Death Poems
By [
I stabbith ye]
who is there to hold me as i lie?
who is there to hold me as i die?
who is there to wipe away the tears of blood?
who is there to help me if they could?
who is there to hold me as i lie?
who is there to hold me as i die?
The Bleeding Rose
By [
I stabbith ye]
My heart is yours for i have given,
but you have not, why?
is it that i am different to you?
do you want to make me cry?
the blood of the heart is found in here,
in the centre of the rose.
and for all this pain it bleeds.
but the pain i cannot close.
and nothing will heal it,
for that is the bleeding rose!
Now and Then
By [
I stabbith ye]
your heart breaks, you feel pain
and you lie there thinking..
the music surrounds your ears
the memories the feelings come flooding back..
but it does not matter now..
your alone here on the floor..
nobody holds you anymore
only the knife in your hand
the one ounce of strength left in your body gives up
and you lie there...
wrists drowning out the pain of the world
and your eyes closing gently
The Dark
By [
xX-Th£_ FØrGöTtêñ_ Øn£-Xx]
I Was Walking Alone When
You Came Out Of The Dark
You Grabbed My Arm
You Wanted To Change Someones Life
You Picked Me
You Dragged Me Into A Car And Drove Away
Took Me To A Place I Did Not Know
You Pushed Me Out Of The Car
Threw Me To The Ground
You Put A Gun To My Head
You Made Me Kneel
And You Made Me Beg For My Life
You Pulled The Trigger
Got In Your Car And Drove Away
You Wanted To Change Someones Life
Well Im Sorry To Say You Didnt
You Killed Me My Life Is Over
What Is There To Change
You Cant Change My Life Because Its Over
I Was Dead Inside In The First Place!
The Pain I Feel
By [
yo, its ginn]
Hours and hours of shreded love this no more is lust it is love and disgust. Should I forgive and forgett and except all the tears or should I get my payback for all of these years. You need to bleed for all of my pain to go where thiers no sunshine but always rain. Its too late to turn back and too late to end this so by the time you get back my blood will be spilled and I will see black
Death to Sunrise
By [
yo, its ginn]
Early in the morning before the sun has rose I lay in the dark with my eyes tightly closed.The blackness eternal before i awake I hope I wake up for everyones sake. This slumber is perminant we are forever in a dream. I wish I coul tell you this is not what it seems. When I open my eyes I find I can not move, thier are walls all around me and Im in a small grove. Its cold in this hole and I feel as if I have no soul. Im tightley bound in some kind of jacket and I think the only way out is with a hatchet. Im stuck in this place where thiers no getting out. Theres writing on the walls but I dont know what its about.Its quiet and damp and dark and dank. My mind sees nothing it black and blank. I flashback to a time trying to remember. Its snowy and cold and I think its December. I remember a funeral it is I who died. And now laying in the dark I wonder if my family cried.
By [
So everyone looks at me expecting someone fun and carefree.
Well at least that is what I should be.
But how am I suppose to be happy when no one even cares about me and my problems?
I'm just selfish I know, I can't stand that or them.
Seeing them happy while I'm not.
I'll just give it all I got.
I'll give it all I got to stop being so depressed and sad.
It's not an easy task for someone like me who feels this bad.
I'm hungery for something new and someone who actually gives a shit.
It all just doesn't fit.
How could I be so unhappy and no one even notices?
No one says "are you ok?" Or gives me hugs and kisses.
If someone noticed me it would be heaven.
It could be a stranger making me feel better 24/7.
I just don't know what to do about all this?
Should I just run away and never come back, doing these things would be my bliss.
Or should I just do what I always do and run upstairs crying.
While everyone just sits there and doesn't do a thing.
I want to choose the first option, but of course I won't.
I'll just do what I always do and don't do the thing that will make me happy.
Could there be a third option?
Yes, but I will go to this with caution.
It's not an easy thing to do.
Here it goes, the third option is to just end my life.
That will mean I will never have kids or be a wife.
I might be able to handle it.
I won't cry or have a fit.
I'll just take this knife.
Then I will be able to end my life.
Then all my pain will go away.
Then I will be in hell to stay.
Is doing this worth it?
To loose all my friends and family forever.
I wouldn't do it if they cared about me, never!
But that's the problem they don't so here I go.
Goodbye to everyone who treated me so bad.
I was so sad.
But now I'm not, because I am dead.
If u would have fed my hunger for happiness then I would still be here.
So I am now gone forever.
Betrayal in my Heart
By [
My head is pounding
My vision blurs
I cough so vilintly
The pain gets worse
The blood comes out
The pain starts to fade
I'm slightly scared
My life is ending this way
The blood is falling
Down my arms
Ti's pooling around
My sorrow filled mind
I'm falling so far
Down in the dark
All because the knife
And betrayal in my heart.
By [
Sirens blasting loud
People looking in curiosity
Neighbors watching the door with tears in their eyes
The door blasts open
An ambulance comes to take the crazy mother away
She tries hard to break free but can’t
A policeman comes out the door
Neighbors rushing to him with tears rolling down their face
He carries lifeless bodies of 2 kids
Neighbors drop to the ground crying uncontrollably
People now realized what had happen at the house of 8brook Dr
By [
a boy lying dead
a blood stained shirt
a girl dead at his side
both bleed to death
one by gun other by knife
Sirens at full volume
police are seaching
detectives are watching
looking for their death
the only thing they know
is they died because of love
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