Deep and Meaningful Poems
Winter Wonderland
By [
In my winter wonderland
the children dance in bloodied snow
a mothers scream pierces the night
a fathers tear slides down his cheek
In my winter wonderland
a wolf sings to the majestic moon
the children sing in tune
and a fathers spear peirces the proud animal
In my winter wonderlan
a child believes in dragons and fairys
a mother throws his dreams into a fire
a father drinks himself into oblivion
In my winter wonderland
the is a endless sheet of despair
the dancing children grow up and leave
a mother and father lay in their icy gravey
Desire to Walk into the Fire
By [
optimistic sanity]
My eternal blessing
my strength
my Christ
I want to leave you tonight
Hold me fast to your great love
as I long for roads dark and unholy
my flesh craves wildness and solitude
Your thawing warmth brings pains
the healing of wounds
so mortally deep
is searing agony
Surely the death I lived in
was numb and unfeeling
this awakening is joyous and strange
O unyeilding Fortress grant me your wisdom
to follow the Way to my only salvation
though my heartaches to leave
the solace
of sin
Give me your sacred fire within
By [
My life is your toy,
My blood is you evil grin.
My fear is drives you mad,
My scream feeds your very soul.
These chains you have me in are heavy and cold;
The dark blue lit stone ground seems to hold me down;
The rats that scurry across the floor, just to find a way to survive!
Looking up at the steel Railing,
Rain drops fall upon me,
washing the blood, washing the pain, washing all the mysery away.
My once beautiful white dress shreaded and tore,
the color of white faded and now resides in dirt and blood.
Thick wounds bear deep into the flesh of my once soft back.
The whip marks on me, oh how they burn.
The drips of water, ringing in my ears,
the stains on the walls, quench my worst fears.
Chilling yellow eyes watch me as I suffer,
And these eyes never fill with tears!
No mercy, not a care, no love!
The hate and lust for my endless pain!
Now I close my eyesand hold tight hearing the creaking door,
I fell his breath upon my neck Now I know.... It's all over..........
.......in death....

By [The Darkest Star.]
Serene tranquility,
Placid sapphire waters
Azure skies strewn with clouds
The radient sun
Lush green forests
Humid air lingering
Tainted, contaminated
Dense smoke choking all of creation
Inducing narcotic symptoms for all
Ashen structures staining the horizon
Inky roads damaging the earth
The prophecy of an unspoilt world:
A lie.
The purity of nature now hostile and infected

The Night
By [The Darkest Star.]
A whispy veil of cloud lingering over the gleaming moon,
Skeletal fingers reaching up into the atmosphere, the tree glistening in the lunar glow,
Suddenly the world plunges into darkness, obscurity.

The Girl
By [On Any Given Night]
I saw a girl the other day;
She gave off a sad impression.
Her face was drawn and pale,
her eyes were red and puffy from many times she cried.
There were still tears in her eyes yet unshed
as I stared.
Her cheeks were hollow and colorless,
her expression gloomy and somber.
In her eyes was the look of loneliness, the absence of passion.
At the instant I saw it, the sadness was gone;
in its place: cold acceptance.
I wanted to tell her the sorrow wouldn't last,
but when I stretched out my hand, only my reflection reached back.

Always Love You
By [xX-Th£_ FØrGöTtêñ_ Øn£-Xx]
"I Love You"
I Will Say It Now
But I Forgot
To Say It To You One Morning
And Now I Wish I Had
Because Now
I Dont Know If Your Reading This
Or If Your Realy There
But Thers One Thing That I Do Know
And Thats What Happend On That Night
You Died
Along With Your Sister
And I Will Miss You Forever More
But Before Forever Is Over
And Every Day This Shall Be
I Shall Always Look For You In The Street
Always Check My Fone For Mesages
Always Look At Your Picture
And I Will Always Say
No Matter What Happens
That I Will Always Love You!
To My Daniel I Will Always
Love You My Darling

A Candle Glows Into the Night
By [chocolatemonster]
The lady lit a candle,
A pretty one of shining gold.
She set it by the window
Watched its life start to unfold.
It wasn’t much of anything,
Just a candle, you see.
But it gave the lady such delight
That the candle wanted to be.
It shined brighter than all the rest
Its flame grew mighty strong.
The lady started thinking, “None of this could go wrong.”
She placed another candle,
A different one right on the sill,
And the gold candle just sighed a sigh
And carried on still.
She liked this new companion,
More than anyone ever knew.
As time went by the candles feelings
Grew, and grew, and grew.
The candle’s flame lit another spark,
Three wonderful lights shined in the dark.
But then something went terribly, horribly wrong.
And the candle simply wasn’t as strong.
For a while the candle just wasn’t quite right,
She relied on others to help her fight.
But the candle was tough,
She made it out.
She wasn’t going to be defeated by such a small bout.
Her flame was glowing bright again
And everyone was happy- for then.
As time went by the candle and her mate,
Just really weren’t doing great.
They kept lighting each other on fire.
So the lady moved the gold candle and her youngest one up higher.
Two of her companions stayed down below,
The other young one visited often to share her glow.
And the candle was happy, once again.
She figured life just couldn’t change, and then!
A gust of wind came,
She was knocked to the floor.
Down, down, the candle did soar.
A piece of her body was not in good shape,
So the lady took a knife, and away she scraped.
The candle was put back on the shelf,
And it recovered slowly, back to good health.
But alas the candle was getting old,
Her mate was long since gone,
Her little ones were growing up,
And one losing some of her brawn.
The candle was having trouble keeping her glow
And after another fall,
Things were moving slow.
The lady took her to a different sill,
On her daughters own good will.
They still came to visit her often,
The old candle refused to soften.
She could not deny she was losing her spark,
But she refused to let things get dark.
She was enlightened by a new, little candle’s visits,
Enjoying life’s little rivets.
Things seemed to be going awfully well,
The candle’s life was simply swell.
She was getting stronger, day by day,
Despite a few problems along the way.
And one day the candle’s flicker began to blow out,
There wasn’t fear, it was just another small bout.
But the candle’s life was draining away,
The lady knew it did not have much longer to stay.
And much to the candle’s family’s despair,
She blew out, right then and there.

The Never-ending Path
By [chocolatemonster]
You’ve been walking down that path,
For what seems like eternity,
With nothing but that silver mare,
Keepin’ you company.
You’ve been through many-a-storm,
Braved those cold nights in the wind,
Only thing you’ve got are memories,
But they’re trying to rescind.
You stare off into the distance,
Watch that path that never ends,
Wondering if you and that silver mare,
Will ever see the light of day again.
And just when things start looking grim,
Your horse is getting wary,
You see some light from up ahead,
And that’s when things don’t seem so scary.
You know the end is coming near,
You let out a whoop of joy!
But that part of you that has no fear,
To be what you want to be,
Looks back on that never-ending path,
And stops running happily.
You know your journey’s ended,
Though a new one’s just begun,
You’ll miss those long days on that path,
Where you knew you were someone.
So you approach the end of the road,
The one you thought would never end,
And realize how much you’ll miss those days,
Where it was just you and your horse to fend.
You walk out of that forest,
With a tear clouding up your eye,
And that’s when you realize just how hard it is to say goodbye.

Dear America: (from the point of view of an Iraqi girl)
By [chocolatemonster]
Dear America:
I look over at the horizon,
At what I used to see,
The sun slowly dropping, dropping
Like it’s trying to escape from me.
It glows a red so magnificent,
Seemingly peaceful, but it knows,
The dreadful things going on below
Are something words just cannot show.
But now when I look it’s different,
There’s a sadness in the air.
This war has taken lives away,
I just don’t think it’s fair.
In one week I lost my Ma,
My father and his son,
All because of you
Now I have no one.
There is no way to say “I’m sorry”
There’s no way to fix things up,
You’ve scarred my life to the extent,
That I’ve just had enough.
Just stop this war, stop the killing,
Stop all your “democracy” billing,
Just leave my country,
Stop our sorrow,
And then I can have hope for tomorrow.

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