Page name: thoughts of the unwanted 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-11 04:08:19
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Thoughts Of the Unwanted Page 3

She sighed, refusing to let the girl's actions effect her. She wanted to scream and shout out about all of the frusterations that the school caused her, but she just bottled them all up. The exersices were done and the teacher matched up pairs in the room for everyone to do their lifting. She was paired with a boy named Josh. She shrugged, not even caring to do any of the lifting. She knew that if it was needed that she could defend herself without having to prove it in the gym by how much she could lift. He glared at her.
"Look, you don't have to care about your grade, but I do care about mine. If you don't get up and do the work then I'll be getting docked as well, so get up and do your share. Don't make me pay cause you don't care about your grades." She just smiled up at him as though she didn't really care. It was the first time she'd smiled in almost a year. He just glared.
"Unless everyone has forgotten by now, I'm not really that important here. The teacher has never docked anyone because I didn't do any work before. She barely even remembers I'm here half the time so don't make now any different than any other day. You've never noticed me before so don't try to make up now and ask about me. Get yourself in gear and do your work. You'll forget me by lunchtime." He looked at her, half offended by her comment about forgetting her, but he could not deny that he hadn't payed attention to her or thought to remember her any other time before. He'd not really even thought of her name and he felt horribly guilty that her harsh words were no less than true. She knew more about him then he did her and all she'd said was a few sentences. He couldn't even give her that much.
He just looked away regretfully, turning away to get going on his gym work. She rolled her eyes and laid back against the wall, yawning and closing her eyes tiredly. She sighed and opened her eyes, looking around half dizzily. It looked like a different place. She could see herself across the room, smiling and talking with a few other people, but as soon as another girl walked by the other people that she was talking to followed the person who had walked by. She just looked down, seeing herself easily replaced once more. She'd never felt more pain than at the end of her usings. That was the last time she'd made any attempt to be social or to get along with anyone but herself. She'd given up on everything, seeing that being alone was probably less painful. She'd bought her first journal that night, becoming one of the lesser: the unwanted. He looked to her curiously, watching the tears roll along her face, trying to ignore it and not bother her.
He just couldn't take his eyes off of how miserable she looked as she sat up against the wall crying with her eyes closed up. It made him feel horrible. He just turned away from it and continued along with his sets. One of his friends walked by and looked at him. "So, who's your partner? Or did you bargain with the teacher to work by yourself this time?" Josh shook his head and pointed to the girl against the wall. The kid looked to her and then back to Josh. "Why isn't she up working with you? As well as why, who is she? I've never seen her in this class? How long has she been in here?" Josh looked at his friend sadly.
"We're all horrible people Brian. We've never noticed her being there. The teachers don't even notice her anymore. She doesn't do the work in gym and the teacher doesn't remember her so she can't count it against her. We're just horrible, look at her. She's absolutely miserable all on her own. I feel like a monster. She's human just like us." Brian looked to Josh as though he thought there was something wrong with him. He laid the back of his hand against Josh's head jokingly and Josh hit his arm away angrily. The tone in his eyes was completely serious as was the scowl around his mouth. He glared at Brian and pushed him away.
Thoughts of the Unwanted
Thoughts of the Unwanted 2
Thoughts of the Unwanted 3
Thoughts of the Unwanted 4
Thoughts of the Unwanted 5
Thoughts of the Unwanted 6

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