Page name: Council [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-03-27 03:29:01
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Stephen
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The Council are the team of people who keep the site running smoothly. They host official contests and features, and are here to answer any questions you have about Elfpack, and how it works.

Please note: The Guards are the people who enforce the Elfpack Rules, and the Mainstuff Bosses are the people in charge of what goes on Mainstuff.


(Badge Credits)

Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden
Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden

Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor
Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss
Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss

(Badge Credits)

The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards
Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss

(Badge Credits)

Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss
Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice

**To see the members who use to work on the Council, look at Retired.**


Do not ask to be on the Council. Instead, go apply to the crew and expect it to take a long time. We want people who are going to stick around. During that time, try to do things to prove to use that you would be a good member of the Council. Also, see how to gain an EP title for information on how to get badges.

If you think your badges are messed up or you are missing a badge you deserve, then message [Stephen] or [kittykittykitty].


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2006-12-18 [RabidSphinx]: ...>_>;;;

2006-12-18 [Ihsahn]: yes, when I was very drunk, notice who the ticket is beleonged tooo...

2006-12-18 [zoloftzantac]: lol, his email is showing in this screen shot, even though he has it set to hidden on his house :p

2006-12-18 [Ihsahn]: thats an old email =p

2006-12-18 [RabidSphinx]: oh darn. *pouts*

2006-12-18 [zoloftzantac]: *give RD his own email so she can still go and curse at someone*

2006-12-18 [RabidSphinx]: *sends racy pictures instead*

2006-12-19 [zoloftzantac]: *opens emails from RD, looks at pics, drools all over his keyboard*

2006-12-19 [RabidSphinx]: *jiggles*

2006-12-19 [zoloftzantac]: *goes crazy with desire and bites RD*

2006-12-19 [RabidSphinx]: *dies* x_x

2006-12-19 [zoloftzantac]: *wipes blood off of his mouth* oh no! you weren't supposed to die :( *takes another bite*

2006-12-20 [RabidSphinx]: keep eating chunks of me, i'll be lighter.

2006-12-20 [zoloftzantac]: *keeps eating the chunky-er parts* :p

2006-12-23 [im the one yall love to hate]: we need color not just in or houses but all around color grey is boring

2006-12-23 [FireGypsy]: Not really though ^_^

2006-12-24 [zoloftzantac]: *Guard comes a long and kicks your cell door*

Somebody says that every month or so, if you need fancy houses that can be done how ever you want then get a myspace account ;)

Grey Prison Color is cool

2006-12-24 [RabidSphinx]: i like the grey, so shut the fuck up or go back to Elftown...unless you were bannedfrom there, then you have no room to complain about anything.

2006-12-24 [zoloftzantac]: aww don't be so mean, they can ask for all the colors they want.

Actually, if you want to see colors you might like to take a look at customizing your personal EP view with stylesheets, which you can change when you change your personal data

2006-12-24 [RabidSphinx]: they can ask all they want sure, that doesn't mean i HAVE to be nice to them.

i did that on Elftown so that it looks all grey like it is here. :)

2006-12-24 [Ihsahn]: in reality on this wiki you should, otherwise not comment at all.

2006-12-24 [RabidSphinx]: you people love me for my brutal honesty. ^^

2006-12-24 [iCh3wi]: Lol

2006-12-24 [skullhead]: <img:modd37-gif.gif>

2006-12-30 [Larova]: I love Elftown.

But why is someone named [im the one yall love to hate] going on about a lack of color?
Sure, it's a bit of a stereotype, but morbidity tends to swing toward a taste for shades of grey.

2006-12-30 [RabidSphinx]: i like Black and White myself

2006-12-30 [Larova]: Gah. Forgot to include that.

2006-12-30 [Larova]: I like neon colors. ^_^

2006-12-31 [FireGypsy]: Meh, I like purple ^_^

2006-12-31 [Larova]: How majestic.

2007-01-03 [ewge]: Blood Red?

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: Oh yeah, i can totally see EP in blood red lol.
But who needs other colours? This makes Elfpack unique.
People askin for colours and media players in their houses... It isn't MySpace!!! Far from it!
In fact, going on how much money EP uses to keep on, its really good!

2007-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: EP is cheep, like me. :)

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: Thank god that EP isn't like myspace! The only thing myspace-like that I would want is to be able to play my OWN videos in my house. I like the EP colours. It is subtle and soothing to my eyes. If colours were to change I would only want the hue of the current colours to change.

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: Burnout, do we need vidoes in our houses? All we need really is a link to you-tube. I mean, in your case, it wouldn't be a bad idea, coz of ur talent. But imagine all the crappy vids people wud put in their houses... "Me and Dave Running Around McDonalds Car Park".
Very beneficial. lol
And i say "stick with the gray!!!" Who's with me?

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: I can imagine the crappy videos everyone would put in their profile. But I want to put **A** video of ME doing my thing on my house. If I get to do this, everyone will want to put youtube videos of something someone ELSE uploaded. So they eliminated it all together which really sucks. But w/e, I have myspace for that I guess.

I like the grey ^_^

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: I'd upload a vid of me drinking and firing my 50 cal and ak47 :P

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: Now THAT is a scary thought O_o

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: Exactly. This is why we cant do it. EP is cool, silly, but not retarded.
And that wud be cool just too have one, only on urs, but that wud neva do. There wud be an upheaval!

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: scary thought? I do it all the time. a 50 cal does alot of damage too .

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: No, the main reason [Hedda] disabled videos and had a link to the video take it's place is becuase people were adding music players that started automatically. So he made it so that you had to click a link and have the video open in a new window.

2007-02-10 [Ultiem]: blows a huge part of you off

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: Ihshy you are nuts. I've shot a rifle, that is about it. Shooting is fun. I was only out in the woods with a few friends shooting trees and shit though. ^_^

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: It is also because it causes to much lag..

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: Only when the videos are playing though, you can turn them off at any time.

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: Its betta like it is...
And if went mad wid a 12 bore shotgun in some woods before. That was amazingly fun ^_^
Shot a milk bottle. Hehe, should have recorded it.
But videos that start automatically are a pain in the a$$, even on MySpace.

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: I shot a glass bottle and broke it first try ^_^ I like handguns better than rifles or shotguns though. I don't know why. I haven't shot one because you need to by 21 to own a handgun but 18 to own a shotgun/rifle. It sucks because I dont want a shotgun/rifle XD

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: the 50 call would blow that away and the thing is was standing on, as well as the trees behind it :)

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: See, that is sooo unnecessarily powerful and would probably break my collarbone....

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: not if you know how to use it, ;)

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: Ppffttthhhppptt!

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: Yer... maybe too powerful, but some kick ass fun!!!

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: blow up the upper half of a torso it would.

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: *shivers*

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: the AK would just hurt alot....

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: I prefer fighing combat style, with my body ^_^

2007-02-10 [Ultiem]: that doesnt work in iraq

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: yeye, thats quite a high cal, tho, the AK...
those r some scary weapons, tbf.

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: you pull the kung fu, they pull a gun...... wow, no more life for you, game over!

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: Yeah, but I don't plan on going there. I may need to use my skills tonight. There is a parade down in Ybor city tonight in which I am going for my friends birthday celebration, and Ybor city consists of about 100 different clubs, where people usually get shot and stuff.

2007-02-10 [Ultiem]: shot being the key word

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: XD Yes, in the clubs people get shot! But out in the street there will be fights.

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: that is why you need a bigger gun, you don't know what people are packing.

2007-02-10 [Ultiem]: i know what people in san francisco are packing

it isnt heat either

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: xactly. They pull out a MAC-10, u pull out an uzi, or in [Ihsahn]s case, an AK. LOL

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: That is why I just keep Ihshy with me as a bodyguard ^_^

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: Damm straight!! And what will he be packing tonight?

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: Everything damnit!

2007-02-10 [Ultiem]: you better pay him well sasha

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: Hehe. Has a rocket launcher in his back pocket in case things get too out-of hand, right? LOL

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: I shall pay him with m&m's ^_^

2007-02-10 [Ultiem]: they better be some golden m&ms or something cause he is morelikely to defect on you for chocolate

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: not good enough, need actual money, I wouldn't use the Ak I want to go overboard and use the 50 Cal :P

2007-02-10 [Ultiem]: lol id use a mk 19

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: How about I pay you in Togs? Eh?

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: See, I would accept the M & M's, its probably the best offer you're going to get off of her... She is worse than [kittykittykitty]...

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: HAHAHAHA! Omfg you are so right Shinobi!

2007-02-10 [Ultiem]: lol then ihsahn would defect on you lol

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: MK 19 would be perfect! Shoot 'em down, guys!!!

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: Cmon I offered Togs!

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: either that or offer me delah pr0n...

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: No good, I need money fro ammo...

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: But I am PoOr!

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: Use the Togs as ammo!!! Tog launcher! You guys would mow 'em down with it!!!

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: I am poor as well....... fine, offer me heineken and I'll blow up any one that even looks at you weird.

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: No drinking on the job, especially with explosives...
In fact, go for it. It'd be a laugh!

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: Omfg how could I forget about alcohol! Yes, I shall offer you a Heinekin!

2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: I always drink on the job, It is actually a fact that I shoot better drunk.. yes a way to my heart is through booze :P

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: I am much better with poi drunk/high. I dont know why, but it loosens my body up so I am not all dancing/spinning stiff.

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: You'd think you were floating, or skating. LOL
In drinkin on the jobs helps ya to protect Burnout, ill bring a 24 pack. ^_^

2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: Sweet! My beer is Bud ^_^

2007-02-10 [shinobi14]: Im a San Miguel man, myself. Nice flavour ^^

2007-02-11 [zoloftzantac]: oh Burnout ... Bud? *throws up into his mouth a little bit just thinking about it*

2007-02-11 [shinobi14]: yeah, you're right ZZ. It's revolting!
But it's ok once you're drunk, because you dont really taste it. LOL. ^_^

2007-02-11 [FireGypsy]: Well I like the way it tastes ^_^

2007-02-11 [shinobi14]: Says the fire throwing girl from Florida...

2007-02-11 [FireGypsy]: XD

2007-02-11 [Ihsahn]: I prefer draft beer :P

2007-02-11 [shinobi14]: Nice, i suppose. But sometimes bottled import tastes better..

2007-02-11 [Ihsahn]: draft imported is best :P

2007-02-11 [shinobi14]: OK, a happy medium is found ^_^
Which brand though? *thinks*...

2007-02-11 [Ultiem]: heinekin only seems to work on ihsahn

i swear for your 21st birthday im gonna get you a keg

2007-02-11 [shinobi14]: He wouldn't live to be 22... LOL
Maybe you're right about the Heinekien...
Though I did try this German stuff... *thinks*...Can't remember the name. Green bottle, and only has four ingredients. Very nice taste.

2007-02-11 [Ultiem]: thats what ihsahn drinks

2007-02-13 [Hedda]: Green bottle, and only has four ingredients.

Oh, like that German beer. Which of the 4711 kinds? <img:sutN.gif>

Maybe it's Becks? It's pretty big in USA, at least.

2007-02-13 [FireGypsy]: *tackles [Hedda]*

2007-02-13 [shinobi14]: Naa its Steinhousen. Its really good!!!
*looks strangely at Burnout*
Is this a normal thing that you guys do? LOL
*tackles [Ihsahn], but then jumps off him when Ihsahn points his AK in Shinobi's face*

2007-02-13 [Hedda]: Nah, it's just normal for Burnouthappy to misbehave all the time. Don't learn from her...

I just insult people.

2007-02-13 [shinobi14]: Well, I imagine you insult people that need insulting... Which is sort of a service you provide for us. We should pay you! LOL

2007-02-13 [shinobi14]: And Burnout is a rebel anyway, so i'll never blame her. XD

2007-02-14 [zoloftzantac]:
You should pay him
(I already did ;)

2007-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: i need to donate. i just lac money, and a paypal. >_>;
maybe i'll have goatt do it and just give her money

2007-02-14 [Ultiem]: you dont need an account to donate from paypal...just a debit or credit card with a logo

ok me being a volunteer and left elfpack for a little vacation i noticed there isnt anything for me to you council have anything on hand for me to do that may prove time consuming and tedious to do because i get bored easy

2007-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: i don't have those either.

2007-02-14 [Ultiem]: know anyone with either the above?

2007-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, goatt, thus why i said i would have her do it and i would just give her cash. :)

2007-02-14 [zoloftzantac]: *is getting dizzy*

2007-02-14 [zoloftzantac]: [Ultiem]: You can help with the next round of TCR

We need a list of all of the members who have Toggery cards but that haven't logged into EP for over 100 days. I would do a search on members inverntory slot for "toggery" with no limit to when they last logged on and have the results sorted by when they last logged on.

Then the semi-tedious part is getting that list formated into the TCR wiki page. We just need the names added to the Round 3 part. The cards will get added as they are removed.

2007-02-14 [Ultiem]: done, but surely you have a more time consuming task

2007-02-14 [shinobi14]: I would donate if i had the money. Elfpack has become a really nice part of my life, and [Hedda] made it all possible. Thanks is all i can afford to give...
Thankyou Hedda. XD

2007-02-14 [FireGypsy]: I <3 Misbehaving! Soon, I may be a misbehaving Mermaid ^_^

2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: cunt.

2007-02-15 [shinobi14]: yeah, isn't she? A job like that... How much does it pay, Sasha- Da?

2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: XD I am totally a cunt! When I want to be of course! I dont know how much it pays and I don't care really, I will be performing underwater!

2007-02-15 [shinobi14]: Yeah, yeah. Dont rub it in... =(
I wouldn't misbehave too much, lil Mermaid. XD

2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: Well, if I got the job, I wouldn't misbehave. Misbehaving is what I do when I get bored ^_^ I can't WAIT to slap on some fins and swim! *starts singing* "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, what do we do we swim, swim"

2007-02-15 [shinobi14]: Wow... Ive never seen you so happy, Sasha. XD Good for you!!!

2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: Happy? Far from it XD But I am content at the moment.

2007-02-15 [shinobi14]: Yerrrssss.... Content. XD
Same difference, i suppose. ^_^

2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: *dances*

2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: Haha! In the words of VF "happy venereal disease/single awareness day" XD

2007-02-15 [zoloftzantac]: I don't really care for VD myself >_>

2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: ^_^

2007-02-15 [shinobi14]: I haven't in the past, but with a new girlfriend i had to make a bit of a fuss...
But this was my first time. ^_^

2007-02-26 [dont panic your in control]: help someone please everyone keeps hitting on my girlfriend[oH eM gEe its Erica*] How do I get the elfpack secret service to post a warning in my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-26 [kittykittykitty]: Did you or your girlfriend send them a polite message asking them to stop? Have they ignored your warnings? If you consider what they are doing Harrassment you can file a report to the Guards on their house. See Report for more help.

2007-02-26 [shinobi14]: Ah kitty, you always make things sound so easy. XD

2007-02-27 [kittykittykitty]: Things are easy, it's just that other people make them sound harder :P

2007-02-27 [FireGypsy]: So true!

2007-02-27 [shinobi14]: But most answers to problems on EP go like this:

Logic, obvious, see wiki.

People dont even use their own initiative... *sighs*

2007-02-28 [Ultiem]: not motivated enough

2007-02-28 [iCh3wi]: or laziness

2007-02-28 [shinobi14]: loss of motivation and lazyness fall under the same category... They cant be bothered.

Meh. Their loss ;)

2007-02-28 [zoloftzantac]: That's not really true though, they are often very bothered :p

As nearly as I can tell people are lazy, they don't want to do any research to find out the answers to things. My day job is mostly just researching dumb crap for people who are too lazy to look it up themselves.

I just pretended to be a newbie who is being harrased and doesn't know what to do. I clicked help (at the top of every page) and scanned for someting relevant, got to the bottom of the page and clicked on "more help", scanned for something relevant and found report which talks about how to report someone for harrasment. The whole thing took me less than 1 min :/

This is a great place to ask for help and get answers to things, but I really am disappointed how few people seem to try to answer their own questions. :\

2007-02-28 [shinobi14]: As i said, lack of initiative.
Ive never noticed your hair, zz. It rocks =D

2007-03-07 [iCh3wi]: Where do we go to make suggestions?

2007-03-07 [FireGypsy]: Elfpack Suggestions ^_^

2007-03-07 [hello]: boy, that just makes perfect sense.

2007-03-07 [iCh3wi]: Thnx

2007-03-07 [FireGypsy]: No problem!

2007-03-08 [Ultiem]: when FAKE fails to occupy my time i come here in hopes of Elfpack succeeding...thats why i am here occationally

2007-03-22 [Syn's Desire]: Pardon, but if i'm having a problem with a wiki, who should i talk to>? the owner of the wiki isn't updating it and has not been doing so for just over a year. there are many people waiting for something to happen, and i'm trying to find out what can be done. To whome should a neglected wiki problem be adressed?

2007-03-22 [Syn's Desire]: And for the record, i've tried contacting the owner and i tried talking to [Sunrose]. she never wrote me back.

2007-03-22 [Ringbearer]: [Sunrose] is at the moment nor alway son her comp, and she will respond asap. You can mail me about the wiki, and I will see what I can do about it.

2007-03-22 [Sunrose]: You don't need me for this problem :)

2007-03-23 [Asrun]: I need you Debby! <3

2007-03-23 [skullhead]: I think I can help <img:m-jpg.gif>

2007-03-23 [zoloftzantac]: the wiki isn't updating it and has not been doing so for just over a year

Next time say what the wiki is, you might guess that is the first thing you would be asked ...

2007-03-23 [Ringbearer]: [Asrun]: stand in line. Fellow Dutchies have priority :)

2007-03-27 [Asrun]: Says who?! :O

2007-03-27 [Ringbearer]: Well, since [Sunrose] is Dutch, its obvious who rule. :)

2007-03-27 [iCh3wi]: dutch dictatorship, heck yes!

2007-03-30 [Asrun]: .>

2007-03-31 [Sunrose]: *slobbers on Ash*

2007-03-31 [FireGypsy]: *licks Sun*<img:zabuN-gif.gif>

2007-04-01 [Asrun]: Yay Debby! :D

2007-04-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: "as the rose of the sun slobbers on ash
the burning euphoria licks her, shes not white trash
for she is fair and goes unpunished for her kinky deed
she can do what she wants without the will to breed."

2007-04-05 [zoloftzantac]:
enneigard the poet
medicated to the gills
chooses she-elf muse

2007-04-05 [FireGypsy]: Surrounded by bad poems,
Attemps to suck up,
I think my head might explode.

2007-04-17 [kittykittykitty]: There once was a wiki named Guards
Full of poetic retards
Said to herself kitty
I must too make a ditty
If only it wasn't so hards ><

2007-04-17 [kittykittykitty]: Except this isn't the guards wiki, but nothing rhymes with coucil D:

2007-04-18 [zoloftzantac]: (for kitty)
There once was a wiki named council
for rejects that were beyond counsel
so I banned the whole lot
cause I knew I not ought
to stab in their eyes with my pencil :S

2007-04-19 [Ultiem]: damn i swear you all are ill

2007-04-19 [Ringbearer]: Of course, we're Elfpackers. We are bonkers :D

2007-04-19 [kittykittykitty]: XD Rhyming council with counsel = lame :P

Yaya it's true! *bonks*

2007-04-20 [zoloftzantac]: but, but ... I don't want to be lame D:

2007-04-20 [Ringbearer]: Too late *evil cackle* You're one of us now!!! Give in to the dork side!

2007-04-21 [Ultiem]: what did the dutch do that the world remembers them for

2007-04-21 [Ringbearer]: Ahem *scrapes throath*

Invented the microscope...
Invented the CD/Cd-Rom...
Discovered Tasmania...
Founded New York...
Brought forth Rutger Hauer, Paul Verhoeven and Jan de Bont
Were the first naval power ever to trade with Japan
The best soccer player ever is Dutch
de Ruyter

2007-04-21 [zoloftzantac]: oh, I thought it was something about how they like to stick their fingers into Dykes ... :p

2007-04-21 [FireGypsy]: I was using a pair of dykes today to cut wire ^_^

2007-04-21 [Ultiem]: didnt the dutch start the slave trade?

2007-04-22 [Ringbearer]: [zoloftzantac]: Lesbians put fingers in dykes :)
[Ultiem]: slavery is as old as classic history, and the Spanish started slave trade.

2007-04-22 [zoloftzantac]: Nope, it was the Portuguese ...

2007-04-22 [Ultiem]: we didnt start it thats for damn sure

2007-04-23 [Ringbearer]: [Ultiem]: your folks even didnt exist when we were already ruling the seas. Americas time was later.

2007-04-23 [kittykittykitty]: Ancient Greeks traded in slaves. Far faaar before the rest :P

2007-04-23 [Orestez]: Gotta save the best for last Bert!

2007-04-23 [Hedda]: As for slavery:
In what would be USA, it was the Dutch who first had prisoners of war working for them. But they released the non-black men and women after a while, and then even made the children of the slaves into slaves too.

When USA got independent, some states read that part about all men are equal as if they had to free the slaves, while others kept the slaves until the slavery tore the country into pieces petty much like it did in Italy 2000 years earlier.

I strongly recommend to see the documentary Slavery and the making of America. Downloadable from here, for example:

2007-04-24 [Ultiem]: mmmmyess

2007-04-25 [zoloftzantac]: I was refering to the Portuguese who were the first to engage in what came to be commonly refered to as the Atlantic slave trade, I know they didn't invent slavery :p

2007-04-25 [Nevermore.]: o0...omg!!! this was..incredably unexpected!

2007-04-25 [Ultiem]: babelonians Egyptians ect

2007-04-28 [OK_Computer]: I'm lost, is this 3rd street?

2007-04-28 [Ringbearer]: Sorry, you took a wrong turn. Turn around, 2nd street on the left, 100 meters ahead, then the first on the right. You recognise the street by the pink mailbox.

2007-04-28 [FireGypsy]:

Council Party!!!

*Hands everyone a beer and turns up the music* Woooohoooo!

In an hour we are having a topless mud wrestling match between [kittykittykitty] and I! So stick around for the fun!

*sparks up a jibba*

2007-04-29 [zoloftzantac]: damn it! I got here late >.<

2007-04-29 [Ringbearer]: Fuck, missed it.... And I dont even like beer ¬.¬

2007-04-29 [Sunrose]: Me too! :O

2007-04-30 [FireGypsy]: You totally missed it!! You don't even know XD

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