Page name: thoughts of the unwanted 5 [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-11-11 04:10:24
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Thoughts of the unwanted Page 5

The bell for end of period rang as she made her way out of the gym and up the stairs to her next class after changing in the locker rooms once more. Her next class was just running passes around her school to certain students or teachers to be signed and sent back or as a pass for them to go somewhere immediately or for a specfic time later in the day. She sat down in her usual desk in the back of the office, looking around at all of the teachers and several students who were doing the same thing as her. No one ever paid her any attention and she'd never run a pass the whole time that she'd been a pass runner. Most of the time she'd either write a quote out or she'd lay her head down and go to sleep. Today, she laid her head down but she couldn't settle her racing mind long enough to fall asleep even in the slightest. So she laid there the whole period with her head down against the desk, never being given anything to run to someone's class.
The bell rang yet again and she made her way down to the lunchroom, being bumped into and shoved out of the way by several students just like any other day. She sighed and sat down in her corner of the lunchroom. Josh approached her slowly. "I haven't forgotten you, Adrianna. Please give me a chance to get to know you. I'm not always like everyone else and I can change and be a better person. I don't want to leave anyone out. I've never really liked to. Please let me get to know you so that we can both judge if we should or shouldn't be friends. Go out to lunch with me. You can choose where ever you want to go and I'll take you there. Just please, come with and talk to me." She looked up at him half angry, half asleep.
"I don't want to eat lunch. I want to go home and go to bed. I'm tired if you cannot tell. I don't want to talk to everyone or anyone at all to make an argument about my life. I want to lay down under my comforter and I want to fall asleep peacefully for once. I want to not have a nightmare and I want to be able to sleep all night long for once. I only got about thirty minutes of sleep okay? I'm not happy, I feel like I want to die and things are not going well for me today anyhow." He smiled softly and looked at her sympathetically.
"Then, tell me where you live and I'll take you home. Show me your dad's handwriting and I'll forge you up a note to get you out of school for the rest of the afternoon." He tried to make a gesture.
"I can leave whenever I want to, no one here would notice that I've left. I've done it many times before just to test my limits. No one here cares, and no one here has ever cared. Frankly, I doubt that anyone is ever going to try to make a difference to that in my life. How do I know I can trust you with knowing where I live?"
"Well, I could tell you where I live so that if I did anything bad with the knowledge of your home you could take out your anger by getting revenge in whatever way you see put and I'll never press a single charge against you. So, do you want to go home?" Sighing with defeat and fatigue, she nodded and stood, following him outside to his car.
"Won't you get caught if you skip school?" He shook his head and smiled softly.
"Nope, I'm off for the rest of the day. So I am free to do with my time whatever I will to it and as of now I am choosing to spend part of it getting you home and into bed so that you can get some very badly needed rest." She smiled at him. Even when she'd had the friends who would turn their backs on here at the newest outcast to come along, no one had ever been so kind to give up a little of their free time to make sure she got somewhere or to assure her health or rest patterns. "So tell me where you live?" She told him her address. He smiled. "Will you need help getting to sleep or should I just drop you off?" She looked at him curiously, wondering why he was being so affectionate and caring, but she wanted the company that had been taken away from her so many times.
"Would you mind coming in and helping me get to sleep?" He shook his head and smiled, continuing along the roads to getting her to her house slowly, trying to tax her being awake as long as he could.
"I just want to get a little closer to you and let you trust me so that maybe you won't be so protective of yourself around me. I want you to think of me as a friend or a brother figure that's going to be there when you need a shoulder to cry on or simple an ear to yell at. So, just relax, you've got nothing to worry about when you're around me." As they pulled up, fear dashed into her eyes when she saw her father's van there.
"M-maybe we can g-go somewhere else so that I c-can get some rest. I don't think t-that here is s-such a good i-idea." He looked to her curiously, her nervousness worrying him, but he continued along the roads, passing right by her place. It was as though they hadn't been heading to her place at all. He looked to her with concern as she shook with fear. He wanted her to tell him, instead of him having to ask so he didn't feel like he was prying too far into her life too fast. He just kept driving until he got to a brick house, pulling up into the driveway. She looked at him curiously, the fear that had been in her, still residing in her eyes. "Where are we?"
He smiled and climbed out, walking around to her side of the car. He opened the door and took her shaking hand within his own. "This is my house. You'll be safe here. My parents won't mind that you're here as long as we don't make it seem like you're the queen of England. I'm sure you'd just like to lay down on a bed and get some sleep." She nodded and he smiled softly. She followed him into the house. It was nothing less than huge. Everything was shiny and expensive looking. He led her up a stair case, through a hall, through a door, another hall and two more doors before she was in a room with a nice big bed against the wall. It looked soft like clouds and smooth like liquid. "This is the guest room, you can catch some sleep here. It's completely sound proof so you can't hear anything and neither can they." She smiled as he led her to the bedside by the hand. She laid down in the bed and yawned, closing her eyes and almost falling asleep at once.
He smiled and made his exit, trying to make sure that she wasn't going to be bothered when she was trying to get some sleep. He closed the door softly and walked down the hallway, making his way back through the doors and hallways to the stairs to get to the livingroom to check for his parents. They weren't in there, so he made his way three rooms down and saw them sitting at their seperate desks. He walked in and softly knocked on the wall to announce his own enterance. "My friend is upstairs, she had no where else to go when she needed some rest so I took her into the guest room. I know that there isn't a problem with it because you never have, but I thought that you would both like to know that we've got sleeping company upstairs. I hope you're both having good days. I will talk to you later." He quietly left the room as his parents looked to the space in which he had stood as though he should not have been there talking to them at all.
He didn't mind them in the least. He just wanted to give them the knowledge that there was someone in his house instead of just walking around as though her being there was a secret. So he made his way into the kitchen to make himself something to eat. He knew that if he'd have asked someone that he would have had to wait nearly an hour when he knew that he was hungry right then.
Thoughts of the Unwanted
Thoughts of the Unwanted 2
Thoughts of the Unwanted 3
Thoughts of the Unwanted 4
Thoughts of the Unwanted 5
Thoughts of the Unwanted 6

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