Death Poems
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Slice my wrist's and watch me bleed
I am the undead I will never succeed
under your love I sit and grieve
you won't even look at me.
Slice my wrist's and watch me bleed
i am the undead i will never succeed
ure candy kisses
your sugar coated lies
leaves me blinded believing the lies
Slice my wrist's and watch me bleed
I am the undead I will never succeed
crystal tears
complicated dreams
useless talents
and muffled screams
Slice my wrists and watch me bleed
I am the undead, I will never succeed.
Fallen and broken,
unable to mend the shattered heart that lies within.
I look within you to find the truth,
but the truth is within myself.
Before I am able to believe in you,
I have to believe in myself.
Before I am able to love you,
I have to love my self.
Before I am able to trust you,
I have to trust my self.
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a girl found dead
police looking
one boy watching
he look into the night sky to see a lost soul hovering in the air
he knew her soul was trapped
he loved her, she loved him
he grabbed his father's gun and shouted
"life isn't worth it" and pulled the trigger
his father watched his son die
he ran to his dead son
and realized that the dead girl was his
son's closet and dearest friend.
By [
Tainted Raine]
When Samara was young. she was put into a well.
If you watch a tape, you will die in seven days.
So you might as well stay out of her way.
She can see you in your dreams.
When you die in seven days. Please, please try not to scream.
What Am I?
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Lisin to that sound
Now you'll be bound
You'll never be found
Even if they send hounds
You'll be in our mound
under the pound
If u try to escape you'll just go round and round
You'll be wound and wound
But you'll never escape me
The Darkness
By [
xX-Th£_ FØrGöTtêñ_ Øn£-Xx]
the darkness is comeing
go run and hide
death wants to kill you
kill what you have inside
your eyes are the windows into your sole
death wants your sole to die
death wants to kill
and kill he will
run and hide
try to get away
you wont
he will get you
so rest in peace
Do You Trust Me?
Dear mom,
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Dear mom
Today I almost died
This kid came up to me with a gun
And pulled the trigger
My best friend was with me
He really is my best friend
He’d never let me die
So when the trigger was shot
He jumped in front of me
He sacrificed his life for me
So I pray for him at night
Dear mom
Today my friend died
So let me mourn for him
By giving him a great gift
A Big grave stone designed by me
Saying “The Best Friend anyone could have”
By [
Perish in the ashes
Die in the flames
Lay dead for all I care
I hate you
You annoy me
Die already and leave me alone
Dear sister, JUST DIE!
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Life to you is death
Life inside shall perish
Life may be boring
Life might consumed by time
Life is by far boring
Life is darkness waiting to arise
Life is the third word in every sentence.
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Darkness lies waiting
So silent no one can hear
Evil waits in souls
To release it’s full potential
The more that becomes corrupted
The stronger they get
The light shall stop them
No matter what the light shall keep them imprisoned
Forever till the end of time
Let me die
By [
Suicidal Moon]
Let me die here on the cold floor
with the unforgiving knife clutched in my hand.
I reach out for you with blood running down my arm,
you look at me in disgust and leave me to die in bitter loneliness.
I want to scream at you not to leave,and although the words are showing clearly in my eyes behind brimming tears,you look laugh at me and slam the door in my face I manage to get off the floor and stumble to the phone,I now see my mistake and call 911 and beg for help,and although they assure me that they will get to me in time,I know deep down in my heart they will not. Even though I want to believe them and clinge onto the only emotion I can feel through the numbness.The phone slips from my hand, as numbness over comes my arm,and clatters to the floor with a sicking thud.The world I once despised now goes dizzy,as I fall to the floor and prepare to say goodbye to the pain I knew since birth,the paramedics burst through the door.
And then I now know the emotion I felt through the numbness was hope,and now the hope that floods through me now, assures me that I will live to see another day,and prove to you that I will survive and show you that I can get over you and the pain that I held so dear for so long and I will never again let myself die.
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