Deep and Meaningful Poems
Save Me
By [
Blood Moon Wolf]
Behind these names, labels, and images
Is a great amount of pain
From a life known to anger and suffering
From a girl full of rage
You may see the shell
But what about the core
I'm rotting away
Don't you see it, the madness
Of a constantly hurtful life
If you do, will you help
Save me from the torture within
As I'm sitting here crying
I hope you're listening
So you can hear my silent plea
I pour out my feelings
Though they aren't much
I let go so I can be free
Saved from my life.
New Memories
By [
Blood Moon Wolf]
My past life is my torture
I took a wrong turn
I made mistakes that I can never take back
And now it’s all a memory
I still hurt deep inside
Those mistakes haunt me
And inside they are killing me
Destroying my very existence
So now I’m asking you
To help me forget all my pain
Together we will make new memories
Happy ones.
Inner Warrior
By [
Blood Moon Wolf]
Deep inside every soul
Is a warrior waiting to emerge
Wanting to be set free
This warrior represents your heart
Who you are on the inside
Whether you like it or not
They are all soldiers
Willing to fight for what’s right
They will even die for love
I have awaken my Inner Warrior
She fights by my side
Together we will never give up
I am that soldier
She is me
Wanna play??
By [
Blood Moon Wolf]
Why do I suffer?
Is that even a question
I’ll tell you why...
Because no matter how much I love him
He’ll never like me like that
We’re just Friends
It’s because I can’t deny who I am
This hatred and pain I feel
Are the center of it all
It’s in my blood
To be this way
Confused, angry, alone
I suffer because you don’t understand
You don’t see the real me
When the real me is just like you
By [
Knights Queen]
Nothing but death lays before me
Nothing but sorrow lays behind
And now pain is at my side
I can naver help but wonder did i do something wrong
Did i really fuck up that bad for you to bring me all this pain
What did i do so wrong
Cuse you of all peole should know how much i loved u
How much you ment to me
So would you plse tell me what i did so i can finely be at pace
Tell my why you did what you did to me and tell me did you ever really want to be with me
Or was i just so easy for you to get and you just want to play around with my heart
By [
Knights Queen]
feeling that will naver show
walks away not know how u feel about me
only knowing that u know how i feel about u
walks aways holding back my tears from crying
trying not to let u see the i feel inside of me
u will naver know that i cryed or that i was dieding
but i know u would naver feel the same
so now i turn back with a smile of my face
naver letting u know of how much i just wanted to cry
By [
Knights Queen]
Please don't feel us.
Don't touch us.
We don't care to know anything.
Just please leave us alone.
By [
Knights Queen]
Is there love in the world?
Where can I find love?
Nobody know or responds
The answer only lies
In my own hands.
By [
Once I found the light.
Is the light here to stay?
I lost the light now forver my life is gray.
By [
i'm in pain
my wounds are deep
my soul cry's for redemption
i mourn the child i could've given life to
the child i killed
the unborn black rose
the one i love would've hurt the most
yet he rejoices in not becoming a father
if he only knew what i have done
my soul, body and mind yearn to be with him
so he can help me through this rechid time
my time is lost
my soul is lost
would he ever forgive me for my sin against him
yet i know he would our souls are one
i bid farewell to my unbourn child
the one who's soul i killed. the one i could've loved as my own young black rose
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