Deep and Meaningful Poems
I, The Shadow
By [
I'm always alone
Distant from everyone
Even in a crowed
I feel so alone
Stuck in a shadow
For all eternity
That cursied darkness
Is part of me
I embrace the pain
Of the long dark nights
Only to become
As cold as ice.
Deserted Soul
By [
reach into my deserted soul
and look for any innocence preserved
far down in the murky depths
you will find a small child
that will never grow up
and will never know what love is
all that is left is a empty body that surrounds the soul
when tht child cries i laugh harder
when that child sings i weep
when i die that child keeps on crying
By [
drops of paradise slide down my window
in sync with my heart
feel the drops on my hand and
the shivers up ur arm
each a kiss from a fairy
as though they are crying
as am i
Chocolate Eyes
By [
I never wished for desire
I never wished for innocence
I only wished to be blind to emotions
to not feel the overpowering feeling of loss
every hour is another needle stuck into my heart
every word is a knife into my hand
every breath is a safety pin drawn down my finger
so why not end it
because I would never see those chocolate eyes
so I keep crying
keep living
just for those eyes
Takes Its Toll
By [
when you arent here
my heart is filled with fear
when you arent here
I want to die
When you are near
I can fly
when you are gone
I dont belong
when you are away
I fer the coming day
so be with me my darling soul
before your absense takes its toll
By [
Rape me punish me kill me
use the knices
use the pain
you have the upperhand
defile me bruise me kill me
use your words
use your fist
I am nothing
cut me burn me murder me
use my insecurity
use my weakness
all innocence dies
stab em hit me murder me
metallic moon
shining through the bars of my cage
turn the key and leave me to die
Reluctant Dead
By [
Soon well all be dead on the ground
the smell of despair all around
all alone
just dirt and bones
you can hear the cry of the reluctant dead
lying in their lonely cold bed
children to mothers
sisters to brothers
lovers who will never take flight
thinking about that last fight
hearing the footsteps above your head
crying for the reluctant dead
it came out like a flood
youd never guess yu had so much blood
then suddenly you couldnt take it back
your world had already gone black
they had to bang in the door
to find you on the bathroom floor
all you could hear was screaming and weeping
but the blood kept seeping
so they put u in the ground
the smell of despair all around
My Heart Will Always Lie With You
By [
From the day we came to be
I knew you were the one for me
You unlocked my heart and took the key
And carefully you set my soul free.
From this day I swear to be true
Love you day after day with nothing to rue
Through thick and think stick by your side like glue
And be completely honest in all that i do.
With all of your dreams ill help you fly
For our limits are far beyond the sky
Ill be there to wipe your tears when you cry
And love you even after i die.
No matter what i do,
My heart will always lie with you.
Dedicated to Adam James Smalley
By [
A free life
But still feel trapped
A single person
But not alone
An everlasting love
To hold forever
But nothing is ever
Set in stone
Lain before me
All I ever wanted
Through my eyes
Its all I need
Just as fast
As I received it
I would soon
Watch it leave
My mind
It bleeds with fury
All alone
I cry inside
Why do I still
Have these feelings
That I am always
Trying to hide
In this life
Which im forsaken
All I can do
Now is fight
The dreams that bring you
Back to my head
The dreams that haunt me
Out of spite
Im so confused
I need a way out
My mind is overheating
The pain is too great
My head is spinning
My mind is lost
I need to start over
With a brand new slate
I don’t understand
Why this feeling is still here
It wont go away
Like my mind is set
They get worse by day
Why wont they leave
I need to let them go
But its hard to forget
By [
Ayame Whitepaws]
She is alone..
Always alone..
She is alone..
Always alone!
Her heart is broken..
She is alone..
She is alone..
Her heart is gone..
Her memories..
Are fading fast, into the past..
Her..heart..is broken..
She is..
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