Deep and Meaningful Poems
By [
Sabrina Catherine]
I lie awake in bed at night
Wondering what I have done to deserve this
I have feelins for this person
Yet he will never return my feelings
Others say he does share my affection
But Their words are lies to mine ears
The think that good couples
Are ones with nothing in common,
And so we'd be off to a good start
I yearn, though, for someone more like me
Not vise versa
For we are two comepletely different people,
And his beliefs will never be mine,
and neither will mine be his.
The Day That I Open my
Eyes to Find You by my Side
By [
As I lay down at nite,
I close my eyes.
All I see is you,
But when I open them you aren't there.
I think about you every night,
Right before bed I close my eyes and open them,
Hoping that one day you will be right there when I open my eyes again...
This Is Me...
By [
Sabrina Catherine]
You hear the words
But do not listen
You taste it
But do not savor
You say things
But do not speak volumes
You are human
But not a person
By [
Sabrina Catherine]
Love is a midnight blue mountain range
They rise and fall without end
Both beautiful and deadly
You love someone,
They love someone else
You fall from the mount into the fire of despair
It eats at you like a ravenous wolf
You wish to be back on the rocky journey
You wish to be with the one you love,
But you know it can never be
Soon you find someone
And they join you on your path
For the mountains wait for you,
And you wait for them
My Faceless True Love
By [
Sabrina Catherine]
His Heart,
Filled with sorrow
Never existed
His Mind,
Filled with imagination
Was never so
His soul,
One with mine,
Will never be
The man I knew,
The man I gave my heart to,
Never had a face
And now he is gone...
lies or the truthes
By [
when I look at you I only see lies, but through you I see truth to and endless nothing, and thru that nothing I see the person you could be only if you scraped away the mistakes you make.
But all I can see right now is the lies from which you have given me. Go forth and never speak to me again until thy soul is cleaned from sin and evil.
But until then I am only looking through an eye glanal into the person I could see but now all I see is a ghost of what someone should be.
This is your choice alone you either take that step or you dont and live eaternal darkness to yourself.
you decide?
I Warned Evil
By [
My soul my life, it has died.
Everything that I once loved died to me.
All I see is darkness. I look into fear, I see only lies and defeat. Only those to weak cant resist the powers of the evil. But for those with a strong will can break free from the grips of hell.
Everything I once knew has always been a lie to me. Where is my life going? What will i do? How will I do it?,
Does my life mean anything of importance to anyone. Am I even loved by anyone or am I hated by those other then me?
All I know is that the evils are around me what can I do.
Accept them as my fate or fight them for the truth inside my soul. Am I more powerful then evil itself or will I be damned to eternal doom?
I will fight to the death to keep my soul from him he who was cast out of of heaven. You should know of who my dark mind is thinking of.
That demon cant take me I'll never let go from which my spirit can take in the good.
Mess with me, and I'll show you all the power and rage I possess of heaven and hell to keep you away from me, if you push me I'll show you what I'm made of if you dont believe me, you have been warned.
Will you let the demons take you.
Stay Away
By [
My life has to also been a meaningless effort of the chaos in the world, many things I have done good and bad, I only hope that people can learn better from my triumphs and also from my horrors, they do not need to suffer as my mind and body have suffuered none the less the terror it can bring you, stay away from these bad temptations for they will haunt you and make you lose hope of the goodness in life and join the darker side,
If you do the great things in life you will do well to stay away and if you need my help I'll stretch forth my angelic wings and cacth you when you fall into my arms from taking the down ward fall of redemption.
you will never need to fear from fear itself just remeber I'm there to keep watch over you and to help you walk the path toword good and not to the darker side, I will not let you walk the path I once did you will always look back and until this day I am still fighting back the dangers of my own faults.
thank you for you time in reading my journal.
but remeber once you read this you never go back.
The Death of War
By [
All I can hear is shooting all around me, I look in every direction I see death everywhere.
Blood everywhere around me, on my hands dead bodies
on the ground. I see blood stained the ocean as I watch our men fall to anguish. I shout take cover.
But it didn't help our men were getting killed out there.
Soldiers dying left and right, the sky is as black as the night with all the smoke in the air.
The suns rays is beating down against my chest as I am lacking air for which I am breathing, I start to feel weak on the inside, and my body is feeling the pain of lack of sleep, I hear the sounds of the soldier.
Screaming in agony for which we fight for our loved ones, so they can be free from danger.
We fight to keep them safe, even if it means our lives.
But until we wave that flag around we have not won the war, but it will fly someday soon.
in this I say god bless the USA.
Look Into the Horizons of God's Love
By [
I sit here on this lonesome ledge, no one to care if I'm there or if I'm not.
I stare into the distance of the burning sunset.
many thoughts go through my head,
wondering if my life has no meaning or should I just let it fall, I look down below me in the dephs of darkness that surround me here on this cliff far below.
I think to myself,(what the heck is my purpose here on this earth, why was I created by gods works,)
looks back into the bright low dimming sunset for which it slowly escapes my sights into the other half of the world, it will end my day and then bring a new day to the early wakes of others.
With my eyes tearing from the sorrow I feel, I glance at the solid dry ground of the cliff, I place my hands down and then I grasp the fine powders, I bring them up to my eyes so that which I can see the life creation of just the smallest of things god did make for us. I blow with the deepest of love in my heart into the dust fluttering it into the air while my eyes are watching it flow to the everlasting current of wind.
I say to myself: ( will my life be of any great meaning that i have not yet come about) I slowly get back to my feet and then brush my self off from the dirt of the windy, dusty ground. I take one look back into the burning bright red sun as it slowly goes down to the end of my day, and the anew of yours.
I walk away from the cliff and the far below dephs of darkness, and I leave from the great hieghts of gods master pieces, I see way up high the little vilages and I think to myself one last time: (why would god make us and not have us serve our purpose, if he did make us their has to be a reason for my existance) as the sun goes down and the last bit of daylight leaves the clouds start to seperate and a bright light opens up and the only thing I can see is the light beaming down on my face.
I light assends down to me and only me. And I start to only see the eyes of a godly image, the man says unto me: I am god here me out my beloved son: and so I stood their all amazed.
GOD SAID: (the purpose I have brought you down here and this I have only granted you this purpose. You are to be the watchers of all my children and to keep the land as it may, son my dear child, you are not forgotten or alone, where you go I am already at. And when that sun goes down, and then your day ends, that is when I bring another day to you of happyness.
You are my child I'll never leave you.
The light fades away and the godly image leaves me be,
I take one last look into the eyes of my creator and I say: ( thank you, I now understand)
I make my way back to my village with a deep satisfied look in my eyes and on my face, (NOW I will do my part as god asks, I'll watch over gods children for ever and always)
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