Deep and Meaningful Poems
By [
The Unrequited Dream]
He made her laugh and she made him smile,
They knew it could last for quite a while.
They tried their best to get to the end,
And on eachother did they only depend.
To her, he was more than good enough,
He was her support when things got rough.
Somehow, he always knew what to say,
To make her feel special at the end of the day.
As time went by, the love grew stronger,
Days turned to weeks, and weeks grew longer.
And every day, the same words were spoken,
They both made a promise never to be broken.
That soon one day, they'd be able to see,
How good life is and how happy they'd be.
Nobody listened, they just misunderstood.
So the girl and the boy just hoped that they could.
She kept on laughing, he continued to smile,
They kept on thinking that it'd be worthwhile.
They weren't giving it up anytime soon,
Down went the sun, up came the moon.
Another new day, the same loving faces,
But the same strong bond nothing replaces.
All wasn't perfect, the bad things were a blur,
Because she needed him and he wanted her.
They waited and waited for that day to arrive,
Though they only needed eachother to survive.
She felt so lucky to have him now,
But how she got him, she didn't know how.
And the thoughts that swirled in this girls head,
Were known by the boy, no need to be said.
And they kept on trying until that very day,
When they'd be together and together they'd stay.
By [
The Unrequited Dream]
I could be a model
For every razor
Every knife around
You could dress my hair up
And muss it, and make it all come down..
Then why don’t you smear around my eyes
Its black and coal
No light
Except the pain in tonight
That sparkles,
Oh it is so bright.
I could be a model
For every counselor’s nightmare
The monster’s under your bed
Will make me their queen
Despair ought to forget
What he thought he knew
I’m lonely, with regrets
And scared of what I might do…
I could be a model
For a broken advertisement
White smile
Perfection gained by trident
But here I say
Underneath there is the pain
And I hide it
So mysteriously
Do you really
Want to know me…
I’m perfect
With theses scars no one sees
I could be a model
For fake urgency
And 911 will have nothing on me…
By [
The Unrequited Dream]
Money, money all around and not a dime to spend.
She’s got style, she’s got class
She’s got money up the ass
She’s got fashion, she’s got taste
But her life is such a waste.
You’ve got your money, drive your cars
Drink Perignon and dance with stars
Flash some skin and then a smile
We’ll laugh with you all the while
With plastic faces and fake breasts
Set yourself out from the rest
Because you’re perfect, you’re beautiful, and anyone can see...
Your Hollywood candor ain’t got nothing on me.
Fancy ads and TV shows
Expensive cars and brand name clothes
Reality and MTV
Breasts revealed scurrilously
Modern tech meets ancient theory
We’re all depressed, but still seem cheery
The money hungry, we’re all the same
Change the skin, but still same name
Charge forth with cards, in money wallow
Break from your bondage, no longer follow.
You’re perfect, your beauty lasts, but we don’t give a damn
I’ll keep my soul, you filthy troll, I like just who I am.
Alphabetical Order
By [
The Unrequited Dream]
Sleepless nights
Thoughtless fears
Deadly scars
Painful tears
Silent stare
Cannot walk
Left alone
Afraid to talk
Air so cold
Blood so red
Life is gone
Feelings dead
Fade away
Noone cares
To this day
Leave the world
Look for death
Trip and fall
Take my breath
Kill me here
Say goodbye
Break my heart
As I die
By [
The Unrequited Dream]
Edge is narrow, fall is far
One wrong step could bring the dark
The leap of courage that I lack
Thoughts run deep and hold me back
The past is filled with shadows cold
The haze ahead, misleading road.
Chin up. Don't look down.
It can't be helped, I hear it now
The echoing scream of fear inside
What if I live, what if I die
The longing to break down and cry
Denied the choice with deepened sighs
A little push, unknown direction
Moving slowly, No perfection
Slip and stumble, must not fall
A white flag raised in mourning light
A crying child in the night
I try to see in failing light
Which way now, what choice is right?
By [
The night went cold,
my feeling-slack
watching the fireflies,
glow in the fading light.
you say the words,
that tear my soul.
silently I bit my lip,
while being hurtled, back in time
watching my self cry,
unable to stop him, from saying good-bye
It's like being there again,
watching my heart break
Old wounds torn anew,
blood flows like it never stopped.
Stinging tears startle me,
realizing it's your voice still on the phone.
Understanding that it's you,
that is causing this pain.
Maybe I'm selfish,
to think this way.
It's always my fault,
thats what you say.
The Beginning of my End
By [
This is the beginning of my end,
it's a horrible fiend.
There's no where to run,
It's lost all its fun.
I'm up against the wall,
I know i'll fall.
Knowing i can't win,
I feel paper thin.
I begin to fall,
I've lost sense of it all.
It all seems black,
I know not what i lack.
I need to fight,
This isn't right.
I cant face my fears,
it'll end i tears.
colors start to swirl,
I think i might hurl.
I give up my fight,
Even though its not right.
Losing it all,
with nowhere to fall.
I cant make an amend,
This is the beginning of my end
The Broken Mirror
By [
I look in the mirror
and all I can see
scarred and torn
the brokenness inside of me
I wish for an escape
someone to hold me tight
to keep me safe
and tell me it will be alright
I'm so lost
confused by it all
but all anyone can seem to do
is sit back and watch me fall
why doesn't anyone hear me
crying all alone?
in the darkness I am searching
for someone to lead me home
the mirror shows me all my secrets
I know it never lies
so every morning when I look into it
a little bit more of me dies...
The Inevitable
By [
this feeling rips and tears
at the very fabric of my soul
steadily breaking me down
making me not whole
I feel the tears burning now
with a never-ending flame
I want to save myself,
but I know I'm the one to blame
I feel myself giving in
to the temptation of it all
but I pull back just in time
to save myself from the inevitable...
I Depend
By [
Suicidal Moon]
Oh,I cry,oh,do I cry.
How many tears do I have to cry,till you notice the pain in my eyes.My life is shattered & I am looked upon as a problem in my family.
I draw to release my feelings,but even that is not enough.No,word
s can ever discribe my pain and anger.I depend on a blade to sing my pain.I depend on a blade to show my never ending anger. I depend on a blade to replace the love I never got from my father and still the saddness lingers. I will always depend on a blade,on the pain to remind me that I am alive,and not the cold heartless corpse I always mistake myself for.

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