Deep and Meaningful Poems
By [
eyes of frost]
They’re deep
They’re dark
They deceive
They lie
Deep down within us
They stay in wait
They eat away at our consciousness
Where we can never escape
We tell them to others
Who cannot hold them in
They blab them to everyone
And then the blame begins
They are secrets
Deep down within
They are the worst things
In all of creation
Blue Sky
By [
The Unrequited Dream]
As long as you're here
I know this is true
Theres a blue sky ahead
When I'm with you.
Sometimes it might be hard
To know where you stand
And if you ever need me
I'll give you a hand.
There's a blue sky ahead
Just keep looking on.
Focus on the good
Forget about the wrong.
Violent Eyes
By [
I see the tears in your eyes
I know that you have heard the lies
I'm not sure if its too late
To say I'm sorry for making you wait
Put down the blade and hold me tight
We have to see if the timing is right
Hold my hand and pass the blade
And copy the incision you have made
Hold me close and don't let go
Tell me your secrets I need to know
Brush your lips against mine
And hope that the sun will never ever shine
Close the blind and shut the door
Leave the pain forever more
As the light is shining through the blinds
I see the decaying and vanishing minds
Fall together hand in hand
We have now reached the sacred land
A Friend
By [
the things that we do
the time that we waste
the pace that we keep
the life that we waste
the people we love
and the people we hate
part of this world
part of our fate
not knowing the turns
but knowing the ends
finding the truth far far withen
not knowing one life could bring so much pain
wishing the past to come once again
we sit in our rooms
waiting right here
for all of these things in our minds to be clear
memories so precius but for you we do long
jeramy dear jeramy were have you gone.
Reaching for the Stars
By [
in reaching for the stars i have found only bars
keeping me from the light
its toght me how to fight
the things I try to preach
the words I try to teach
my write has just begun
my pin has found my thumb
and in this mornings dew
I write for what is new
and thoghe it might seem odd
I write to show your fruad
you life is but a lie
a simple childs mudpie
a lie you feed yourself
a lie
and nothing else
and as a pond in this life long game
all I want is my five of fame
to scare and fright
to use this talent of childish rhyme
this is it
my big time crime
No Title
By [
Chained to the glass of my cabin
I see the veil from a different angle
The voices of the ignorant taunting me
They cannot see their destiny
The veil blinds them
The hound of slaughter
Outside the door of my cabin
I might break free
I do not know
The hound barring the path
The endless maze of desire
To be ignorant once more
Some of the fruit
Falling before my feet
It looks rotten anyway
By [
in the back of my mind
theres a small cage
withen there lies,dorment my rage
I fill the hate breath against my cold skin
I knew it was wrong I know that I sined
the gun starts to fall and the blood it flows down
forming a puddle upon the wet ground
its not what you did that made me so mad
it was just life
my life that was bad
the world starts to fade and my mom rushes in
holding me tight to her this is the end
im repenting as I see the great light
so lovely so warm it makes me face my fright
the heavins they open and I find myself there
looking down on you and how many cared
they cramed in the crush as I lie there
crying and bawling right at my side
I didn't mean it all of this pain
I wish I could just come back again
I'm sorry I'm sorry
I just wish you to know
I made a mistake and wasted my all
my friend jearmy again
By [
Suicidal Moon]
He regrets what he does. He regrets all that he did that lead up to this, he tried to explain what happened.
But, no one will listen, except her.
But, now she is gone, and it is all his fault. He regrets but that will not bring her back, he went and killed the only person in this life that would listen to his problems and actually care about him. But, now he is alone, & regrets what he did. But no matter how much he regrets, it will never bring her back.
Because of You
By [
Suicidal Moon]
Because of You,I will never be normal.My heart is in pieces & I will never be the same.I hurt & scream your name,but all I get is total silence.When I see your face,i beg you to speak,All I hear is insults you spat in my face & I regret ever loving you,but I still have hope that you will love me to.
Empty Shell
By [
Suicidal Moon]
I am a empty shell,but I am more than a lifeless shell,but I am empty.When I hear a car,I want to run out in front of it just to die & I cut to see the blood & the life force I know I can drain from me if I want to.
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