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Merry meet, and welcome! If you are interested in the religion Wicca, or maybe just
someone looking into the art of Witchcraft, you're welcome here! I hope you can find what you're
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I am not a leading authority on Wicca, Witchcraft, the Mysteries, or anything at all really.
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and I am not "always right". I am a young woman winding her way down her spiritual path.
A young woman who would like to share with others her experiences and information, in
hopes of learning of their experiences and information as well. I am a young woman searching
for others of like-minds and similar beliefs. I am a young woman who is dedicated, intelligent,
and devoutly spiritual in her own mind. I am searching for spiritual satisfaction and happiness.
I hope that this is enough for my members, friends, and family.


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2007-06-04 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah i never come across money other then the summer months i spend with my uncle. :/ i dont have a way to get to a job down here...

most of my furniture is from my mom ^^

2007-06-04 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ Well, if we didn't have to pay bills we wouldn't be broke. XD It's not that bad though. As long as we can get by, I'm a happy Witchy. ^_^ Most of my furniture is stuff I've just collected over the my entertainment center that used to be a computer center before the keyboard slot broke and wouldn't come out anymore. My computer desk that I got after the "entertainment center" became an entertainment center. The work desk I got from my aunt and uncle one year that they bought at a garage sale and then repaired, sanded, and stained for me. And then I've got a few lamps, a chair here and know. ^_^ Scott's got his futon that we're using as a couch, and then this week we'll be getting his old queen sized mattress and iron bedstead. ^_^ I'm looking forward to that. But we have no drawers. XD My Granny gave me some, though.

2007-06-04 [shinobi14]: Awwww... what a lovely granny!! XD

Haha... now thats what a call recycling. ^-^

2007-06-04 [Fire Fox of Nine Tails]: Hey, that sounds alot like how I got my furniture!! Only, I got mine from friends, flea markets, and lots of visits to Goodwill.

2007-06-04 [Bookwyrm]: Yesh she is. ^_^

Ahaha exactly. And yes, we're going to be making many visits to Goodwill too. I have a frequent buyers card there. XD I like buying clothes there, because you can find some great deals on really nice clothing you can't find anywhere else.

2007-06-05 [Steph-O-Melon]: omg i love shopping at goodwill because i love the 60ies type of stuff and its like a time machine for clothes hehe love it! we do a lot of 'recyling' as well lol my g-ma gave us our fridge and oven, and we recently got a wrap around bench type thing for the kitchen table from the neighbors garbage haha ^^

2007-06-05 [Bookwyrm]: Oh wow, very nice. ^_^ Our fridge and oven came with the apartment and we're not allowed to get our own while we're here (which is all right with me because we're broke and their nice things as it is XD). My grandmother lent us a card table and two chairs for a dining room table, and then I bought a cute little vinyl tablecloth that matches my kitchen set that I bought (it's called's pears, grapes, and apples ^^) well enough. The apartment is really coming along. ^_^ I still can't wait to have an actual bed though...this futon is killing my back. XD

2007-06-05 [Steph-O-Melon]: thats sounds so great! thats one thing i cant wait about living on my own! decorating! lol i need to get a new bed as well, the boards across the bottom that supports everything broke from me jumpong on the bed a while back so its a rigged funny to stay together... duck tape! ive been looking for a bed for ages but then i gave up cuz im going to college soon n e ways

2007-06-05 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Well, we've got a mattress and a bedstead, but I don't have the strength to help le hubby carry either we've got to wait 'til he and his dad both have a day off...which is rare. XD Duct tape is wonderful.

2007-06-05 [Fire Fox of Nine Tails]: I need a bed too. i sleep on an air matress right now, but I have a bad back, so it sux getting up in the morning. I got my dresser from a friend, my living room suite belongs to my roommates(who also shop at goodwill and flea markets) and we dont have a kitchen set. o well, we r working on getting everything.

2007-06-05 [Bookwyrm]: Aww, at least you've got a roof over your head! ^_^ That's what I'm thankful for...that and the two bolts on the doors. XD

2007-06-05 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe yep thats true as can be, my moms starting to save our stuff for me when i move out i have a set of dishes and silverware already so thats nice ^^

2007-06-05 [Bookwyrm]: Very nice. ^_^ You'll never learn to appreciate silverware until you have none to use. XD Believe me.

2007-06-05 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD rotfl im sure, its kinda one of those things you dont think of when it comes to getting your own place ^^

2007-06-05 [shinobi14]: Interesting conversation... that I cant really join in with. lol

But my only possesions are what I love, and couldnt let go of... like my guitar... or my ocarina. =]

2007-06-06 [Bookwyrm]: XD Well, we thought of silverware fortunately, but we didn't have it with us the first night we were here...and I got hungry. XD

Aww, ocarina. ^_^ How pretty. ^_^

2007-06-06 [Steph-O-Melon]: whats a ocarina? lol

we just got a new set of dishes so i inherited the others ^^

2007-06-06 [shinobi14]: I know... ive had it for years, so the sentimental value has surpassed the retail value. But i bought it for £30 (around $55), and its amazing.

Oh right... its a musical instrument, woodwind, made from pot (mine's blue pot).

Do any of you two play instruments?

2007-06-06 [Steph-O-Melon]: no i used to play piano tho, i do have a guitar but i dont know how to properly play it so i dont really consider it playing an insturment

2007-06-07 [Bookwyrm]: I play piano and several other percussion instruments (marching drums, bells, chimes, etc.) and handbells. Though I haven't practiced any in months. ^^'

2007-06-07 [Steph-O-Melon]: wow talent... i fall short of the category

2007-06-07 [Bookwyrm]: XD I'm not that good, like I said...haven't played in a looong time.

2007-06-07 [Steph-O-Melon]: i dobut id be able to work any of those XD even the wrong way

2007-06-07 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- They're not really that hard. XD

2007-06-07 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe maybe not for you, im musically challenged XD

2007-06-07 [L V F]: -walks in and yawns- Hey all how ya been?

2007-06-07 [Steph-O-Melon]: hey!! been alright i guess ^^ leaving for mn soon so im getting excited ^^ -bounces-

2007-06-07 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- All it takes is practice and study. ^_^

Hi [L V F] ^^

2007-06-07 [Steph-O-Melon]: very true... time i dont have ^^ lol

2007-06-07 [Bookwyrm]: XD Believe me, I understand that.

2007-06-07 [shinobi14]: Hey guys. Its the newbie again. Traci, how do you pronounce "triquetra"?

Like "try-ketra"

Or "tricketra"?

2007-06-07 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol right!

2007-06-07 [Bookwyrm]: It can be pronounced try-kwe-tra, or try-ke-tra I know for sure. There are probably other ways to pronounce it, but the one best used is try-kwe-tra I believe.

2007-06-07 [shinobi14]: Thank you Traci!!

2007-06-07 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol whats that?

2007-06-07 [shinobi14]: Haha... its mostly known from the TV show, Charmed. Its the symbol on their BOS. =]

But its old... old old. Long before TV. ^__^ Long before Wicca.

See About The Triquetra that Traci has delightfully given us. ^-^

2007-06-07 [Steph-O-Melon]: oh ok thats what i thought it was but i couldnt remember if that was the name oops

2007-06-08 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ I think it's an important symbol. Honestly, I love Charmed personally, but I sort of wish they hadn't used that particular symbol. Sure, it makes sense for their storyline...but at the same time, it gives us one less symbol to fall back on as easy. The pentacle has been nearly ruined by silly teeny-boppers, playgans, and superstition, not to mention Hollywood...and then the triquetra has been taken by Hollywood as well. However it probably wouldn't be as "well known" without Charmed either. I suppose it's just complicated. XD

2007-06-08 [Bookwyrm]: Oh, and I'd like to apologize for all the missing images. x_x The account I had them all uploaded to got unfairly deleted (they claimed I had not logged in within a certain amount of time so therefore the account was deleted, but it was an error on their part because the day I logged in they changed over to a new system), and all my images are on my laptop. Yes, I ordered my laptop cord and it came in yesterday. Guess what? They sent me the wrong one. x_X So frustrating. I will get the old images reloaded and new images up as SOON as I can, I promise. I'm dying to get them fixed up as well. ^_^

2007-06-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: oooh tough luck on that one its all good though, it happens ^^

yeah thats the first place i had ever seen it was on charmed when it like first began ^^

2007-06-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: is there a difference between one with the circle and one without it?

2007-06-08 [Bookwyrm]: Well, not much really. The circle really just further signifies the joining of the three. Basically, it is just confirming that the three pieces are one, rather than just three separate pieces. ^^

2007-06-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: gotcha thats what i thought but i wasnt sure ^^ lol

2007-06-08 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- I wondered that myself for a while. It's pretty much the same for the pentagram and pentacle, but they've just been made separate symbols...I'm not really sure why.

2007-06-10 [shinobi14]: Yeah, Charmed has almost changed the publics view on its significance. lol To people who don't have much of an idea think that it resembles "The Power Of Three", meaning the three witches on Charmed. *shakes head*

The whole idea of using the Pentacle and Triquetra on TV has made it really hard for us to use symbols without causing suspicion. For those (like me)who don't advertise their beliefs (by hanging heavy pentacle pendants from their necks), its normally better to use the Triskele. =] Less well known.... for now.

Oh, and dont worry about the images, Traci. =]

2007-06-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol i have a pentacle that i wear but i havent really been wearing much jewlery at all lately lol

2007-06-10 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ I don't have any "Wiccan-esque" or "Pagan-esque" jewelry to speak of as of now. Perhaps someday, but I haven't really reached the point that I want to signify to others my beliefs via wearable items. Not that I believe it is wrong to do so. Not at all. ^_^ And I commend those with bravery enough to do so and actually hold true to those beliefs. It's just not something I desire to do yet. ^_^ The only jewelry I usually where are my four rings. My engagement ring and my wedding band on the same finger on my left hand, and the two "promise rings" that Scott and I have exchanged over the past five years on the same finger but on the right hand. ^_^ Sometimes I wear a decorative necklace or earrings, but only when we're going out somewhere or meeting someone. Jewelry distracts me. XD

I'm not too worried about the images, I'd just like them back. I did work very hard on them afterall.

^_^ Also, I picked up an absolutely WONDERFUL collection of books last night. I've only read the first one (read half of it last night and half of it this morning). Since I have not read the second and third books, I will not recommend them just yet, but the first book I highly recommend. It is called "Conversations with God: an uncommon dialogue" and it's written by Neale Donald Walsch. For those of you wondering, it's not a "Christian empowerment book" or anything of such sort, but it is a book written by a man and...apparently God, if you believe it to be so. Of course, you don't have to believe God is writing any of it to get something out of it, but I think it is an excellent read. And for me personally, an answer to my prayers. ^_^ I will tell you that there is a lot of reference to Christianity or Christian beliefs in the book, but not what you might think. I suggest giving it consideration, at the very least. ^_^

2007-06-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol a lot of people around here wear them, so its not something anyone's looked down upon about. but i can understand that it could be a problem in some places lol ^^

2007-06-10 [Bookwyrm]: Well, there's just too much to deal with as far as playgans and zealots both I just haven't bothered to try. :P

2007-06-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol

2007-06-10 [shinobi14]: It can cause slight problems, some people are scared of witchcraft. It might stop you doing some things... But i dont wear stuff like that not because Im ashamed of my faith, but because I think advertising your Pagan faith is foolish, as some employers will stop people working in their companies and such JUST because they may jinx the luck. =S

Unfounded claims, of course. No Wiccan I know would do anything to hurt anyone... although those who arent Wiccan think that they could hex their employees. *rolls eyes*

And i may just take a look at that book, thank you very much Traci. ^-^

2007-06-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol thats wierd. around here, employers really dont give damn,,, as long as you haul your own. lol

2007-06-10 [shinobi14]: Gah, naaa.. Here people judge people on race, religion, even on if someone looks shifty. =[

2007-06-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: o-0' dang

2007-06-10 [shinobi14]: Indeed.... T____T

2007-06-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: the only thing that would prevent you from a job round here, is face tackel, if you wont take it out... well that depends too on the place you apply for...

2007-06-10 [shinobi14]: Yeah, its the same over here... *cries*

2007-06-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol i might be getting a tat -squee-

2007-06-10 [shinobi14]: Really? Like what? WOWZEEE!!

2007-06-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: i donno i really want to get my zodiac sign but i want it uberly nice so if i cant find one i like im going to get a star, black and blue most likely ^^ -dances-

2007-06-10 [shinobi14]: Wow... very nice! =D

2007-06-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: teehee im sooo excited i really hope my mom does it, we're going to mn (leaving tomorrow) ill be gone for 2 months but shes going for 8 days and we might get tats together ^^

2007-06-11 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- Employers can be that way. Hell...PEOPLE can be that way. :P Strange creatures...humans. :P

You're welcome [shinobi14]. ^^ For me, I know it answers a lot of questions that I've had along the way. Questions I'd been waiting on answers for and for a long time. ^_^ When you ask, the Divine delivers. XD Sometimes it just takes a direct hit to get your attention.

Ooo congrats! ^_^ I don't have the endurance to get a tattoo. XD Good luck! ^^

2007-06-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol yeah im soooo scared! lol but im so excited. i think i can endure it. well once it starts i cant stop so ah well haha

2007-06-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: they do say though that women talk pain much better when i comes to tattoos so maybe you would do good lol ^^

2007-06-11 [Bookwyrm]: XD Women take pain a lot better in a lot of ways. -giggles and mumbles something about childbirth and monthly visits- But I don't like to intentionally inflict it on my body if I can get around it. XD I could probably take it, I just don't want to.

2007-06-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol thats true. but i got into the whole piercing thing and got addicted to that and my mom wont let me get my tongue, lip, or eyebrow pierced so shes thinking tattoo ^^ -squee!- ive got 7 in my ears and my belly button done. im getting the itch to get something done. getting that itch BAD lol

2007-06-11 [Bookwyrm]: XD Only thing I've ever pierced is my ears...and only once. But mostly because my mother has had just about every kind of infection from a piercing you can have...and I don't want to follow suit. XD

2007-06-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: wow. that sucks. ive only on an infection in my carliage and i pierced that myself... its fine now tho lol

2007-06-11 [Bookwyrm]: Well, when I first got my ears pierced they got infected and we had to let them grow over again. x_x I refused to get my ears pierced for years after that. XD Then I met Scott...and I decided I wanted to wear earrings. XD

2007-06-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol i got mine first done when i was way little. then my second holes whne i was like 10 then my very top one when i was 12 and the rest on from there... its been 2 years in aug. that ive had my belly button done.

2007-06-11 [Bookwyrm]: XD A braver woman than I am. Mind you, I don't think I quite have the belly for a belly button ring. :P

2007-06-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: i dont lol but i still got it done :P

2007-06-11 [Bookwyrm]: :P Oh I'm sure it's adorable on you. You just won't admit it. XD

2007-06-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol i dont think so, i like it but i wouldnt say it looks good... too... pudgy XD lol

2007-06-11 [Bookwyrm]: :P Yes I'm sure. :P People are too hard on themselves, really. There are so many magnificent and beautiful people on this Earth and so few of them feel this way. Even when they spend millions of dollars on plastic surgery or starve themselves to death to be skinny and "beautiful", no one ever feels "beautiful enough". Well that's just silly. We were all created by the Divine, and to think that a creature with such power would be unable to make you anything but perfect is not only silly, but rude! :P You are more amazingly beautiful and wonderful than you'll quite possibly ever give yourself credit for. You should accept yourself for who you are, love yourself for who you are. ^_^ Love is all that matters, anyway.

Oh dear, I think I got off topic a bit. XD

2007-06-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: ^^ lol thanks hun teehee

2007-06-11 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ Well, everyone should hear it...I mean it's true. If we really are "children of the Divine" we should really start acting like it. People are just plain silly. :P

2007-06-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah thats deffinatly the truth ^^

2007-06-11 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- I agree. -hugs- Well, I'm off to bed for now. Snoring husband and dog are making it very tempting to fall asleep to just shut them up. XD Just kidding. Goodnight! Brightest blessings. :D

2007-06-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol good luck! ^^ -hugs- night

2007-06-11 [shinobi14]: Well finally!!! I get people that think im a madman for thinking that!! Im so glad im not alone...

That thing you said, Traci, about all of us being beautiful. Ive been trying to put this point across for years!!! *bows to you* Thank you!!!! =D *uber happy*

Oh, please Traci... =( Call me Danny. Please. >.< I feel so close to you, and you calling me by my username is kinda saddening. =/ Danny.... =]

But thank you, and my the Divine bless you, for what you just said. ^___^

2007-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ Awww, well you are certainly not a madman! ^_^ I agree with you wholeheartedly in that. If you are, indeed, a madman...then I must be a madwoman. ^_^ As I don't believe that I am, I can say the same for you. XD And I will certainly call you Danny. ^_^ Sorry I upset you, I just never bothered to ask. My fault entirely. ^_^

2007-06-12 [shinobi14]: No problem, Traci.

Haha... i can remember how I learned your name. David and I are quite close. ;)

*bows again* Thank you again, Traci. I hope the Divine will bless you and your family.

2007-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ I miss David. Haven't gotten an e-mail from him in a you know if he's all right?

The Divine already has. ^_^

2007-06-12 [Vaughne]: If your all talking about [phoenixborn] then I got a email from him yesterday and he seems fine =]

2007-06-12 [shinobi14]: Yeah, ive been emailing him. And he is fine. He moved out on Tuesday, and its now living in a flat thing. Him and his girlfriend are doing great, and things aren't bad for him at the moment at all.

Ill send on the message. :)

And im glad they have. ^__^

2007-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ I'll have to check my mail again, then. I haven't checked in a few days, so he may have sent me one. If not, I'll have to beat him black and blue. :P

Awww, I'm glad he's doing well, though. ^_^ Can't wait 'til he gets back around to Elfpack. ^_^

2007-06-13 [shinobi14]: I know! He better be around soon, or ill drive up there and kick his Jordy ass!! =D

...*cries* I miss him... =[

Still, at least i have a few others. =)

2007-06-13 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ I miss him too, but I'm satisfied in knowing that he's all right. Still no e-mail from him though. :( That's a little depressing. Ah well. ^_^ There are other things to keep me busy.

2007-06-13 [shinobi14]: Indeed. I too am quite busy these days. =]

Gah, ill tell him to email you. Dont worry. XD

2007-06-13 [Bookwyrm]: Thanks. :P I know I responded to him last time...but that was weeks ago.

2007-06-13 [shinobi14]: Ahhh... =/

Silleh boy. =]

Although he is having problems at the moment, living in a flat with no lecky. =S

2007-06-13 [Bookwyrm]: Mmm, fun. I can see what you mean. I'm not upset, just a bit worried. Or I was. ^_^

2007-06-13 [shinobi14]: Well, im glad i could put your mind at ease, Traci. =]

2007-06-13 [Bookwyrm]: -nod- Thank you muchly. ^_^

2007-06-24 [Bookwyrm]: NEW LAYOUT!! Woo! I went for simple beauty this time 'round. My arm's been hurting me from all the new graphics I've made across the site, so most of the "extra" banners around the wiki are just simple "word" banners, but they're very beautiful nonetheless. I even made the wonderful celtic twist dividers! (Took an old divider of mine and spruced it up a LOT!). I'm learning to use GIMP better, now, as I hope you can see, so the quality of the images henceforth should be improved. ^_^ Expect to see a few more "word" banners pop up in the Wiccaning, because they don't take as much time to load and look very pretty at the tops of pages. They also don't take as much time to make! (Though still a good bit of time with the way I'm making them ^_^.) I really enjoyed how this version came out...enjoy!

I should be making a new "summery" member ban for everyone to use soon, but I need a short break to catch my breath. Feel free to check out Witch's Dividers to see some of the new dividers I've made (all at the bottom). I plan to reorganize that wiki soon too. ^_^ Blessed be everyone!!

2007-06-24 [shinobi14]: Thank you so much, Traci! =D Your graphics are beautiful. =]

I trust you and Scott had a merry Litha festival? :)

2007-06-25 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ Thank you! -giggles- When I came back to this page to view that comment, the graphics caught me off guard for a second. XD

Sadly I was too sick to get out of bed...and he worked all day. :( I'm sure it would've been lovely, though. :D How about you?

2007-06-25 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Changed the dividers again...made these new ones that I liked even better. ^_^

2007-06-25 [shinobi14]: Oh WOW! Those dividers are amazing! =D I trust you dont mind me using them in my house? =]

And no, i was too busy, too. >.< *cries* I would like to organise a Witchy get-together at Lughnasadh, though. =/ But i have no others near by.... but that doesn't stop me looking. =D

2007-06-26 [Bookwyrm]: THANK YOU!! ^_^ Of course I don't mind, in fact there are several other colours available on Witchy's Random Dividers as well as gold. ^_^ I'd love to see someone else use them...I'm using the "wood" one's in my own house along with a banner I made just for me. -giggle-

-nods- I understand. Unfortunately it happens sometimes. We actually (from what I've gathered) have a lot of witches, Wiccans, and Pagans in this area...but I haven't been able to meet but one. I still haven't called her either. -giggle- Should probably do that. Good luck finding someone though!

2007-06-26 [Bookwyrm]: In addition to the triquetra divs, I've added two different types of pentacle divs as well as claddagh divs. ^_^ Oh! And in the Witchy's Bar Dividers section, there are three pretty (but chunky) bar divs I made last night as well. ^_^ Blessed be!!

2007-06-26 [shinobi14]: Why thank you! Ive found just the right dividers for my house. Thank you so much! ^__^

And last night (i went to a party for my whole year) and there are two that are in my school that were keeping it secret. XD So there are three in our group. ^-^ There should be a "Witches Re-United" website, where we can find each other! =D

So yeah, we're going to get together at Lughnasadh. These two have been out of practise for a while though. =/ But ill remind them of what it is to be Witchy!! =D

2007-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: Nice choice! ^_^

Awww, yay! There probably is such a site somewhere. XD Congratulations!! I'm sure it'll be fun. ^_^

2007-06-28 [fieldhockey bitch]: i cant wait

2007-06-28 [shinobi14]: =] Thanks, Traci.

Cant wait for what, [fieldhockey bitch]?

2007-07-07 [Vaughne]: I should so start talking on this wiki more often... 0_o

2007-07-07 [Bookwyrm]: Shouldn't everyone? ^_~

2007-07-07 [Vaughne]: Haha well indeed indeed it is an amazing wiki ^-^

2007-07-07 [Bookwyrm]: Awww, thank you. ^_^ I've put a lot of work into her. She needs some scrubbing here and there, but I think she's pretty nifty. ^_^

2007-07-07 [Vaughne]: She is indeedy ^-^ I would have to say one of the best wikis on here (no ass kissing here, its genuinue ^-^)

2007-07-07 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Awww, thank you again! ^_^ It is one of the most informative. XD I only noticed a few weeks ago that it was on the most informative wikis list on mainstuff. XD Made me feel oh so special.

2007-07-07 [Vaughne]: I bet it did! ^-^ its a great wiki and as you said very informative its something that will be very helpful for beginners ^-^

2007-07-07 [Bookwyrm]: I hope so. ^_^ That was my intention! ^_^

2007-07-07 [Vaughne]: ^-^ Well I think you have successfully forfilled that intention! :D

2007-07-07 [Bookwyrm]: Hooray! -tosses confetti- XD

2007-07-07 [Vaughne]: *smiles* Yay! ^-^

2007-07-14 [Steph-O-Melon]: im back for but a moment!!! lol i miss you guys!! i dont have a comp to use really up here -hugs all- oh traci, i got my tats!! -squee!- i have to get pics up when i get back to fl miss ya! -hugs-

2007-07-14 [Bookwyrm]: -hugs- Aww, miss you!! I hope you get a computer to use regularly again soon. Congratulations! Can't wait to see 'em! ^_^

2007-07-14 [Steph-O-Melon]: yah i know, my uncle was trying to get he internet... not trying too hard tho lol ^^ im up here for another month still tho so yeah... ^^ their black and blue ^^ i loves em ^^

2007-07-16 [shinobi14]: Wow, hey everybody! =D

Im in the same situations as [BrOkEn LoVeR], im afraid. =/ But im glad everything here is still hunky-dory. XD

Welcome the new crew member. *winks at Traci*

Missing you all. =]

2007-07-16 [Bookwyrm]: -huggles both [Steph-O-Melon] and Danny- I hope you both get working internet/computers soon, because I miss you both! :( It's so lonely here without you guys. <3

-giggle- Shush! ^_~

2007-07-23 [shinobi14]: GAH!! Guess who's back with a new Internet connection!!! =D

Yeah, its me. ¬¬*

Golly gosh, i missed you guys. XD I kinda see Traci as someone i can look up to. =] Someone i can learn from.

Ive been thinking, Witchy... Why doesn't your hubby comment anymore? =/

2007-07-24 [Bookwyrm]: Danny! -snugglehugs- Hi! So happy to have you back. ^_^ It's been a while. <3

No, he doesn't really. He doesn't get on Elfpack much, and he doesn't seem interested in anything I do here anymore. He is a bit, mind you, just not as interested as he was before. He's got other things on his mind, which is perfectly all right. ^_^

2007-07-24 [Morpheumax]: i take it i missed quite alot?

2007-07-24 [Bookwyrm]: I'm sure you have. :P

2007-07-24 [shinobi14]: Hehe... ;)

Thats a shame, i didn't really get to know the guy... <img:mood13-gif.gif> Still. If he has other things to do, good for him! =D Its sometimes good to be that busy. ^-^

..*blush* And thanks for the snugglehug, Traci. Muchas gracias. XD Always appreciated.

Got anything planned for Lughnasadh?

2007-07-24 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha, well, sometimes he's busy, other times he's just sitting around playing games. But I do that too, so I'll not fault him. XD The truth is, this wiki was originally his idea. In a way, that is. He wanted to make a wiki about Wicca, because at the time there were few here and none of them had much to say--most of them were just chat wikis and didn't interest him. So he set out making one, but just had a name...I can't remember what it was, but it just didn't sound imaginative to me. XD So when he asked me to help...well, here we are. XD He laughs about it now and then, but I think he's glad I took the idea over...I don't think he ever would've taken it this far, and he's never had the same knowledge of Wicca that I do. Not that he's not knowledgeable, just that there are things that I know that he doesn't. I'm sure there are things that he knows that I don't...we just don't discuss it much anymore. But anyway, I love my wiki-baby. ^_^

Aww, you're welcome! ^_^ I like to give snugglehugs. ^_^

Sadly, no! I entirely forgot about it with all the stuff I've been busy with! I will definitely have to get some plans in the making though! Thanks for the reminder. <3 What about you?

2007-07-29 [Steph-O-Melon]: -squee!- i miss you guys SOOOOOOO much!! im gunna be back on the 5th! so only one week and i get to be back!! -hugs both- Love ya guys!!<33 xoxo

2007-07-29 [Bookwyrm]: Yay! -hugs- Can't wait!! ^______^

2007-07-30 [shinobi14]: Errrm... maybe. I might just have a small festival on my own, celebrating the start of Harvest. =] Maybe make some whole grain bread, and burn some seasonal incense, along with the candles, of course. The BIG festival i am going to plan for Samhain... thats going to be good. Tee hee!

And i love your wiki-baby too! XD 

Im waiting for you, [Steph-O-Melon]!!

2007-07-30 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ Oh that sounds wonderful. I'd love to make some bread, and perhaps have some grape juice with it. I'm still too young to buy wine, and would rather not try for it. ^_~ It'd be nice to have a small ritual, then take part in a meal you made yourself, and then give back a little to the earth. ^_^ Oh how lovely. Now I wish I had made more plans.

2007-08-01 [shinobi14]: Gah, not many of my friends actually did anything other than prayer... which works fine. =]

DARN! I just found out that my family is going to my other house in Spain in October... about the 29th... so im not going to be here for Samhain!! *cries* Its a shame, because i was planning an outside festival/ritual, in this lovely woody hill that i know. Its beautiful up there... But now i cant do it!! And i cant see me going out there in the Witching hour at Yule, can you? XD

2007-08-01 [Bookwyrm]: Ohh, I'm so sorry! :( Maybe you can find a nice place in Spain, though...? It's a pretty decent-sized place. XD Sorry, forgive my little lame joke. But no, I suppose not. -giggle- Unless you want to bundle up like an Eskimo, and drink hot chocolate instead of juice or wine. XD

2007-08-02 [shinobi14]: Yerrrssss.... ¬__¬

And i suppose i could find something to do... Its just id like to find a little Wiccan community around me!! I dont know, 9 or 10 people? That would be awesome. Then we could celebrate in style!! =D

And somehow, Witchy... i dont think that will feel the same. XD

2007-08-02 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Aww, it's all how you think about it! If you imagine hard enough, anything can happen! ^_^

2007-08-05 [shinobi14]: Very true! Thats if i dont get brain freeze in the meantime. XP

2007-08-05 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol well just think if you get to cold the whine could warm you up hehe im back in fl now hehe -dances- -huggles both- missed ya!

2007-08-06 [Bookwyrm]: Yes, but drinking alcohol in cold weather is dangerous. It actually constricts the blood, making you colder, despite the fact that you "feel warmer."

2007-08-06 [Steph-O-Melon]: -points- yeah that too. lol

2007-08-06 [shinobi14]: Indeed it is, Witchy. Very well rememered. ^-^

*huggles back* Missed you too!!! >.<

2007-08-06 [Bookwyrm]: -giggle- Sometimes some facts stick to my brain better than others. It's like the flypaper is less sticky in certain areas than others...XD

-huggles all- ^^

2007-08-07 [Steph-O-Melon]: -hugs all- lol we should another section specially for hugging lol we hug a lot hehe i like it XD

  // -HUGS!-

lol i saw a snake stuck to fly paper once... it was sad -.< when we got it off all the grass stuck to it.... like a furry snake lol

2007-08-08 [kittykittykitty]: Flypaper is definitely not a word I would use to describe my brain XD But poor snake T_T

I had never realised that about alcohol... I never put those two things together :O

2007-08-08 [shinobi14]:

Poor snake. X(

2007-08-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: ^^ -hugs- gotta keep it rolling XD

yeah i think he was okay tho once the sticky wore off...

2007-08-08 [Bookwyrm]: That is sad about the snake. I really don't like flypaper. It's inhumane. :( Seeing all the different creatures that get trapped in flypaper...and it's not a nice way to die...they starve to death, or lose too much blood from trying to chew themselves off the paper. Makes me sick. :(

-is scared of the people images- Those are creepy...o.o

Well, perhaps you're right. Our brains are more like raisins or prunes...gets another wrinkle every time we learn something. ^_^ See Kitty? You learn something every day! ^_^

2007-08-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah, my friend andrew has mice in his house cuz its an old house and they use like mice traps and he's flushed babies down the toilet when they were born in his dresser overnight... i thought that was like... horrific... i can understand hating them and needing to get rid of them but i really dont think i could flush the babies... >.>

2007-08-08 [Bookwyrm]: :O!!! That's awful. :( There are much more humane ways of getting rid of mice than killing them. :( And flushing them down the toilet? No.

2007-08-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah thats kinda how i saw it... :/ my uncle thought i was crazy becuase his cat killed a mouse in his place this summer and i went a buried it.

2007-08-08 [Bookwyrm]: Aww, poor mouse. :( Though at least that's more of a natural way to die. Cat and mouse...I mean. Being stuck to some piece of paper by glue and starving to death really isn't natural...

2007-08-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah thats a deffinate. My friend wanted to get a snake and let it loose in the house since the traps stopped working pretty much but his mom wouldnt let him...

2007-08-08 [Bookwyrm]: -giggle- Well I wouldn't either...

2007-08-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol I'd just be worried about stepping on it in the middle of the night... and it getting away.... and the poop... lol

2007-08-09 [Bookwyrm]: Exactly! Plus if you have snakes around my babies. XD Not while their babies, anyway.

2007-08-09 [Steph-O-Melon]: yeah that too ^^ no babies in the house atleast lol

2007-08-09 [Bookwyrm]: -nod nod-

2007-08-09 [shinobi14]: You guys are mad... =]

...>_> <_< ...Which is perfectly okay, of course. ^___^

Yeah, we use this thingummy to catch mice. It was like a small tunnel, that the mouse would walk through to get a bait. Then it would tilt, and the door would shut. All we have to do then is just let it out a while away from home. ^__^ Humane... ;)

Hehe... (refering to burying mouse) ...that sounds like something id do, Steph. =D 

2007-08-10 [Bookwyrm]: Much, MUCH better alternative. I know people who would grab a gun and shoot up their whole house trying to kill a mouse. -_-

2007-08-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: We're mad and you love it :P hehe

XD ahahaha I'd love to see that Traci, as long as the mouse got away. If it did, then highly entertaining ^^
but then of course i wouldnt admit to actually knowing that person as well lol

See Danny great minds think alike... but since all the great minds are thinking alike I think that means all the crazy/nature loving/furry woodland creature ones left have to think alike too ^^ teehee

-dances- wow. I am in a REALLY good mood! hehe -glomps everyone-

2007-08-16 [shinobi14]: Witchy... Stephy... do either of you have a wand? =]

2007-08-17 [Steph-O-Melon]: Nope, I haven't began doing any rituals or anything yet that I'd need one for, I'm still reading as much as I possibly can get my hands on. :P lol

2007-08-17 [Bookwyrm]: I've never had one I kept. Once I had one, but it wasn't "right" for me, so I kept searching. Though it's a bit more difficult where I am now...I'd prefer to make my own.

2007-08-17 [shinobi14]: Yeah, i dont think its right to buy one, either. =] Im still searching for mine. ^-^ But im thinking Hazel. Ill search around for a branch/twig on the floor (i dont think its right to actually cut it from the tree) and then maybe an inscription or two. ^___^

But then, its hard to find a Hazel tree around here. >.<

2007-08-17 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol Thats what I think I'll do when the day arises, I started making one when I was little b/c I was obsessed with HP XD I don't think I still have it though. teehee

2007-08-17 [shinobi14]: Haha... me too, Stephy. ^___^

2007-08-17 [Bookwyrm]: Awwww...<3

2007-08-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: I just found it yesterday! lol It's half carved, and probably 6 years old! teehee. Maybe I can finish it... ^^

2007-08-20 [Bookwyrm]: Awww...^_^ Yay!

2007-08-20 [shinobi14]: Hehe... Hey, at least you have a good connection with it. ^__^

2007-08-20 [Steph-O-Melon]: It seems to be major tough wood as well I don't remember what type it was... o-0 Hopefully I can get it done when I have the time. ^^

2007-08-21 [shinobi14]: *throws confetti over Traci and Stephy*

2007-08-21 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *walks in and watches from the corner*

2007-08-21 [shinobi14]: Morning Captain. ;)

2007-08-21 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: morning shino

2007-08-21 [shinobi14]: How are you doing today? =]

Are you Wiccan?

2007-08-21 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: im ok and mothyr nows im pagan but i support all her wikis so she has given me free right to speak where i like

2007-08-21 [shinobi14]: Thats good! =]

Ahhh... pagan... keeping it neutral.

2007-08-21 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: yes but norse pagan

2007-08-21 [shinobi14]: OOOO!! Wow, norse pagan! Very nice to meet you! =D

2007-08-21 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: hehe ok

2007-08-21 [Bookwyrm]: -giggle- Anyone is welcome here, whether Wiccan or not. I think Danny knows that. As long as people can behave themselves and act civilized, they're welcome here. ^^

2007-08-21 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: i love you mom *looks at her lovingly

2007-08-21 [Bookwyrm]: I know you do sweetheart. ^^

2007-08-21 [Bookwyrm]: Awww...^^' So sugary sweet, I think I got diabetes! XD

2007-08-21 [Steph-O-Melon]: -shakes confetti out of hair- Hihi! Looks like you guys have been busy since I was gone. ^^ Ello cpt.

2007-08-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ello love! *bows low and kisses your hand

2007-08-22 [shinobi14]: OOOOO... =] Gentleman. XD

And of course they are, Traci. <3 Anyone and everyone!

2007-08-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: and why sould i not be a gentelman

2007-08-22 [shinobi14]: No, thats the thing. There aren't enough these days. =] Its nice to see someone else like that. :)

2007-08-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: i know hehehe wait *turns around* you were calling me a gentelman heheheheh thats funny

2007-08-22 [shinobi14]: So... i take it you wouldn't regard yourself as a gentleman then?

2007-08-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: hell no

2007-08-22 [shinobi14]: RoFl!! So bowing low and kissing dames hands is just part of your everyday rutine then? =]

2007-08-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ummm ...idk

2007-08-22 [shinobi14]: Hehe... <img:mood10_gif.gif>

2007-08-22 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD teehee You guys are lovely. ^^ <3

2007-08-23 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: bite me hun

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