truck and sniffs carefully, catching Rogue's scent and following it then catching Sabre's scent and growling, following his scent carefully and pushing out my claws

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Pyro takes over for Sabre as he walks outside and sits next to me, "Hey Anne Marie"

-rolls my eyes- stop callin me that you know i hate it

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *keeps following Sabre's scent and growls softly*

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sabre chuckles, "oh you know you love it" he pulls me close.

will you not touch me?

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *see's rogue and sabre and growls then walks forward* leave her alone sabre

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sabre chuckles more and stands up, "Why? She's with me anyway"

im so not with you jerk

Sabre rolls his eyes, "You're with the organization so shut it."

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: Charges his energy into the door. . .BOOOOOOMMMMM blows door off its hinges and half way though a wall starts wlking out "so...who wants to see how many cards i have up my sleeve?"

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *raises my claws and growls softly, "Clearly she doesn't want anything to do with you"

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: pyro jumps and tackles gambit
Sabre growls and heads upstairs quickly, "What the hell is going on!?"

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -sighs- its pointless logan this is where i belong

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: kicks pyro off then spins and wacks him in the side of the head with his staff knocking him into the wall

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: Hears sabre and throws a card down the stair -Boom- way and one at pyro while he gets up

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: pyro gets knocked out
Sabre stumbles but continues up the stairs smirking at Gambit "hey we mean you no harm we want you to join us"

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *looks at rogue* your with him? he's a muderer and a rapist

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: im not with him with him im with the organization brotherhood he just claims me as one messes with me because of it

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *shakes my head and retracts my claws then walks away quickly*

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: "Now why would i join a organization full of cowards" *pointedly looks at rogue* "wimps" looks at pyro" "and bullies"looks at sabre as he throws 3 cards at sabre and one at the ceiling above him

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -frowns and sighs- oh rogue...

Sabre manages to dodge them, "cause we're fighting against those humans who so very much want to kill us. we're getting our revenge against them."

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *keeps walking and growls* kids...I don't know why I bother trying to help em

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: "hmm well maybe next time you should just ask...cause see now im pissed" detenates the card stuck in the ceiling colapsingit on sabre and starts walking away completely ignoreing rogue

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: maybe if i go explain myself....he wont one ever does.....

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -frowns watching gambit walk such an idiot

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *gets back to my truck and climbs in starting it*

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: Stops not looking back "are ucomeing or not?"

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: no.....this....this is where i belong....-gets up and walks back in-

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: *Starts walking off*

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *leans against the steering wheel heavilly and sighs*

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -helps sabre and the others clean up the mess-

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: *hops in the passanger seat not saying anything*

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *looks over at Gambit* so your coming then?

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: "looks like it" stares out the window

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *shrugs then puts in in gear and starts driving slowly, lighting a cigar without bothering to unroll my window*

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sabre growls when he realizes that he could've gotten logan and then smacks me, "you stupid idiot so close and you didnt even do anything!"

-shakes and looks down- sorry sir...

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: looks at logan "you got something to drink in here?"

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: *smokes my cigar and shakes my head* nope sorry

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -quickly heads to my room- god im such a fuck up....

2009-04-08 [Beetle Geuse]: *we shouldnt let her stay there...if we work together we can get her out...bring her toher senses"

2009-04-08 [wolvie]: look kid if there's one thing I've learned it's to only worry about one person...yourself

2009-04-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -checks my pockets- fuck i left my cd...dammit

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