Deep and Meaningful Poems
By [
Master Of Duct Tape]
daylight to gloom
lost without knowing
memories all gone
indescribable feeling
flowers wilt in seconds
gone for all time
dry up and die
like my insides
i surrender to the darkness
give in everything i know
i will nod and face my judgement
dying slowly as i go
all that i cared once about
leaves me here at this blockade
details as i knew escape me
everything that i cant hide
when the end comes
i submit
to my fate
vicious and hostile
the feelings i had are gone
I surrender to the darkness
give in everything i know
i will nod and face my judgement
dying slowly as i go
all that i cared once about
leaves me here at this blockade
details as i knew escape me
everything that i cant hide
By [
Master Of Duct Tape]
like a rose with no thorns
you make me feel like never before
i look for the pain
but it never comes
you're different than the rest
or are you?
i think it's that your hiding
you do have thorns
they're just inside
not phyisical
you cut with words
kill slowly
till the end
no one ever sees
you're able to fool everyone
they think youre a god
why was it me
that saw the truth
is it you
who is supposed to
be the one
i doubt it
i cant take it
i dont think it
will ever end
i dont get
how people dont
see through you
like i do
or do they?
it's tricky.
maybe the'yre just
too scared to say
they know you hurt
more than it seems
your thorns within
that shatter dreams
every time i awake
that look on your face
staring at mine
your world left behind
where is hope
where is sanity
gone forever
yet here indefinetly
I've given up
on getting you
the times you turn
the lives you ruin
i'm over it
you're done
you can't trick me anymore.
By [
Mommie 2 Be♥]
Lying awake remembering the screams,
Scared to fall asleep because the memories will haunt my dreams.
The little girl of only five,
Looking for the first place to hide.
But no, he saw her foot sticking out from under the bed,
With all those horrid thoughts racing through his head.
He grabbed her and pulled her out.
Noone could hear her scream, noone could hear her shout.
Her little face covered with salty tears,
He ripped off her clothes and unleashed her fears.
He began to touch her everywhere,
And run his fingers through her hair.
She cried out for help, but noone came,
She didn't want to play this man's horrible game.
She tried to get away, but his grip was to tight,
All her self respect was lost that night.
Because of that man, I'm scared of everyone's touch.
Never getting close enough to get in someone's clutch.
Now all because of that one dark night,
I'm scared of tomorrow, and scarred for life.
My Head
By [
Mommie 2 Be♥]
I'll write a note, and make my will,
I'll find out what it's like to kill.
I'll say goodbye, and name the cause,
But before I do, I'll have to pause.
I'll think of all the things I hate,
And that alone will determine my fate.
I'll put on a black vail, and put roses on my bed,
Because those are the visions I see in my head.
If only, If only, I'll continue to say,
If only my life hadn't turned out this way.
I'll put on my shoes, and my favorite black dress,
And I'll write you a letter explaining the rest.
I know when you read this, you'll wish it wasn't true,
Answer me this, what else could I do?
You'll wish that I didn't do it, You'll wish I wasn't dead,
But you have no clue what goes on in my head.
My Dad
By [
Hereby Deleted]
how can that be my father?
how can that be him?
he's big and bold
and no-one knows how much i miss him.
he told me that he's the one,
he told me that he's brave
he also told me no-one can
defeat his vicious ways.
how can that be my father?
how can he look like that?
i used to sit upon his knee
and listen to postman pat.
he's never hurt my family
and i don't think he will
and i know that he's the one
who's never let me down.
I'll always have faith in him
i don't know what went wrong
but i know that he will always
be my number one.
The Sweet Release
By [
Hereby Deleted]
why does one person see
the pain i feel?
they understand me and
don't treat me like a lil girl...
i wish you all could be like that
and understand the fake you see.
the smiles i hold are nothing
compared to my aching heart.
my heart bleeds my pain,
my eyes cry my tears,
my mind just takes control
and i cant stop that blade.
the penetration of my flesh
across my pulsing wrist,
the flow of blood down my arm
is the sweet release.
why doesn't the people i love see
the pain i forever endure?
they don't understand me and
treat me like i don't care.
i wish that they could see
the imposter that i am,
the fake laughs i pass are nothing
but their pathetic attempts effects.
theses smiles fall from my lips,
the laughs fade to nothing,
the bright eyed girl you see
disappears into the black abyss.
let the blade taste my blood,
let the pain just go away,
stop my heart from beating
and end this worthless life.
save me from my pain, my love
take me away to the safety of your arms,
let your smiles become my smiles,
and let this pain suffer in its death.
wipe my tears away, my dear
and stop the flow of blood,
let your laughs consume my body
and leave me to my rest.
Life without you
By [
We met not too long ago; feeling like strangers
we talk to each other and instantly we click.
After some time the two of us become closer still
Holding each other close to our hearts.
Unfortunately, you left to another state,
and I can't speak to you as freely as I once could.
I think of you every day and hold
our memories close to heart.
As time went by I still thought of you;
holding your mental image close to me.
I cried myself to sleep, unable to get you out of my head.
My love for you will never falter,
My heart, forever, will be yours.
The love I feel will never die
My life without you, hopefully, will die
Free Life
By [
False Hero]
If so many things in life happen to be free...
Then why does it seem as if nothing is given to me?
Why do I have nothing that makes me feel proud?
Why do my pathetic words go unspoken or aloud?
Why is it that everything has to start with a lie?
Why does most of each day seem so bleak in this life?
Why do I have to question what will become of me?
Why do things have to end and left where they be?
If so many things in life happen to be free...
Then why does it seem as if nothing is given to me?
When will everything fit into its place?
When will I feel an honest smile on my face?
When will you notice that I was right for you?
When will I get to do all the things I want to do?
When will I travel to places far, far away?
When will I realize that this is where I should stay?
If so many things in life happen to be free...
Then why does it seem as if nothing is given to me?
Where will I go at the end of the day?
Where are all of the words that you couldn't say?
Where is the person that I thought I would be?
Where are all of the dreams that I used to see?
Where is the future and where is my past?
Where are all of the questions that I should have asked?
If so many things in life happen to be free...
Then why does it seem as if nothing is given to me?
This question has been asked way before my time...
And if many things were free it would be such a crime...
For if so many things in this life happen to be free,
Then perhaps too much has already been given to me.
I'm The Girl
By [
I'm the girl that no one sees,
the girl for which no one cares.
I'm the girl that guys don't like,
the girl without pretty hair.
I'm the girl that waits to cry,
the girl who suffers alone.
I'm the girl who welcomes death,
the girl always stuck at home.
I'm the girl without real friends,
the girl surrounded by lies.
I'm the girl who needs a hug,
the girl pushed off to the side.
I'm the girl who really cares,
the girl that would never cheat.
I'm the girl who gets called fat,
the girl that actually eats.
I'm the girl who likes a guy,
the girl he always ignores.
I'm the girl he didn't want,
the girl he left for a whore.
A Lover's Lost Dream
By [
The waves gently rock me,
Like a mother would a baby.
Sea foam tickles my face,
Reminding me of a kiss a dog would give you,
Cold and wet.
I close my eyes and drift...
Drift deeper out into the ocean,
The shores no longer in vision.
It's like a journey one would take to the afterlife,
You feel no pain or sorrow...
Just... peace... and a sense of calm.
I open my mouth to say my final words,
"I am coming to join you, my love."
But then I wake up in my bed,
My own tears are the rain drops in my dream.
I look at the pictures on my wall,
"Soon, I will be with you soon...."
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