Page name: thoughts of the unwanted 6 [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-12-07 23:23:36
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Thoughts of the unwanted Page 6

He just gave up on eating, making his way along the hallways and into his own private study. She fussed in her sleep, blood drenching the pillow under her head. No one could hear her in the room but herself as she rolled around sleeplessly, the blood getting thicker, moving down into her mouth as well as the back of her throat. She began to choke as he started on his way up the stairs into her room. She shook on the bed violently, unconciously trying to regain her breath. He slowly made his way into the room, but immediately rushed to her side upon seeing her struggle for air.
He made her sit up and started to slightly hit against her back, making blood flood out of the back of her throat. She coughed up more of what she'd swallowed in her struggle to breathe. She looked at him, tears in her eyes. He sighed pitifully and wrapped his arms around her. He had no idea why it was that he was feeling like this. He thought in his mind that he felt nothing but pure sorrow for her. He knew that she didn't want to know that, but he still felt it reguardless. He could feel her frail body shaking within his arms. She felt small and weak, almost like a child. He could hear her cry on his shoulder, his shirt slowly getting wet. He could feel the pain in his stomach, itching at him to ask her what had happened, but he just couldn't bring it into his mouth to come out and ask her.
She shook as her teeth chattered, blood gathering in the cloth of his shirt. She was gasping and panting, trying to calm herself down, making herself more upset in the process. He patted against her back, trying to make her relive the calming sensation that a mother gives a crying child. He rocked her back and forth, giving off the impression of care. She felt an affectionate touch that made her calm down. It was like her mother was alive all over again, trying to comfort her to make her forget her father's harsh wording of a situation. She closed her eyes, slowly calming down. Her crying slowly came to a hault, as her bloody nose had stopped as well. He pulled her away by her shoulders slightly and looked at her. "I think you should consider going to take a shower. You look absolutely dreadful with that blood all over your face. And you're all red from crying. I'll get you some of my mother's weekend clothing, you just climb into the shower and let the water calm you down." She looked into his eyes.
He sure made it convincing to her that he cared, even though almost every thought that ran through his mind was pity. He led her to the bathroom and handed her a towel so that she had something to dry off with as soon as her shower was over. He closed the door behind himself, slowly making his way to his mother's closet to try to find something that he thought would fit her size. She turned on the water, hearing the drops hit against the walls and floor rythmically. She could feel the relaxing heat from the water beating from all four walls of the shower sooth into her body slowly. She climbed into the path of the water, letting the hot water beat into her skin. The water rythmically massaged her skin. Her muscles loosened inside of her.
He continued to look through the bulk amount of cloth that lived within his mother's closet. Settling for black mesh pants and a loose shirt he made his way away from his mother's room and back up to the bathroom. He could still see the mist coming out from under the bathroom door, assuming that she was still in the shower. He headed up the stairs into the guest room to gather up all the bedding and the pillows so that they could be washed. He could feel the blood drenched cloth in his arms and it made him shiver. The sorrow in his soul for her vibrated in the almost liquid textured walls. His hands shook as he saw the blood on them after dropping the bedding and pillows into the hamper. He shook from the cold and thick blood on his skin as he rushed to the nearest faucet to get it off.
She continued to shower slowly, getting into washing her body after washing her hair. She could see her hand shaking as she moved them along her skin. She didn't show any care. It was her usual shower routine. She could feel the glistening scars sting once more, as though, yet again, they were being scrubbed over as newly made gashes. She just shivered, feeling her pain ooze down the drain as it always did in the past, moving as slowly as her blood did when it would thicken onto the blade. She could feel the metalic, cold blade like it was ice in her hand, melting across her skin as the blood sank down her arm. She could see her memories flashing in her eyes, but she just ignored them as though it was another slice in her skin. She felt that thinking too much in depth about her past was unnecesary and innappropriate at times.
He heard the water being turned off from down thehallway. He knocked on the door and patiently waited for her to open it. She clowly poked her head out, seeing the clean clothing in his arms. She opened the door more as an invitation for him to go in. He closed his eyes and cautiously made his way into the bathroom. He opened his eyes to see the towl wrapped around her to fit her form. It covered right below her underarmsto four or five inches below her waist. He saw white and light pink lines all over her skin. They were at the top of her chest, making trails down her body until they stopped at hre ankles. He knew that it wasn't his buiness and that he shouldn't, but his curiousity got the best of him. "If it's not too much of a bother, may I know how all of those scars came to be?" She just looked him in the eyes, a glint of past regret shining like a star in the midnight sky. He guessed her reply and decided to drop the subject, assuming it was a sore spot for her.
He turned a shy eye as she removed the towel and slipped on the new clothing that he had provided for her. He looked back when she gave an impatient cough. He smiled and looped one arm around her waist, pulling her into his room slowly. "You can sleep in my bed, its a lot more comfortable than the one in the guest room. I just want you to get to sleep so that you're not all tired." She smiled, but the care in his voice sent chills up her spine. She loved being taken care of like this, but it raised the question in her mind of why. He looked into her eyes and continued to smile politely. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, bullets of cold erupting through her veins.
She slowly laid down on the bed and curled up under the blankets. He smiled, being respectful and making his exit out of the room. He bumped into his older brother in the hallway. "Hey Kip, what're you doing?" Kip stole a peek in Josh's room.
"Well aparently catching you befpre or right after the deed." Josh scoffed and glared at his brother.
"She's just a kid from school. I felt bad because she needed some rest and shw couldn't go home. So I decided to bring her here. Mom and dad know she's here. Kip stole another glance into the room at her.
"Wait, isn't her name Adrianna? She's the one who's mom died when she was just a little kid. She's always lept to herself. I noticed her from time to time, but we've never talked. I can almost guarentee that the reason she wouldn't go home was because of her father. He's abusive and I've seen this. He dragged her out of school by her hair once. No one really stepped in or said anything. It was a don't-look-don't-tell moment." Josh looked at his brother without the knowledge of the past situation with her that his brother meantioned. His brother just shook his head and walked away down the hallway and into his own room. Josh sighed and looked back into the room where she was sleeping. She looked so peacefiul. He smiled and started down the hallway to his brother's room and knocked on the door.
His brother let him into the room. "What happened when he took her out of school like that?" Kip just shook his head.
"Nothing really happened. He had the office tell her she was going home. I just saw her going to the office crying. I walked outside to see him taking her to a car by her hair. No one ever said anything or reported it. I didn't think anything of it until I saw him hit her almost a week later. I just can't bring myself to think of why I never Told anyone. I guress I just though that she'd misbehaved and deserved it. I was a stupid kid, but its too late to report all of it now." Josh still looked to him with curiousity. Kip just shook his head and put his hand on Josh's left shoulder. "She's fragile, meek, shy and probably torturing herself in her own mind. She needs someone to believe in."
Josh's eyes narrowed. "It's basic human physical and emotional function. I'm learning it in one of my classes. I'd be her friend but I've got no time to dedicate to it. I promise you, though, that too much more pain in her life will kill her. Don't break what you're giving her. You're moving fast and she's used to slow and then gone. Be careful with her. Now please leave, I've got homework to do." Josh nodded and left his brothers room, going back to his own.
She was still laying in his bed asleep upon his enterance. He half-smiled at her form. She was curled up under the blanket, making a half-circle. He turned the heat up a little so that there was no chance of her getting cold. She rolled over in her sleep, tangling herself under and within the blanket.
Thoughts of the Unwanted
Thoughts of the Unwanted 2
Thoughts of the Unwanted 3
Thoughts of the Unwanted 4
Thoughts of the Unwanted 5
Thoughts of the Unwanted 6

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