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Elfpack Poetry- Deep&Meaningful Poems 12 [Logged in view]
2011-09-15 04:11:05
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Deep and Meaningful Poems
By [
Suicidal Moon]
The darkness is the only place I feel home the light hurts my eyes.
I sit in the rain and don't care.The moon is the only light in the darkness of my life I sit in the rain but i do not care.
I want to dress in black in mourning for the death of myself. I am a empty shell my body is a life of it's own,I am costantly in autopiolet.I do not have control,I am nothing but an auto piolet,empty shell,who cuts to see if I am still alive and yes,unfortunat
ly,I am still alive.

By [*Suicidal Cupcake*]
my heart is not a plaything.
my heart is not a toy.
but if you want to see it break,
give it to a boy.

King of the Rock!
By [IntoxicatingRose]
He lives a life full of riches, a night full of pleasures,
One may bore of such commodities,
May believe the gods could no long strike him down-
To play a life,
As though a childish game,
A winner who conquers a rock,
We are no more then children though still,
Our accomplishments far from what’s needed to say that we’ve won,
We conquered a rock,
But what have we children won, if in the end it is measured instead by what we’ve done-

By [IntoxicatingRose]
They linger,
Leaving but enough to enchant and frighten,
Never to be seen nor heard of again,
Mysterious and illusive,
They plague the sane,
Revive the dead and ill
They drown the faithless and give faith and religion to the needy,
They bring irony to life and lift some up,
They fade into memories and days pass before we ever realize the meanings….
They are the fabrications of communication with a higher being,
And the self discovery that all search for,
And they are the road maps to go up against the rest of the worlds flow to find-
Who we are inside…
And why we were put here…
Most try,
Though few find though their true meaning,
But all search for these signs…
Most never seeing the ones here everyday…

An Emotion's A Creature
By [I stabbith ye]
have you ever seen an emotion fly?
have you ever seen a butterfly die?
or should that be your emotion die?
when a creature once did fly?
So I ask again did you see,
a creature fall upon to me?
Did you see it fall from the sky?
in pain out loud did you hear it cry?
Struck from midair you will find,
a creature, one, of this kind,
falling hard onto the ground,
hard it hits without a sound,
it’s body hits hard like your heart,
falling from it’s once known art,
it’s wings come after curling down,
like petals upon the waters crown,
once they did, flutter here,
next to your heart, you could hear,
but now the creature has curled and died,
like your emotions from your inside.

Long Ago
By [xX-Th£_ FØrGöTtêñ_ Øn£-Xx]
long ago
you were mine and I was yours
but now I'm so far from you
the fight we had broke my heart
my mind is dead through sorrow
I scraped my skin
made it bleed
all for you
without you near me
I would be dead
you keep me alive
and when I'm with you
its the biggest high ever
just to be next to you
but your not near me
the high is gone
and I'm no longer alive
you have killed me!

By [Koi]
In pain you feel
Hatred for the world
No1 but someone clos can help
But the pain never goes away
The onlyway to free the pain
Is do what you want to do

By [Koi]
No one cares
For me anyway
I’m yelled at by my friends
And torn to pieces by emotions
Ono1 cares for little old me
So no one will care
If die

Can't Let Go
By [The Unrequited Dream]
Sick to my stomach and short of breath
I hate to be patronised, hate it to death.
I hate being closed out of anything
I feel rejection, it’s cold and it stings.
God I resent him, his vision of three
I resent all his triggers of my jealousy
I resent my resentment at how he is free
I resent my imbuing, that he’s part of me.
Wear your heart on your sleeve, here’s what you get:
A worsening complex and deeper regret.
He is the cause of my Freudian slip
Through my subconscious I’m losing my grip
You’re just in time for the end of the show
Take it I shall not, it’s time to let go.
I can’t let go.

That Vibe
By [The Unrequited Dream]
Your eyes say you want me,
Your hands say you care,
Your dad says he hates me,
My mom says you stare.
I don't know where we'll be in ten to twenty years,
I don't what your eyes will say,
Or if there'll be tears,
I don't know how your hands will feel,
Wrapped around my waist
I don't know if your dad will still hate me,
With a bitterness I can taste.
I don't know if I'll have a diploma,
Or a college degree,
I don't know if I'll be invisible,
Or so prominent you can't help but see,
I don't really know anything except for this,
When I kiss you I see heaven,
When I touch you I touch bliss,
When I cry I cry for the lost,
Without you I'd hope you cry for me,
When I leave I hope you look,
When I leave I hope you see,
You were all I ever wanted maybe with a side or two,
You were all I ever needed,
Why wasn't I enough for you?

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