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Female Quarters


Welcome to the female quarters. This is the normal lounge area for the females to interact with each other and enjoy company. Girl parties for sure. Think of all the fun you can all have. You can do anything you wish and boys are ONLY allowed if invited but this is mostly a GIRLS ONLY ZONE! So feel free to pretty it up ladies.

Note: You may post below however below you will make your own wiki with your 'characters name' and 'Castle Room'.
Ex: [Yudan's Castle Room]

Castle Female Residents  [List the wiki's below here]

Amber's Castle Room
Yuki's Castle Room
Sashi's Castle Room
Ann's Castle Room
Nenet's Castle Room
Caledonia's Castle Room
Faell's Castle Room
Ariston's Castle Room
Monet's Castle Room

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2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: Entering the lounge room for the females the woman with a curvy body sat in one of the large chairs and crossed her legs as she laid her arms on the rests and leaned her neck back as if having a rough day. She was in a long black skirt which had a slit up one side, a red and black corset top which made her bust look much larger. She wore a velvet choker with a rose in the center. She had long wavy red hair and crimson eyes to match. Her black heels on which went to her calf in height. The female had on black gloves as well and her eyes went to the windows which were tinted so she was able to look out into the brightness of day but be safe from the suns harmful rays. She licked her fangs in a slight bit of hunger.

2011-08-03 [Sicarius]: She'd been sitting there for quite some time in one of the corners, just taking in the details of the room and looking out the window. Dark eyes were vaguely were the blue-button ones of the rabbit she hugged tightly to her. She spoke not a word as the lady entered, though her eyes widened considerably. The girl had noticed the fangs...and indeed, even if she hadn't, instinct was telling her that this person was not entirely human.

Now that there was someone else in the room, little Ariston felt an overwhelming desire to leave...but, of course, she did not move, choosing to sit there in silence...just staring...

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: Amber's crimson eyes slowly gazed over to another chair to a child and a smile crossed her lips, "Well I was beginning to think I was the only one who was here at the girls room. I was going to be quite upset. If I was the only girl with all these darn boys around I think I would go man." She brushed her hair back and smiled lightly to the child, "Hmm Miss Ariston is it? And Mr. Irving? A pleasure; I am Amber Monroe but please just call me Amber or Am."

2011-08-03 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes stared back at the woman. The girl remained silent, choosing to nod in answer to Amber's questions. The rabbit, however, was not so reluctant to talk. "And how, pray tell, would you know our names Night Walker? Last I knew, mental reading was a lost art in your kind..." tone was not quite disrespectful, just really gruff. Normally, Irving was not quite so rude when addressing females, however, when they caused his mistress to become so fearful (though the girl was doing a remarkable job of keeping it hidden from view), he made an exception...especially as it made keeping Ari's abilities in check just that much more difficult.

We're lucky, he thought, she hasn't succumbed to them yet...though she's told me the voices are getting louder...if something should happen here like what happened when Erik decided to remove her from her parents' home and keep her...if something like that should happen in this last place of refuge, I do not know where we will go...The troubled look in the child's dark eyes grew even worse, and a cloud of butterflies appeared out of nowhere...fluttering here and there, betraying the nervousness of the girl.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: Amber gave a laugh which showed her fangs, "Lost art? HA! I myself might as well be one of those arts my dear boy. Ahh I learned it when I turned the age of 140 and ever since have rather mastered it. In fact more so that the fact some can't keep their secrets around me. But don't worry I don't pry unless I have a motive. I simply needed your names as of now to call you by."

She watched as the fluttering creatures began to simply appear, "They are quite beautiful. Their color is most unique but darling you need not worry; I wont hurt you. You're just a cute little baby doll. I have to worry about boys. Werewolves and other vampires. Ugh, such troubles. Word of advice Miss Ariston; Don't trust boys, they're better liars than us."

2011-08-04 [Sicarius]: The rabbit's eyes were somewhat dismissive, "It is considered courteous to ask for one's names...indeed, even if Miss Ariston had not provided them, I certainly would have..." he said drily.

The garnet eyed butterfly that had been acting as a hairclip suddenly fluttered close to the girl's cheek, and immediately, she brushed it away. She did not really agree with Amber's sentiments, in fact, she rather hated this 'gift' of hers. Dark eyes grew wider when the vampire spoke about not trusting boys. Irving's eyes flashed, "And you would consider me a liar then?" More butterflies appeared around the girl, each one more agitated than the last...This wasn't good...In speaking those words, Amber had unwittingly triggered a memory of Erik...the man who'd singled out the girl for her ability...and then decided to bestow a few more upon her...such was his granted to those who hold the title of Creator...

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: Amber shook her head, "Why ask when I can simply do? It saves time though I do suppose you are right it would of course make me a bit nosy and perhaps rude. Hmm no matter.

Upon seeing more of the beautiful fluttering creatures she still sat back relaxed with her leg crossed and her arms over the chair resting in peace. She pulled her hand to her face checking her nails as though making sure their were no clips or chips however she had her velvet black gloves on so it was impossible to see them anyways. It was the fact she was checking her clothing. "Oh no no no. You have known her for a time; you are companions and friends. I mean strangers. Keep thy friends close and enemy closer? Aye?" She gave a simple smile; a sign she was in no fear just relaxed and blabbering on about non-sense.

2011-08-04 [Sicarius]: Irving sighed, Typical mind reader attitude, he thought. Still, it never hurts to know someone with that skill...

Ariston gripped the rabbit tighter, trying to will the memory away. She remembered hiding in a small cabinet...hearing her parents' voices raised in anger, then pleading...It had been the insects...the wretched butterflies...that had betrayed her hiding spot to him...When he opened the door and found her there clutching her beloved stuffed bunny, a cloud of them had enveloped him, before disappearing...He'd been horribly burned, but had still grabbed her hand tightly...had fairly dragged her out the door past the bodies of her parents...she'd had to walk through their blood to get there...She was torn from her thoughts as the shadow creature manifested in the shape of a wolf...It stood but a few feet from her, hackles raised. "...damn..." Irving said, upon seeing it. "I had hoped to delay this..." Dark eyes grew wide with fear now; she'd forgotten all about the vampire...but the rabbit hadn't. "Are you going to sit there and preen yourself like a bloody peacock while spouting inanities, or are you going to try and get the girl to calm down?"

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: Amber watched the shadow rise and take shape of a wolf. She was impressed but not very. When she heard the rabbit she rose from her seat and stretched and began to walk toward the child and walked right through the manifestation of the wolf and kneeled before the child and smiled as she reached behind her neck and removed her choker with the red rose on it and held it in her hands out toward her, "You see this rose? It is no ordinary rose. It is a wisdom rose. It adjusts to the person wearing it. Mine is red for 1500. I have fully blossomed. Think of it like a rainbow. You start out young and violet and slowly become more wise and knowing of who you are. When it's red you know everything about yourself and what you want out of life. Would you like to see what color you are?" She still held it out to her. She knew any child loved a mood ring so a wisdom rose must be even more entertaining.

2011-08-04 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes turned from the wolf to the vampire. The wolf growled, and Ariston would have looked at it, but the sound of the woman's voice grabbed her attention. She blinked; she'd never seen such a beautiful rose before. Nodding her head everso slightly in answer to the woman's question, she never saw the wolf lunge toward her.

...The act of not seeing the creature though, did not keep her from feeling the fangs on her shoulder...A soft whimper escaped her as tried to will it away, knowing it would do no good. It let go, backed away and lunged forward again, this time aiming for a quickly found its mark...This time the girl gave a cry of pain. Focus...she thought, focus on the flower...Mister Irving says if I don't let it distract me it will go away...She was lucky the vampire was in front of her, otherwise the wolf-like creature would have dragged her from the chair and inflicted more serious wounds. Irving's eyes flashed, If I had my original form I could help her...though I should be grateful it's no more than that creature...instead of the lycoris flowers...Small hand reached out toward to choker, only to draw back each time the wolf attacked. The wounds were horrible, but lasted only a second or two before disappearing, leaving the skin unbroken, the smell of freshly drawn blood, and horrible pain to the child. She forced herself to remain silent, didn't allow herself to whimper or cry out again...that would only mean it would bother her longer...The butterflies, which kept multiplying, only betrayed her distress...until, quite suddenly, the shadow creature was gone...Her hand fell limply to her lap, "It didn't work that time, Mister Irving..." she said softly, before falling silent.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: Amber watched the child but eyes went to the wolf seeing it of course attack her. Gladly the vampire would have tried to attack the shadowy creature if she knew she could inflict pain upon it. She could only watch wishing that somehow she could get the creature to attack her instead of the young girl. She saw how the child tried to keep her mind distracted from the pain and the creature. She then realized that the creature acted upon being noticed. She wondered if their was anyway to lock the idea of this beast away to keep it from even coming back. Seeing the child seem rather limp she looked to where the creature had attacked though she saw no punctures she could smell the blood which made her set the rose on the ground and back away turning her back to the child as he fangs increased in size causing slight pain to her jaw and discomfort to her lips. "Nasty little pet you have." She pulled from between her breasts a solid red capsule and took it biting it as it broke in her mouth and her eyes rolled back at the taste as he hunger was quenched for a time.

2011-08-04 [Sicarius]: "Pets," replied Irving, "Can be tamed...or at least controlled some of the time...This creature is unpredictable...even the most wild of animals provides some warning before it is going to attack..."

"It didn't work..." it was almost an accusation. Dark eyes looked down at the rabbit, "...Why didn't it work, Mister Irving?" The bunny sighed, "I don't know, Miss Ariston...though I am sorry..." They both knew there was nothing for him to be sorry for though, and Ari sighed. "Thank you..." this to the vampire, "...for not trying to go after it...It wouldn't have worked..." The butterflies had disappeared now, and the garnet eyed one had settled once more to act as a hair clip...Nothing but the child's eyes betrayed her pain. She hadn't really noticed that the woman had turned around, that some sort of change had taken place...but Irving had...that was his job..."You're hungry, Night Walker..." a statement, not a question.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: Amber listened and nodded lightly though her thoughts drifted elsewhere as her eyes were closed imagining the thick crimson liquid filling her mouth and pouring into her throat as if drowning in it to enjoy the desire of being full at some point. Hearing the rabbit she didn't speak right away though only forced a smile and looked over her shoulder, "Oh I'm always hungry hun." Her eyes looked to the child still smelling the scent of blood and she pulled her eyes away to look out the window, "Poor baby doll. Getting attacked by a mean old wolf. Hmm... I think I may know another that could just help you." She gave a smile but had to hide it due to her extended fangs, "you never did try that flower."

2011-08-06 [Sicarius]: A chuckle broke free, as if Irving understood, "...Yes...I can imagine you are, Night Walker...Your kind always are...though most would have satiated it by now..." a pause, "...push yourself too much to ignore it and you will snap...It has happened before..."

Ariston was blissfully unaware of what the two were talking about...It was a blessing really, had she known, the child would have been even more frightened. "...It is not always a wolf..." she said quietly, "...though, at least as a wolf it can only do so much..." Dark eyes looked startled as though she'd realized what she said. Irving, sensing her distress was quick to speak up, "It will probably not visit you again tonight, Miss Ariston..." When Amber mentioned the flower, she nodded, "...May I...see it another time?" question was hesitant. "Mister Irving said you were hungry...perhaps you should eat?"

2011-08-10 [Yudan333]: She listened and then her eyes looked ahead to the bland walls and sighed softly and let her fangs hang free, "Hmm Though I may not need as much feeding as some. Besides at my age I have had better control over it. She then turns on her heels making her fangs hide in her mouth as she walked over taking her choker and strapped it back around her neck and she went to the door, "Yes indeed. I shall bid you good eve. Oh by the way; the one whom I think can help you is Grey. He's a playful male but I am sure he can be of some assistance." She then vanished out the door as it slowly closed leaving her alone in the womans quarters.

2011-08-11 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes watched the woman, "...Thank you, Miss Amber..." came the soft reply, and she offered up a small smile, "...Have a good evening..." Irving's expression was neutral, and he waited until the woman was out the door before he spoke, "Miss Ariston..." tone was grave. The girl was quick to turn him around and look at him, expression concerned. "What is it Mister Irving?" The handsewn rabbit gave a sigh, "...remember to keep your guard up...that woman you just talked to was a vampire...and while she would do no harm to you, I am quite sure there are others who would...I do not tell you this to frighten you," he added, seeing fear flicker on the child's face, "...only so that you will be aware of what may occur. As for Lady Amber, I have a feeling she will be keeping an eye out for you as well..." Ariston merely nodded, and, hugging to rabbit close to her, continued to sit in the far off corner...silent, patient...

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