Page name: thoughts of the unwanted 4 [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-11-11 04:09:31
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Thoughts Of the Unwanted Page 4

"Josh, stop being so sensitive. If no one knows her, there must be a really good reason. Honestly, you can't tell me that you've ever cared about people that were ignored until now. So just get over it, you'll forget all about her by this afternoon and this won't even be a problem anymore. So stop fudging yourself around in that mess. Just leave it alone and stop thinking about it. There is always a reason that people are treated like that so lets let that reason be." Josh pushed him away, the anger in his body vibrating.
"You know what, Brian, you're an inconsiderate prick. We don't even know her so I say that we should give her a chance. She may not have done well on being friends with someone else, but that doesn't mean that she can't be a good person and a good friend to us. You can't honestly tell me that she's ever done anything horrible to you. You've never known she was there until today. So I say we give her a chance and invite her to hang out with us. Let's make our own impression on the girl. If you don't want to, tough nails, because I do." Josh was not leaving any choice in the matter. He was going to invite her to lunch. Brian just shrugged and left him alone. Josh slowly walked to her."So what's your name?" She looked up at him as though she could care less what he asked or why and that she wasn't going to answer. "Please tell me."
"My name's Adrianna. Why do you want to know?" He tried to make it seem like a pleasant conversation. He moved a little closer and sat beside her. She looked at him curiously and almost glared.
"Well, I was kind of wondering if you'd like to go to lunch with me. That is, if you're up to sitting with a bunch of different people that know nothing about you and will be all open to learn some new things." Adrianna scoffed.
"You know nothing about me. You shouldn't let me sit with your friends because you've no idea of my life or myself so you have no idea what I'd say to any of them. Another thing, you don't want to know anything about me. You just feel bad because I told you that I'd been ignored and personally, I don't care for anyone's pity. I'm used to being alone and that is how I plan to stay. So just get back to your work and leave me alone. Don't send illusions my way because I really don't appriciate them. Get out of my face." She'd let the time of being one of the unwanted get the best of her so she'd turned into someone who wasn't one of the kindest when put into a conversation. Josh wouldn't give up on trying to get her to sit with him at lunch, even if it meant sitting alone with her off of campus.
"Fine, then let me get to know you a little better. Go out to lunch with just me. We'll sit somewhere private and no one else will have to listen to you. Let me get to know you and then sit with me and my friends altogether. So just go out to lunch with me. You can tell me all about you." She felt her heart lift and crash back down into the shambles it had been left in before.
"Look, I'm done being tricked into friendships that are totally meaningless. I don't want anything to do with it. I'm done being pushed around, lied to and then forgotten. Just go away. I don't want anything to do with your damned tricks." He looked at her in amazement to how she continued to shoot down his every attempt to get to know her better. His jaw dropped to her response as he backed away slightly. He just stood and got back to his lifting, finishing the little amount of remaining things he had left to do. As soon as he had finished, he had pushed her out of his mind and gone back to the rest of the class and started to do their running activity. She just sat against that same wall once more as she did every day that she had gym. It never made any difference to her or anyone else where she was during classes. She could leave and no one would really care. The teachers would just mark her as there and she wouldn't have to worry about it.
Thoughts of the Unwanted
Thoughts of the Unwanted 2
Thoughts of the Unwanted 3
Thoughts of the Unwanted 4
Thoughts of the Unwanted 5
Thoughts of the Unwanted 6

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