Deep and Meaningful Poems
Standing In The Rain
By [
Standing in the rain,
I can hardly feel the drops falling down on me,
Like tears long held in.
I lift my face and let it cleanse my soul.
I used to hate being out in the rain,
But now it reminds me of better days.
Days filled with happiness and love.
My clothes are soaked now,
But I don't seem to care.
I can almost remember...
But then the rain washes the memory again
And I am once again filled with emptiness.
I Miss You
By [
i miss the way you looked at me
and the way you touched my hair
i miss your firework eyes
and your deep dark stare
i miss the night we danced by the fire
and you stepping on my toes
i miss the night you kissed me
and how i completely froze
i remember the way you held me
close and as tight as ever
i remember the way you smiled
i thought love was suposed to last for ever...
i remember you saying you loved me
and me beleiving it was true
i remember saying the same
but some how i've lost you...
By [
Little girl with eyes so bright,
eyes so full of rejection.
Childhood seems a memory,
seeking love and affection.
This life's so much harder now,
so much worse than predicted.
The days passing don't feel worth
the pain and angst afflicted.
You feel doubt and depression
succumbed to anesthetic.
Makes it difficult to move,
your legs feel so prosthetic.
Feels like the world's crumbling,
falling apart at your feet.
The reason remains unknown,
leaving you so incomplete.
By [
I don't want to be
worth all your tears.
I don't want my death
to be what you fear.
I don't want to live,
yet I don't want to die.
All I can do
is sit here and cry.
I don't want to stay,
yet you won't let me go.
I don't want to keep secrets,
but I don't want you to know.
I don't want your sadness
to be the weight on my shoulders.
But with all that I do,
the world grows colder.
So please don't cry,
and please don't be sad.
If you must feel,
please just be mad.
I might break the promise
that I made in the start.
And hopefully I
won't break your heart.
By [
Anger, Punishment, Sadness
All can be considered unfair.
Lonely, Tired, Done
Thoughts that are unclear.
Why think these things?
Why have them in my head?
No one knows...
It's just a little thing we call Life
Whatever happened to the happiness?
The joy in singing?
I wonder why i can not do as I used to?
It's like living a lie.
A life of misunderstandi
ng & disappointment.
But one word to describe these feelings...
This pain...
Depression is the one thing,
I can say,
That WILL pay.

By [Lex]
You can live life fully
With not much more to say;
We keep it bottled up
Till we realize it's too late;
You wait for your last breath
To say what you've always wanted;
It's all supposed to be free, joyous, fun.
Only you can make this become.
The always say, "Live life to the fullest."
When you just listen...
And don't really pay any attention to what you're missin.
You can live life fully
With not much more to say;
But unless you let it all go,
What life is there left to be played?

Pride VS Pain, not easy to gain
By [Lex]
You dont need it...
Nor do you deserve
This torturous pain and suffering
Why do they push you into the curb?
I hate the Negativity
The neglect
Misunderstandings to witch they will regret
Why do you LET them threat?
It's easy to see as to why they choose you
They find it simple to throw you about
Knocking you around
Till you're completely out
What do they want out of this pain, this decete?
You do have strength
Pride even
They think they can stop you
But its a matter of believing
What is it that's stopping you, containing you
You've been mentally beaten
Yet you can and you will
Fight this madness
That has drivin you to the limit
Where it becomes all sadness
This isn't over
Your fall into the pit has made u seem unstrong
Fuck them and their wrongs!
I believe its still there
As if it never left you
Still standing out
As YOU do when you let it
Dont hold back this feeling you long
Dont let the darkness continuously take over
I care and always will
Till you find that feeling and become
What do you want out of it all?
It's a hard question to answer
Especially now
But I ain't gonna stop askin
Not ever, not now
You take what you can get
So fuck the loneliness
Get out what you seem to have held back
And let the world know you cant lack
You are what you want to be,
Not who THEY say!
It's just "Same shit
Different day."
Live while you can
And do expect death,
But dont wish it upon yourself
For i am one who cares
Way more than others who care less...
A friend is who i am
No more
No less
I just want to be here through it all
To pull you out of the darkness,
To see you
How you were, are, and how you've always been
All it HAS been...
Is forgotten...

In reality
By [Lex]
In reality, their is no fairytail.
In reality, there is no peace.
In reality, you hurt.
In reality, you ARE beutiful.
In reality, you're not alone.
In reality, you have a voice.
In reality, you deserve the best.
In reality, you're living.
In reality, the WORLD is dying.
--The end.

Kisses in the rain
By [FredTheDuck]
Kisses in the rain
We'll never be again
You drove me insane
With kisses in the rain
It was love at first sight
Through life at first bite
And now I know I might
I'll let me go, I won't put up a fight
Leave me here, leave me right
I don't want pity, I'll go tonight
Into the light....
Kisses in the rain
I'm no longer sane
I'll never be the same
Without Kisses in the rain

Salting The Wounds
By [-------]
You're there again, aren't you?
You tear me up inside.
You leave all these flesh wounds
I can never hide.
Salting the wounds, now,
you always aim to kill.
The pain surely drowns me
because it's all that's real.
Tear me up inside,
I can never hide.
Open the door, son.
Get out into your life.
Be careful, there's road blocks,
stress, eternal strife.
It'll tear you up inside.
You're moving now, aren't you?
Shredding as you go.
You leave all these secrets
I can never know.
Still salting those wounds, now,
you can't give me a break.
I tried giving a little
but all you did was take.
Shredding as you go,
you tear me up inside.
I can never know,
I can never hide.

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