Death Poems
By [
Pain is stabbing
Crying so silent
No one can hear my pain
No one can see my tears
For I’ve sewn myself shut
Away from the world
The pain is beaking me up
I can no longer take it
So I raise the dagger above my head
Saying good bye to this world
Good bye forever
You pain filled world
The Phantom in my Mind
By [
In this room
Filled with white
Is where I’ve bin
My whole life
I did leave once
But that was one time
The phantom in my mind
Is destroying me
From living
I don’t want to live anymore
The pain is too much
But they don’t want me to leave
They think they can cure me
But its too late
So please give up
Just say I can die
So I can leave this world
But they wont
Now my family surround me
To say good bye
They all cry for me
But I don’t care anymore
So as I begin to slip away I say good-bye
To them because the phantom
Has finally ended the pain
My Silent Rage
By [
someone stop these tears
from falling,
There's nothing i can do,
this all seems so new
It's something i do everyday,
It just keeps the monster at bay.
Nobody knows what lies within,
as long as she stays in her den.
And no one knows what lies beneath,
because no one has seen me unsheathed.
The tears, they stop for now,
just so i can let everyone down.
It's my silent rage,
it just gets worse with age.
I was the one who was violated,
while everything else was confiscated.
Nothing stops the pain i feel,
I don't know how to deal.
The tears, they start to fall,
I haven't teh strenght to crawl.
I don't know where to turn,
my eyes they start to burn.
I feel the pain,
it's against the grain.
I see the blood,
it comes as a flood.
I look at my arm,
with receding charm.
I put down the blade,
it's all such a haze.
This is my release,
leave me alone, please?
The silent rage wins,
I'm sying from within.
The blood i cant hide,
i'll tell you i lied.
It's the beginning of the end,
I've got to learn to fend.
This is my past,
I know i won't last.
My silent rage wins,
I died from within.
A Desperate Song
By [
I can hear you... yes, I can see you
calling from my own insanity
torn apart when I was taken from you.
Now where are you, behind those walls...?
It's been long since the last time
your smile wasn't cold, your eyes were not blue,
your heart was still beating
is it beating now?
Now I hear the blood
under your skin, rushing to your dead heart
soldiers of blood, cities of blood
under your skin
under your pale skin.
And life goes on,
all white, all pale, all dead,
my world has died with you,
now you left me all alone
listening to you
to your old, dead songs,
I'm weary of living
the world was not meant to be
without someone like you.
Remember those times
when you used to drink my blood
and we were one, and only one,
and now we're torn in two,
I've been torn apart from you,
I've been torn apart by you.
I still hear the dead silence
calling you once and again
forever I will call your name,
By [
~lil cutie~]
as i sit there on my bedslitting my wrists i start to lose myself
i dont notice i'm surroundeing my self with my blood
after a few minutes i dont feel no pain
as i start to bleeding to death i get cold and law down on my bed
as i lay there dying i rebember every one in my life
i rember the time i had when i was blind
blind with hate and had someone to get me throuht it
i rember when there was a time when i actually had hope
hope in myself and the people i love
but that hope died and withered away a long time ago along with my heart
as i lay there dyeing i start to regret what i did a little
then i think it was for the best
Call of Death
By [
~lil cutie~]
death has come for me tonight
i hear him as i bleed
i can see him in the shadows
i can feel him as i am alone in the dark
i freeze up as i feel his chilling breath go down my spine
i feel his cold hands as he grabs my face to look into my eyes
i hear him whisper in my ear that it is time to go
i look in deaths eyes and tell him I'm ready to leave this life
he stretches out his boney hand for me to take in mine
i take deaths hand and walk behind him in silence
tonight death has come for me to take me form this life
Milk of Court
(for the wooden woman)
By [
My teeth are numb.
I'm walking on my toes.
I could push my tounge through the top of my mouth
Wanna see?
A cry in the distance
I run over and see a girl
smelling of alcohol
and hardly breathing.
Maybe I know her.
She fell off a cliff!
She's having an asthma attack!
She's choking to death!
Slap her! Get her respirator!
Heimlich maneuver!
She's getting cold and hard and I can't think.
Too many stupid drunks yelling
I wish I could think.
Is she dying? Stop hitting her!
Help her! I can't see anymore.
My Dreams
By [
In my dreams I can see Him
As I walk through the halls,
He's always at the end,
Waiting with an open hand for me.
He's hard to ignore,
The cloaked figure with skeleton hands.
Never can I see his face.
I want to see his face soo much.
So I get close to him.
His hand reaches out for me.
So I take it.
He is as cold as a grave stone.
But at the same time he's so warm.
I ask him to remove his hood.
So he takes it off to reveal his face.
But before I can fully see it.
I open my eyes and see the stars.
I'm in bed.
Sleeping, again.
He's in my dreams.
What's he supposed to mean ?
In my dreams...alway

Angels Lament
By [Raikcoes]
For the news was heart-rending,
the pain it brought was never ending.
Ripping me right in two,
there was nothing i could do.
The more i am unaided,
the quicker everything gets faded.
The pain hasnt died,
not even with all the tears i've cried.
All the while angels are flying,
deep inside i am dying.
The pain i hold is very deep,
and yet deeper it begins to seep.
No one hears my call,
not a single one at all.
The love that i knew,
has died with you.
Death...will you please,
take me with the greatest of ease?

By [Raikcoes]
Everytime i close my eyes,
all i dee is his demise.
Even though we aren't apart,
his leaving still breaks my heart.
Why couldnt he see,
all the love he had from me?
Yet his own life he took,
and all he had to do was take a look.
He would have seen all that he ever wanted,
but never sought to see what flaunted.
Everything that was so near,
but not all was as clear.
All the love he had from me,
yet he didnt see.
may he rest in peace...

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